
Watson 2022-12-28 16:19:00

I think of a case.

Last year or the year before last, a primary school girl in a certain city in China held a grudge because of being criticized by her teacher, saying that she was raped by the teacher. According to reports from various major media, a CCTV reporter conducted an in-depth investigation and released an exclusive report based on the girl’s words. Before the police, public opinion had already convicted the teacher in a fierce manner. In terms of the degree of violence in the domestic public opinion, the pressure he was under was probably One million times that of Lucas.

This result was far beyond the girl's imagination. Like Claire, she also felt uneasy in her conscience and chose to tell the truth. In the movie, self-righteous parents feel that lies are more in line with the facts, because how can children lie? They are so innocent. In reality, reporters who have caused a sensation in public opinion chose to be silent. She knew the truth, but she chose to remain silent, hide the evidence and guide her children to continue to lie to ensure the correctness and justice of her previous reports.

Later, the results of various investigations revealed that the teacher was innocent. The reporter still described with a face of justice how he rigorously concealed the fact that she changed her mouth just to ensure that what was presented to the public was the truth, and expressed on Weibo that she was tolerant and holy. feelings. When the children accused the teacher, everyone rushed to believe that no evidence was needed. When she changed her mouth and said no, it was like a basin of cold water that extinguished the public's burning sense of justice, "How could it not be like this?" The

reporter also called on Weibo to protect her children and return her peaceful life, saying maybe She can only transfer schools and things like that, she can't remember. But no one knows whether the teacher was calm, let alone compensation.

I think of the Reiko in "Norwegian Forest" that I hate the most, but also an adult who was ruined by an "angel" in the eyes of the world.

I think of the lie that the obedient and obedient I lied to my parents.

Don't trust the children, they have many secrets.

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The Hunt quotes

  • [subtitled version]

    Lucas: What are you saying? Have you got something to tell me?

    Agnes: Stop it, Lucas.

    Lucas: You want to tell me something?

    Theo: Relax, Lucas.

    Lucas: The whole town is listening. Tell me! What do you want to say?

    Agnes: Stop it, you fucking psychopath!

    Lucas: I want a word with Theo. Look into my eyes. Look me in the eyes. What do you see? Do you see anything? Nothing. There's nothing. There's nothing. You leave me alone now. You leave me alone now, Theo. Then I'll go. Thank you.

  • Marcus: Bunch of bastards! Bunch of fucking bastards!