A perfect life

Devyn 2022-11-26 09:09:02

This is a work that focuses on depicting the psychology of the characters. If it is included in the les film, it is not as beautiful as "The Invisible World", nor as profound as "Boys Don't Cry", and it is not as close to you, me and him as "Adele's Life". If it is an ethical film or a romance film, there is no story that I like with ups and downs that can stand up to scrutiny, but it penetrates deep into your heart like a sharp sword, and even if it is pulled out, there will be scars that will never heal, making people unable to From time to time aftertaste, passion and sadness. Female No. 1 used her only short life to create a perfect self, drawing a perfect end to her life with joy and regret.
When I saw the introduction, I couldn't wait to find resources to download on the Internet, imagining the amazing encounter and extraordinary love between the two protagonists. In the end was not disappointed. Barbara Niven perfectly portrays a middle-aged woman Rebecca Westridge with her excellent acting skills In this state, finally, at the end of life, I began to fight hard, but the ambivalence of timidity, desire, and entanglement was beyond my power. Her eyes and expressions can make people watch this movie without reading subtitles, and follow the ups and downs of her heart. Looking at the current situation in China, how many women do not feel this way, are bound by life, work all their lives for their husbands and children, and have no self. If you meet a benevolent husband, it will be fine, but if you meet a hypocritical and selfish man like the one in the play, it will be a lifetime of pain.
Jessica Clark's appearance is even more amazing and beyond imagination (not in the play, but their first rivalry), 180 height, perfect body, sexy lips, soul-sucking eyes, let this middle-aged The rich lady's aura has been suppressed, and in front of her you can put down everything, just a woman. I didn't know her before, but after reading it on Baidu, she is also a les in real life. In fact, whether she is a les, double, or straight, the most important thing is that kind of temperament will fascinate you. I think Rebecca in the play was also moved by this kind of temperament. She never knew what passion was, and there was a lingering ecstasy in her mind. But of course she couldn't accept it at once, who had been controlled by reality for too long, so she ran away in a hurry. Anyone who has ever loved knows the feeling of that heartbeat. She certainly couldn't resist.
In fact, fate is really important. The time and place are right and the people have to have it. As long as one point deviates, the result will be completely different. Like Paris, played by Jessica Clark in the play, said there are countless dots that make up the whole event.
After a few rounds, her last line of defense finally collapsed. Paris is worthy of being a master, and the provocation is so right. When I saw the first kiss, she took the initiative to kiss and then pulled back. Rebecca couldn't wait to change from passive to active, and I got goosebumps all over. Some of the sex descriptions are too beautiful and not in place. The meeting of the eyes of the two, the touch of the fingers, and the gentleness of aa are the highlights. I have to say that if you change the actors, it will definitely not achieve this effect. Jessica is so true, my whole heart melted when she softly called "Rebecca". With her, the 60-year-old woman was as happy as a young girl.
Perfect is perfect. The female number one found the missing passion in her life and the orgasm she had never experienced before. She fell in love, and perfect was perfect. At this moment, she suffered from a terminal illness and was about to die. Or they will definitely face being discovered by their husbands, condemned by their children, lose the color of love at the beginning in the conflict, and even be unhappy after each other's shortcomings are exposed. The last scene of the two embracing, Rebecca's crying and nostalgic eyes can break your heart.
I didn't read Paris' psychology too thoroughly in the play, but the large piece of art depicts her painful and remorseful state of mind. I guessed that at first she was just "teasing" this old woman, but then her innocence, kindness, and enthusiasm, And never saying "I love you" to anyone, and she ended up getting stuck. Finally, she let go of the past, no longer blamed herself, no longer degenerates, and started a relationship again. I think she is the one who suffers the most in the show. The difficulty of turning a cocoon into a butterfly finally came out, and the lover in the palm of his hand suddenly disappeared. What a blow to lose a loved one twice. Unexpectedly, at the end of the film, she used the support of her deceased lover to hold an art exhibition and showed a relaxed smile. Possibly creating a beautiful scene for her encounter with Rebecca's daughter. But I feel a little too much.
Overall, it is a good film that reflects the beauty of women's love and sincerity. It's worth seeing, and it's worth thinking about. Everyone can see their vulnerable and tender side in the play. The acting skills of the two actors are very good. From the curious and unfamiliar encounter, to the changes in the eyes and expressions of hugging and chatting intimately, the changes in their hearts are vividly reflected. (And the fantasy that Jessica Clark brings to all les, haha) I hope that there will be more soul works like this film, and those who have ideas will discuss it together.

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A Perfect Ending quotes

  • Valentina: Feel like educating?

    Sylvie: Oh, yeah, what do you got, virgin boy?

    Valentina: Calm down cougar. No, this is a housewife from the burbs, looking for a new adventure.