Speaking from hero

Berenice 2022-03-15 09:01:02

The first time I heard "hero" was in "It’s Okay, It’s Love." The male protagonist played by Zhao Yincheng experienced dark domestic violence in his youth. The psychological shadow. Hero is like a requiem, also like a shout, let me go, let me escape this terrible nightmare, let me live my own life...Long singing, crisp guitar sound, It causes tears to accumulate in the eyes, and it is easy to pour down.
Searching for the origin of hero, I found "Boyhood", and after several twists and turns, I finally watched and listened to the narration of this 160-minute movie spanning 12 years. A typical American family, in the 12 years of teenagers and sisters, fathers and mothers, really saw the changes in life in the ordinary narrative. The father with an antique car finally got married and gave birth to a child, mother After several husbands, the teenager and her sister moved several times, got a degree, and found a satisfactory job. Later, the teenager and her sister went to university one after another. For the mother, this affected her two children in her life. After 12 years of life exploration, they are finally leaving her, and they seem to be looking forward to it. So my mother cried, and the boy was confused... The hero rang. On a typical American highway: in the vast expanse of the sky, a car was running on a straight highway, playing long country music, and the boy took himself with him. She moved out of her mother’s house and came to the university, starting a new stage in her life. Mom, let me be free, let me live my life, I am no longer the little boy with dyslexia, no longer need you to tell me stories before going to bed, no longer need your care. Thank you for hosting me again and again, thank you for taking care of me for 18 years, let me go and fight... The seemingly free American family has a similar desire for freedom. This is probably the primitive instinct of mankind, probably The original spirit of adventure.
12 years of footage, 12 years of change, let us see that a lovely young man has grown into a scumbag youth, began to have the vicissitudes of his father, with a melancholy temperament... Seeing the growth of others always makes us People sigh with emotion. Fortunately, they are not seeing themselves. Otherwise, they will definitely be in pain. Some people say that "Returning to 20" cannot be taken with parents; perhaps even such a movie cannot be taken with parents.

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Extended Reading

Boyhood quotes

  • Mason: Do you still love dad?

    Mom: I still love your father, but that doesn't mean it was healthy for us to stay together.

    Mason: What if after we move he's trying to find us, and he can't?

  • Professor Bill Welbrock: I hate squash!