Who can forgive whose greed

Barton 2022-03-22 09:02:52


first season of Bette & Tina naturally focused on Bette and Tina.

From the beginning of the film they seem to represent a hope. Everyone wants to be as harmonious, loving and respecting each other as they are with their other half. But in the end, the most real problem emerged - derailment.
Some people say that Bette's derailment is excusable, indeed, just like the plot, when Bette needs someone to support her and help her, Tina is not there, just like a problem that exists between every couple— - "I hope Ta can be by my side when I'm sick." In other words, if Ta was not there when you were sick, and there happened to be another Ta beside you to take care of you in every possible way, if you happened to be with this Ta in the future A relationship has been born, then such a result is actually "I" can be forgiven. I don't want to say whether this idea is right or wrong, I just feel that such logic cannot be accepted in my relationship.

And strong alliances may not apply to relationships. Bette and Jewell are both very strong. The initial spark of the two is that everyone has the same magnetic field and cannot resist each other, but the long-term relationship will torture both sides and exhaust them. Bette has always wanted to pull back from the precipice. She hopes to have another child with Tina, but can a child really solve all problems. There are also many heterosexual couples who try to maintain their marriage by having children. This is what people said in the past. "Children are the bond of marriage." The value of children to a family cannot be denied, but the key to maintaining a family is not children. "Marriage requires another bond other than love. The toughest one is not about children or money, but about the mutual growth of the spirit. It is a partnership."

Watching the two of them unconsciously felt a sense of substitution , It's very strange, and someone will think of someone saying, "If you always think like this, you won't be able to live." Then laugh at yourself for being so naive. After a while, someone sent a WeChat message saying, "I have dinner at six o'clock in the evening, I can come and see you some time after get off work." I smiled unconsciously. The TV series is wonderful, but the real life has to be carried out by itself.

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The L Word quotes

  • Kit Porter: Let me talk to Tina.

    Bette: What would you say?

    Kit Porter: That my sister is a pootie chasin' dog, who deserves to be tied down and whupped upside the head, but it doesn't change the fact that she loves you more than she loves her own life. And that you should finish punishing her and get back to figuring on how to live with one another for the next 50 years or more.

    Bette: You could give it a try.

    [Goes to take a bite of food, and stops, looking as if she's about to cry]

    Kit Porter: Now don't you go and pull a Marina on me now.

  • Alice: Dana.

    [short pause]

    Alice: You have a really nice ass.

    [slowly moves her hand and touches Dana's ass]

    Alice: [they start having rough sex with '80s pop music in background]

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