"The Fourteen Stations of the Bitter Road"

Summer 2022-09-14 07:27:07

This should be my first exposure to a film entirely about religion. Maybe the director only used 14 fixed shots to describe the rigidity of religion at times. I am an atheist, but sometimes believe in Buddhism, and maybe their prayers are useless in our eyes, but sometimes you have to admit that some kind of "coincidence" makes us have to find a faith in our lives.
Watching interviews with Hu Ge and DT these days, they both mentioned their beliefs. Sometimes I also think, it is true that the hesitation in life can make you overwhelmed, and faith can sometimes point you in the direction, but on the other hand, sometimes faith is also a manifestation of a person's cowardice.
After watching "V for Vendetta", I deeply realized the power of ideological rule. Maybe that's why most revolutions start with culture, like the Renaissance. Maybe just a simple painting can have many followers. Human greed also arises because of this. Control is one of human desires. We all enjoy the desire to rule. And sometimes faith makes us want this. Perhaps it was the misunderstanding of belief that led to the death of the girl, but I have always believed that if you have belief, you must be sincere.

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