When I was a child, I was an adult, and when I grew up, I became a dragon.

Madonna 2022-03-22 09:01:15

After watching this movie, I understand, a truth, what you were like when you were young, you are still like that when you grow up. I'm not saying that Hannibal liked to eat human flesh when he was a child, so he also likes to eat when he grows up. I'm talking about some important concepts you had when you were young, but they didn't change when you grew up. What changed was only the shape, but the inner connotation didn't change. It's a bit related to Freud, the subconscious, and so on. .

Let's just say that the tooth fairy in the red dragon. When he was a child, his grandmother was a beast. This made him terrified and frightened. He thought of himself as a abused little white rabbit, the kind of fear his grandmother brought him He never went far. Later, the little white rabbit grew up. Look at it. He has grown up. He still thought he was a white rabbit, and the fear was still there. He thought he was still that weak and abused rabbit, so his brain There is an idea, the only way to get rid of fear is to become a red dragon, he wants transformation, he wants to become a powerful red dragon, so he kills people, every time he does a crime, he feels that he is about to become a red dragon, never again I stopped being a little white rabbit, so that in the end, the paranoia became more and more serious.

The pain of childhood was pinned on the powerful red dragon. He wrote behold a great red dragon, hoping that Yongxuan could get rid of the nightmare of childhood. Only by becoming a red dragon can we overcome everything. This film, I think the most frightening thing is not the horror of the picture, but, thinking that Hannibal is usually well-dressed and gentle, but he doesn't know he has a hobby of eating people, just like when someone asks what your hobbies are, you say you He loves to eat people, and it's scary to think about it. The reason why Hannibal eats people is that it can make him become a god, which is actually to forget the pain of childhood. The same is true for the tooth fairy, destroying the happiness of other families is to become a god, to become a god, and to care about what you did when you were a child.

When I finished watching this movie, when I went out, my heart was a little tight and I was a little scared, but fortunately, I watched two episodes of why Sheng Xiaomo, which eased my heart.

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Red Dragon quotes

  • Will Graham: Jack, there's only one safe way to carry on a conversation that's one-way blind.

    Jack Crawford: Publication.

  • Will Graham: [accosted by Freddie Lounds] You write lying shit, Lounds, and the "Tattler" is an ass wipe!