Are X+Y chromosomes?

Otha 2022-11-05 04:50:38

Since the school will be the venue for the 2016 IMO, I followed a page on Facebook. I saw the recommendation of the boss and the principal, so I went to see it alone.

Autism, which I learned about in educational psychology and crisis intervention before, is a seemingly innocuous but terrifying mental illness. I don't know if the director is based on a true story or if he uses this kind of drama specially.

Maybe everyone has symptoms similar to the male protagonist in the movie (it shouldn't be a few), and he is also a Math student, so many situations are really empathetic. It is said that in order to make the film more realistic, the director found a lot of "mathematical workers" to have a heart-to-heart talk. = =|||||||

In the beginning, there was a scene where the doctor played a dinosaur model for the male protagonist, but the male protagonist was very indifferent to this, and suddenly said that XX is a herbivore. Many times we always look at problems rationally and paranoidly, and there will always be a state of "what's the big deal". In fact, it is not that there is no perceptual idea at all, but logical thinking is condescending.

Sensitive and obsessed with numbers, the male protagonist is obsessed with meal number 47 and 7 shrimp balls, because these two numbers are prime numbers. It seems that this kind of thing is also very reasonable. I always tell people that I am 181cm and 79kg (although I don't seem to be under this weight now, I can consider 73 next time), because these two are prime numbers. Many people's first reaction to 21 is 3721 or something, but I don't know when, my first reaction to this number has become the combination number of C(7,2). In fact, there are many similar things in life. If you want to find them, you can find a bunch of them.

In the movie, the male protagonist brings that paranoia about mathematics into his life, his family life, and his relationship with his mother. A sentence you are not smart enough, it seems lighthearted, but it hurts so much. I feel the same way in my life, and I have all kinds of arguments with my parents and friends, but sometimes I think about it and it’s better not to say something.

The self-harming roommate of the male protagonist said a sentence, which almost summed up most of the movie, that is, "If you are not gifted, you are just weird." Yes, this society is cruel. When you were in high school, your personality was a bit lonely and your grades were poor. The teacher thought you were a freak. When you got good grades, no matter how weird and excessive your behavior was, it became reasonable in his eyes.

In order to show Hawking, a famous scientist in the corrupt country, the BBC movie also specially set up the math teacher who is the same disease as Hawking, the math teacher who missed the IMO competition because of his illness. Therefore, when the male protagonist appeared, the teacher was just like finding the purpose of life again, hoping that the male protagonist would be able to let him regret it. When everyone thought that the plot was going to be the story of a boy with autism in a corrupt country, a girl suddenly appeared. Somehow, this girl "cured" the boy's autism through various efforts. In the end, the male protagonist took off the entry card from the examination room and gave up the game for love. The math teacher actually helped him escape from the exam room. Is this all because of love? The teacher fucks for the male protagonist, and the male protagonist is for the girls in the IMO team of my Great Heaven Dynasty~ I really can't complain

about this kind of plot~ There are indeed quite a lot of stories about this kind of love. For example, in the gossip I heard when I was engaged in ICPC, there was a story about an IOI gold medalist who deliberately did not answer two questions because the girl who participated in the same team, in order to let the girl win the gold medal. As well as a good buddy, the "touching" story of taking a girl to participate in the ICPC winning the card. Neither of these two stories has a happy ending at the end, but it fully verifies that drama comes from life.

Although the male protagonist gave up IMO for love, the story has a happy ending in the end. When the male protagonist sat in the passenger seat in the car and held his mother's hand with his hand, it was really touching.

PS A lot of people told me to watch this movie in order to see the handsome and invincible male protagonist. Enough is enough, you people who look at the face.

PS+ European films can sometimes give us a different perspective on the world.

PS++ I really want to be a volunteer for IMO~

In PS+++, there are some scenes of their training camp in Taipei. The director's camera captures it very well, although it also darkened my great empire by the way. I feel that the main theme of my Great Celestial Dynasty is the idea of ​​putting your name after my last name. After saying this, it always reminds me of Newton-Leibniz (there is a statue of Newton in Cambridge). The shots of various British buildings in the Rotten country are also handled very well.

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A Brilliant Young Mind quotes

  • [last lines]

    Michael Ellis: [to his son] But You Shouldn't Be Afraid...

    [a speeding van from the right slams into them]

  • Nathan Ellis (9 yrs): [refusing to explain what he's doing] You're Not Clever Enough