27 I want to marry

Nikita 2022-03-22 09:01:41

Under the great admiration of my roommate, I couldn't help but be curious. I also watched the "27 Yi Marry" which made her feel full of emotion.

I can't help but admit that maybe I'm just another Jane. Although maybe I'll never be as smart, beautiful, hardworking and hardworking as her, but to put it bluntly, we are all so hopelessly wrong living in our own making. In a dream, there is no cure. The difference is that the unfortunate Jane is lucky enough to meet a Kevin, and then they fall in love. I still stay in the pre-Jane era who made wedding dresses for others.

The film so vividly shows the inner world that is extremely longing in the heart, but restrained on the surface. It makes you feel like you're looking in a mirror and ask yourself: Am I worse than her? More ridiculous than her? In the face of the boss George who has a crush on her heart, Jane is always so...so...+_+ indescribable...and in the end, perhaps rehearsed thousands of times in her heart, the confession is "I quit. After graduation, I was attracted by your company. , I was also attracted by you. After joining, I worked hard and forgot myself. I never wanted to leave, because I can see you who I love so much every day at work. Crazy crazy infatuated with you." Then when you really have the so-called dream George The kiss, Jane felt nothing. Then maybe I realized that it was just my imagination. But the difference between me and Jane is that I don't allow myself to stay with the people I love in my heart. What I did was far more stupid than she was. I will always run away, run away from being in the same school with him, run away from making the same choice as him, run away from being too close to him, run away from being indifferent enough in front of him and lose my advantage. Just because I don't want him to feel that I don't feel the same way about him, that I don't want to show that I'm so...so...influenced by him. Fantasizing about the so-called chance encounter, the so-called double-dwelling and double-flying, the so-called long-term success... Of course, the more stupid results can be imagined. I can't help but think of Liang Jingru's lyrics: I almost lied to myself and lied to you, love and being loved are not necessarily proportional / I swear not to lie anymore, the more I love you, the more I will hug you / I can't see the best pain……

What moved me was not only that the film so vividly and aptly showed the pitiful and tragic people, but what moved me even more was Jane's sentence "You told me, everything, but I wanted to escape, especially when you said Yes. I've been waiting for Prince Charming and then you show up. Totally not what I imagined. Bitchy...weird...incredible. But I'm enjoying arguing with you, and it's possible I've fallen in love with you." Jane finally Break through the barriers of self and express your true self. Sadly I can't.

Those who are self-enclosed can watch this "27 Yi Marry", maybe some of them will resonate with you.

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27 Dresses quotes

  • Jane's Aunt: Must be so hard to watch your younger sister get married before you.

    Jane: Yes. Then I remember that I still get to have hot hate sex with random strangers and I feel SO much better!

  • Jane: You would rather hang out with Italian models than come with me to my *awesome* work party?