"Boyhood": You think you have captured life, but life has captured you

Wilfrid 2022-03-18 09:01:02

One day when I was taking a nap, I had a dream. I dreamed that when I was in my senior year, I was in the school orchestra and backstage in the lecture hall, preparing to perform on stage. The sheet music on the music stand was turned over with the wind, clattering. The feeling is so real that it will be very sad when you wake up: it turns out that this is all ten years ago, but why is the memory still like this, and never left?

In the "youth", the Mason say the answer: "Sometimes you think you seize this moment (Seize the Moment), in fact, not at this time caught you.."

The first young Mason at the University of school One day, I went on a hike in Big Bend with my roommates, my roommates' girlfriends, and his girlfriend's roommates who would later become friends. When they reached the top of the mountain, the sky was full of glowing rays of light, against the desolate and magnificent hills of the American West, he said the following.

You think this is the beginning of youth, but in fact this is youth. You think there will be more happy days later, but this is actually happiness itself.

You think you have captured life, but life has captured you.

"Boyhood" talks about this theme throughout. Seeing the world from the eyes of a boy, he first hid in his mother’s quilt and listened to stories with her sister, and quarreled with her sister; expecting mom and dad to get back together, gradually discovering that this is no longer possible in more than ten years; then it appeared in life Classmates, friends, teachers, first love; then began to think about his life, what to learn, how to learn, and where to go to university; his world gradually expanded, from the beginning, lying on the grass and looking at the sky, thinking about the problem of bees, and finally Seeing the whole world of Big Bend under the sunset, his sky was widened and his life began.

And my mother, crying in the apartment at this time: "I thought there was a lot more behind in life, but...there are no more." From a dropout girl to a single mother, she insisted on finishing college, found the job she wanted, and became a Learning and bringing up their siblings, she completed the transformation from a young girl to a mother, from a young to a middle-aged. Twelve years is enough for her to change from a beautiful young woman to a mature middle-aged daughter, and she feels that she has completed the most important topics in life: marriage, childbirth, divorce, buying a house, selling a house, and then the children finally left the house. , What's next? "My fucking funeral." My tears fell when I saw this place; Twelve years is Mason's life, and it's also my mother's life.

Another place that made my eyes burst into tears was when Mason went to his father's place for the night when he was young, and his father played the guitar to sing to their brothers and sisters. "I'm wondering if my child misses me..." The lyrics are in perfect harmony with the previous plot, expressing the sadness of single parents. What's more sad is that both father and mother are good people, and their love for their children is deep and great, but they can't form a family. Their family relationship is always broken, and can only make up for it in the limited time with the children. Dad tries his best to explain the principles of life to his children, even his daughter’s contraceptive problems, even if both are embarrassed; he takes Mason to camp, teaches him how to chase girls, and teaches him how to live a man; not to mention the hard work of his mother. Said that although there is no positive description in the film, there are constantly images of mothers driving them to school, and they can only take the young Mason to class when they are in class. The hardship of single mothers can be seen, not to mention domestic violence. In the environment, I tried my best to protect my brother and sister, moved again and again, and divorced again and again; this is the love of parents and an inborn responsibility.

Each of us has a similar life; and everyone's life is different. The similarity is that we all do the same things: birth, growing, going to college, getting married, having children, and then raising the children to college and sending them to college... But everyone’s life is so different. These are fresh, Every moment that is insignificant to others, but precious to ourselves, constitutes our own life.

I think of every unforgettable moment in my own life. My three-year-old daughter woke up from a nap, and I went to the bed to see her. She wrinkled a small face, just woke up from the deep sleep, and looked at the world again in confusion; seeing me smiling at her, she also tried to smile at me, that confused and cute smiling face. She may never think of these moments, but for me she will never forget them. I remembered that my mother one day turned up the happy birthday watercolor painting that I drew on my homework paper when I was five or six years old. "When I think of your immature little hands painting and painting there, I can't help crying"; Like a mother like a daughter, these are moments that she will never forget in her life. These moments are so precious in our lives!

Director Richard Linklater has sharpened his sword for twelve years and used great patience and hard work to create one of the most different movies in the history of the film. The biggest difference, of course, is that the original crew has been shooting for twelve years. If the actors of mom and dad are in middle age, the changes are not particularly obvious. However, Mason’s actor Ellar Coltrane played from six to eighteen, which not only made the audience stunned and embarrassed, but also the actor himself in the process of growing up. The complete record. After watching this movie, I was thinking about this question: If the director did not let the same actor play for twelve years, would this movie still be as good? The answer is that this is still an excellent movie, but it will not be the same, because the smoothness and reality of human growth in the natural growth process cannot be replaced by any performance.

This is not a mainstream "triune" movie. There are no dramatic conflicts and violence. The most excessive shots are not as good as foreplay in other movies. Since "Potemkin Battleship", people have been too accustomed to I saw a variety of montages in the movie, using different stitching to create the audience's visual and psychological illusion-I am not only talking about montages in different spaces, but also montages at different times, such as the subtitles that often appear in movies "Twenty Years later"; and there is very little film that has been filmed for twelve years and recorded the most real life. This work is not only arduous, but also risky. This requires the director to plan a full twelve-year plot and work schedule at the beginning of the finalization. If there is a shot that is not captured, it cannot be supplemented. As a result, we saw an extremely real life. From the beginning of the film, my mother read the first volume of "Harry Potter", to the first generation of xbox game consoles, to the latest popular music of the year when the male protagonist was in high school, every detail is the epitome of the times.

Ethan Hawke played extremely well in this drama, vividly portraying the image of a divorced father. In fact, no actor plays badly: because it is too real. Patricia Arquette, who plays the mother, is obviously deeper into the play at the end of the play than at the beginning; what we saw was a three-hour movie, but it was a twelve-year job for her. She was sitting in the apartment, watching her son who is about to go to college pack his things, and the scene of suddenly crying is more moving than she has ever been. For twelve years, she really regarded Mason as her own son.

If this film wins the Oscar for Best Picture, it will create a record of being awarded a "non-mainstream film" just like a few other award-winning films in history. Oscar has always liked those "big" movies, serious themes, such as "Gone with the Wind", such as "Ben Xu", only a few innovative movies can break through this shackle, such as the "Silent Lamb" in the 1990s, broke the horror The film can’t win a record; ten years ago, "Slumdog Millionaire" broke the record of a foreign starring film’s failure to win a prize; 2011’s "Artist" is a model of retro/innovative art. We will wait and see how far a movie like "Boyhood" can go with the Oscar judges.

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Boyhood quotes

  • Mason: Do you still love dad?

    Mom: I still love your father, but that doesn't mean it was healthy for us to stay together.

    Mason: What if after we move he's trying to find us, and he can't?

  • Professor Bill Welbrock: I hate squash!