This film should be called "A bloody case printed and distributed by a checked suitcase"

Berenice 2022-03-20 09:01:15

Unlike imagined comedies that are just a few steps, they are warm and soothing light comedies. I really don’t understand that a film with this rhythm can make it to the annual box office list. At the beginning, the literary and artistic heroine image also doesn't match the style of the latter. The only thing that made me laugh was the airport scenes towards the end. De Niro laughed "not angry". The father-in-law who loves his daughter and scares his son-in-law also has a strange contrast. Unfortunately, I don't think the father-in-law is too much. This film should be called "A Bloody Case Printed in a Consignment Suitcase".

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Extended Reading

Meet the Parents quotes

  • Greg Focker: [on the phone] Yeah, you gave me the wrong suitcase. Uh-huh. Yes, it's a black Samsonite. Uh-huh. Ok, well don't you think that the Samsonite people, in some crazy scheme in order to make a profit, MADE MORE THAN ONE BLACK SUITCASE?

  • Deborah Byrnes: No. We are not going to cancel the rehearsal for some stupid cat.

    Jack Byrnes: Stupid cat? How could you say that? That cat's been like a brother to you. And we're supposed to just let him wander the streets without food, water or toilet?

    [looking around the house]

    Jack Byrnes: Denny. DENNY?

    Denny Byrnes: Right here, dad.

    Jack Byrnes: Okay, you're going to fill in as the ring bearer for now...

    Denny Byrnes: What? No, I'm not wearing that stupid pillow thing on my head.

    Jack Byrnes: Oh yes you damn well will!