beyond imagination, turtles are really cute

America 2022-03-22 09:01:30

Turtles, how can you be so cute.
The big hero saves the city, and the others are people. This time, it has become a ninja turtle. The plot is relatively old, but it does not prevent the funny and pompous. If you see it with a smile, that's fine.
Well, most people will say that the elevator section, the rap is really very good, before the war, you have to play tricks once, and finally hang up, and Raphael speaks his heart. This is quite a return to life, it makes people feel , Turtles are also flesh and blood.
Daddy Mouse doesn't play much, but he is kind.
Megan, can you not be so beautiful, with such a beautiful figure, and let other actresses live.
The special effects are very good. As soon as I talk about the special effects, I think of the latest Yang Guo's broken arm. Are all the special effects in China like drinking and eating? If you can't write a good script, you don't even need to do special effects seriously.
blah blah blah, April, I have only you in my heart. April, I only love you in this life. April, you are the little sunshine beauty. Hahaha.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles quotes

  • Michelangelo: Leo's in trouble!

    Raphael: My shell's cracked... just duct tape it up...

    Donatello: Allow me to be the badass for once!

    [goes to save Leonardo]

  • [all the Turtles get jammed in a tunnel]

    Donatello: [smells a fart] Mikey, was that you?

    Michelangelo: Eh... pepperoni.