low budget hollywood war movie

Coralie 2022-12-13 18:54:12

Picture: 6 points
Hollywood-style Afghanistan war theme, not as realistic and professional as "Lone Survivor" and "Brave Action", but the scene is hot, the fighting firepower is intensive, and the editing effect is good.
Plot: 4 points The
plot is very clear, but not reasonable enough, and there are many loopholes, but the actor's performance is reliable.
Sound effects: 7 points
sound effects and background music are good.
Props: 1 point is
limited by the cost, there are many problems with props, and the professionalism is poor, so it is not suitable for military fans who are professionally picky.
Topic: 9 points,
I won't talk about the specifics... so as not to lead to war... Different people have different opinions... The movie has been fully expressed through the narration

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Extended Reading

Jarhead 2: Field of Fire quotes

  • Chris Merrimette: A Story.

    Chris Merrimette: A man has a lot of choices,

    Chris Merrimette: and these choices made in life are rarely perfect.

    Chris Merrimette: So he decides to sign a contract,

    Chris Merrimette: because he want's to make a difference.

    Chris Merrimette: He wants to save this world, make it a better place.

    Chris Merrimette: The consequences are punishing,

    Chris Merrimette: unforgiving,

    Chris Merrimette: and he questions why he ever signed that contract.

    Chris Merrimette: So what's the fucking point?

    Chris Merrimette: I guess the point is responsibility of duty.

    Chris Merrimette: Love of country.

    Chris Merrimette: A way of life.

    Chris Merrimette: Are we on the right side of this?

    Chris Merrimette: These aren't our questions to ask.

    Chris Merrimette: A Marine fights for the person standing next to him.

    Chris Merrimette: He fights for the man who can't stand anymore.

    Chris Merrimette: He fights so that others can have the opportunity to make a difference.

    Chris Merrimette: That's how we make the unforgiving forgivable.

    Chris Merrimette: And if we're lucky, somewhere in all the fighting and dying, we discover hope.

    Chris Merrimette: And the Marines who killed and bled and died will always be jarheads.

    Chris Merrimette: Their families will have to live with the unbearable demands of their ultimate sacrifice.

    Chris Merrimette: And the ones who make it home, we never really leave our brothers behind.

    Chris Merrimette: We always remember.

    Chris Merrimette: We're professional fighting men. We are jarheads.