The birth of another set of heroes

Anastasia 2022-03-21 09:01:13

After the heroes of Marvel teamed up to fight step by step, many people began to feel that Marvel had a big chess game, but they didn't know that Marvel's old club, Disney, was the biggest player behind the scenes. Many friends should remember that when Disney bought Marvel with a huge amount of money a few years ago, it still faced a lot of bad-mouthing voices. Many Marvel fans were heartbroken, as if their beloved superhero had been drowned in the pink princess. In the skirt, Disney’s diehards did not buy it, thinking that foreign monks would destroy their pure blood. Facts speak louder than words. Looking at the Marvel universe built up in layers, before the mouths of these previous doubts had time to be closed, they immediately expressed their own respect for the surging river.
After the marriage of the two disagreeable temperaments, they have achieved complementary styles. Under the Disney umbrella, parents don’t have to worry about anything inappropriate for children in "Avengers." The princess is sick, and the boys no longer have to feel embarrassed about seeing a Disney movie.
This period of Jin Yuliangyu made a big splash in live-action movies, and Disney, which started from cartoons, will of course not forget its own business. Today we are talking about "Big Hero 6", which is the first of the two cooperation. Cartoons. The first-line heroes such as the US team and Iron Man are busy breaking the ground in the live-action movie, so this time they tested the waters and turned into a few small characters to take the lead. In the Marvel universe where heroes are born, the so-called "six heroes" in the Super Hero Marines are just the same roles as Zhang San and Li Si. But regardless of the origin of the hero, Spider-Man is not well-known in the original book. By working hard on his own, he once became Marvel's brother on the screen. Now it seems that the Marines also have this potential.
The story of the film is simple and touching. The simple story is like the flat figure of a model, which is convenient to put on a variety of gorgeous packaging without being bloated. The touching plot can also hit the tears, making people feel unfinished after the lights are lit in the theater, relying on the aftertaste win.
The hero rallying number blown by "Avengers" has been successfully verified. As a descendant of Marvel's roots, "Big Hero 6" is also in the group battle. Through the actions in the film, the protagonist has gained a great deal, and the 6 little friends with their own specialties have also become friends of life and death. From this perspective, the film can also be regarded as a prequel-the hero has found himself and formed a team. And the next thing is to continue to save the world in the sequel.

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Big Hero 6 quotes

  • Honey Lemon: Oh, my gosh! You must be Hiro! I'VE HEARD SO MUCH ABOUT YOU!

  • Honey Lemon: No, don't push us away, Hiro. We're here for you.