
Flo 2022-03-21 09:01:50

I hesitated to delete several openings, as if it was too precious to touch, and after watching a movie that I liked too much, it seemed that I was reluctant to write something, for fear that I would destroy the tranquility.

In fact, after watching "MUD" last night, I really wanted to write something, but I always thought that it would be better to read it again and write, but the first feeling is always the most intuitive, clearest, and most real.

The infatuated fugitive, the boy of the South, the silent Mississippi.

1. The teenager
had a dispute over the relationship between his parents. The teenager Ellis had an indescribable affection and admiration for this infatuated lover who ran away for love. A child who loves wandering the world. So when mud suggested that he needed to bring him food, Ellis would not turn back. Even when he learned that his parents were about to divorce and the houseboat would be demolished soon, he thought of mud and drove alone in the dark night. To the island, looking for a little solace.

Ellis's concept of love includes the courage to travel the world for love, and the honesty and loyalty of two people who love each other to each other, so they will be angry when facing the girl they like with others, and witness Judy Bo flirting with others. Only when he was disheartened, he cried out "you are a liar!!" sadly when he learned that mud was about to give up this relationship.

For me, what's more worth mentioning is the subtle relationship between him and mud. A 14-year-old child and an adult man formed a very deep relationship in their exchanges. After seeing Ellis fall into a snake's den and was bitten by a snake, Mud sent him to the hospital regardless of his own safety. The emotion of visiting Ellis with Naik's help after he was discharged from the hospital was real and palpable. Perhaps it is also a kind of guilt that mud has for Ellis.

When Mud was shot and fell into the river, Ellis called out his name in a heartbroken manner, but unfortunately the man had gone, although he didn't know whether he was dead or alive, he disappeared into the ocean after all.

Later, when the two children talked about mud, Naik asked Ellis, did you say mud was dead, and Ellis replied, "I don't know." Although the boy's face is confused, he is relieved. Time will heal everything. I think this sentence is more appropriate.

Eventually, Ellis follows her mother into town, nodding to the neighbor girl. This is good, a fresh start.

2. Mud

mud must be a model of madness for love.

Because the villain bullied his beloved, he shot the bastard to death without hesitation, and fled to the island, waiting for his beloved to join him. At this time, he was convinced that they were deeply in love with each other, and this love was so Chicheng and so strong. And the girl at that time also thought so. After reading the letter from Mud Toelis, when she smiled and said the phrase "hold on a little longer", although they were a pair of suffering lovers, they be happy.

And all this firmness was finally crushed by the helplessness of reality. The most heartbreaking thing is probably two people who love each other, separated by a road, you are on the balcony on the second floor of the motel, and I am on the opposite road, looking at each other, but can't walk hand in hand.

But knowing you're alive is the greatest gift you can give me.


The eyes of this boy with uneven teeth are always so sad and a little cynical.

For his good friend Ellis's ideas, he is always unconditional support. When he didn't know who Mud was, he still accompanied Ellis to deliver food even though he was worried. Later, when he helped Mud find all kinds of things he needed, he spared no effort to follow Ellis and laughed with his friends. , a piece of sadness.

I think that having such a good friend is the most precious treasure in life.

As for Ellis's parents, Naik's uncle, and mud's lover, I want to say but I don't want to say anything, so let's go here first.

Also want to say, Matthew McConaughey, it's amazing! Eyes are bright.

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Mud quotes

  • Galen: I know I'm just your uncle, not a parent, but uh, you can tell me things if need to.

    Neckbone: I can tell you this helmet smells like my duck butter.

  • [last lines]

    Tom: [to Mud] Come on, son. You gotta see this.