Passion Road

Zane 2022-11-12 19:40:43

Whenever a good film hits the stage, I regret that I have no avatar. Until noon, I was still struggling with my choice phobia. Is it "The Road of Passion" (also known as "Girl's Prayer") at the German Film Festival, or the South Korean film screened What about the thriller "Rose and Red Lotus"? The latter is a Korean-style thriller that I have always wanted to watch but never dared to watch. It managed to catch up with the big-screen screening. It is still a film version, which is very rare. Although the former is also a good film, the religious theme has always made me feel a little bit. Difficult, afraid of not being able to understand the deep meaning of it. But in the introduction of the film, the Best Screenplay Award at the Berlin Film Festival moved me, how rare a good screenplay is. So in the end I chose it.
And after watching the film, you will find that Broadway's introduction to the film is successful, concise and to the point. To be honest, I was just moved by the last sentence "amazing courage", and I wanted to see its true face, what kind of courage it was, and how amazing it was.
Facts have proved that my choice is quite correct. I didn't expect the director to use such a script to show us all aspects of religion, belief, family, education and other issues, and the short life of a fourteen-year-old girl. Devoted to God, secretly determined to go back to the way of the Passion, wanting to sacrifice herself to God, her family, her church, the priest she trusted, and the religious fanatics around her, who seemed unusually kind , but has been inducing the girl, to a certain extent, it is not an exaggeration that they caused her death.
I know that I am too superficial to discuss beliefs here, but at least everyone has the freedom to believe. Taking a step back, belief should have a beautiful and positive energy life, right? Instead of letting a fourteen-year-old girl devoutly want to sacrifice herself and become a sacrifice to save others.
"A Maiden's Prayer" echoes the extreme behavior of the characters in the film in a neat and perfect form. The fourteen titles of the whole film are borrowed from the chapters and short stories about the death of Jesus; the fourteen long shots frame a rigorous structure like a ritual, reminiscent of "Saint Francis" directed by Rossellini in 1950. flower". The difference is that this film seems to calmly profile Maria's spiritual journey in pursuit of faith and sacrifice and dedication. In fact, it explores how extreme faith fanaticism has become a variant of authoritarian and repressive rule in a strongly critical and ironic tone, with amazing courage.
Fourteen long shots and fourteen titles calmly describe the short life of the girl Maria. Ever since she started taking Catholic missionary classes, the doctrinal girl Maria has distanced herself from popular culture and resisted the temptations of Satan's incarnation. She was born in a devout Christian family. After growing up, her strict mother still restricted her daily life and friendship in an absolutely authoritative way. The devout Maria not only worked hard to meet the requirements, but she made a dangerous decision to make her autistic brother speak. Therefore, at the beginning of the film, we see Maria devoutly asking the priest about the meaning of sacrifice and how to achieve it. Her perfect interpretation allows the priest to say such a compliment that even I can't explain it more accurately.
But a girl who is only 14 years old, how do you want her to understand difficult teachings, she can only practice it religiously but clumsily or even ridiculous to us outsiders through some superficial explanations and her own understanding Make your own decision.
The teenage Maria lives two very different lives. At school, she was an ordinary 14-year-old girl with the same hobbies and aspirations as her classmates, but whenever she returned home to be with her family, she had to abide by the "Society of St. The strict teachings of Pius XII). Mary could not hide from God everything she did, even every thought that came to her mind. Her heart was filled with fear. Maria's mother disciplined her strictly, while her father was always silent and withdrawn. A lot of contradictions gathered around Maria, and the teachers and doctors kept arguing. Maria tries to please everyone, but things don't go the way she wants.
In the cold winter, she took off her coat, her face was blue and her lips were white, but she insisted that she was warm, because in the fundraising class just now, everyone discussed with each other and paid too much attention to what they were wearing. of.
At school, she is an ordinary silent girl, but at home she follows strict Catholic teachings, so in the eyes of her classmates, she becomes a strange person, and in physical education class, she refuses to follow the dynamic music scaled by the teacher Exercising, just because the music is an inducement to the devil, and because of this, she was mocked and humiliated by her classmates.
Fourteen years old is a ignorant period when youth is sprouting, and she has a good impression of the opposite sex. Boys and girls are unconsciously attracted to each other, but they are constantly entangled in their own dangerous decisions. In confessing to the priest, she truthfully told her heart. As I thought, the priest's response was subtle and strong.
Therefore, her heart was even more troubled.
So we, the audience, started laughing because of Maria's original desire to please everyone, but as the story stretched, our hearts became heavier and we couldn't laugh anymore.
The film has been calmly portraying every section of the journey, but objectively showing every detail. Without further ado, here are a few that impressed me a lot.
Maria wanted to join the choir of her classmate's church, but she lied because she was worried about her mother's censure. After repenting with the priest, she thought she should confess the lie to her mother, but she was censured like a storm by her mother, and she was afraid. The little father could only be silent.
Mary was cold and caught a cold and did not take medicine for a long time. Because she wanted to be a sacrifice, she gradually gave up food. These two points have been foreshadowed in the previous chapters. For example, Mary 1 Face reverently asked the priest what the disease meant for the child, and then began to discuss sacrifice.
At the moment she got it in the Li River, she was still thinking of having a Holy Communion, and her stomach that had not eaten for a long time could no longer accept any hard food, so from a certain point of view, we have reason to believe that Mary Ah was actually choked to death by the Lord's Supper.
The irony is that at the moment of Maria's departure, her autistic brother spoke up. It was a miracle that could not be rejected, so her mother thought that she should not be sad and that her daughter was innocent. , must have gone to heaven, they should rejoice and not grieve, she not only debated this with the coffin seller, but also asked her cowardly husband to agree with her, only this time, the weak father said nothing , stood up and walked to the other side of the window, leaving only the excited woman preaching the miracles. The businessman also got up slowly and left without a word. Finally, this devout Catholic, this tough mother finally cried and lost her voice. .
The only boy in the school who had a good impression of Maria came to Maria's tomb. The boy threw a white rose into the cold tomb, stayed for a while, and left silently.
Each long take tugs at its climax. Darkness covers everything, like Satan descends.
At this German Film Festival, the star of the film, Florian Steter, also came to China. When introducing the film, Florian Steter said: "This story is about a young boy in adolescence. The girl wants to walk the path of the crucifixion again, and she hopes that she can find her life purpose in this way. Her choice also triggered a series of stories at home. The film has a relatively heavy family education theme, and I hope we can all learn from it. Think from the child's point of view, and give them the most tolerant living environment."
"The Passion Road", which won the Silver Bear for screenwriting at this year's Berlin Film Festival, reflects on religious fanaticism through the 14-year-old girl's re-travelling of the Passion Road. , the priest played by Florian Steter has been guiding the teenage girl, in his words, the character's outward amiability conceals the evil inside, like Christopher in Inglourious Basterds • Waltz will drink the milk you bring with a smile and ask "where did you hide the Jews".

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