Baby, we think too much

Rosalia 2022-03-14 14:12:23

I have no interest in Christianity and Catholicism, so I can't dig into the deep meaning of the core content of the film. As far as I know, the plot of this film has made a lot of dramatic changes to the legend of Noah's Ark in the Bible. No matter how it is changed, what cannot be changed is that human beings, especially Western civilization, question the root of their own sins. If the creator created human beings in his own image, would he be satisfied with his creation? Are we letting him down? Does he want to shuffle the deck all over again? This kind of thinking has never troubled the minds of the oriental people. The Chinese Nuwa and the Indian Buddha both worked hard to save mankind from the suffering of the world. Eastern culture has never deeply doubted the existential crisis of us as human beings. Since Noah's Ark, Westerners have never ceased to be wary of self-destruction, so Protestant Americans especially like to make a big fuss about the end of the world, and they continue to confuse the destruction and reconstruction of human beings in various forms. , and the origin of this line of thinking comes from God's punishment on the world in the Bible.

In the movie "Prometheus", human beings painfully searched for his creator, and later found out even more painfully that it was the creator who was determined to destroy human beings. This kind of pain is the same as the pain of Noah's family in Noah's Ark: since God created us to be people with thoughts, emotions and subjective initiative, why should he deprive us of the freedom of choice? Evil Cain is not wrong, we are human, we have our will, and our destiny should be controlled by ourselves. If there was a creator, he also gave up communication with his followers for too long. Noah knelt in despair under the sky and asked where God was. To be a faithful servant of the Creator to end one's own race, or to follow the natural will of one's creation to save the last seed of mankind? This is an unanswered question, and to the real Chinese, it is simply a fallacy that is unfounded and mediocre. Why bother yourself so much? It's a good day to put your wife and children on the hot kang head to earn money to eat, but think about this kind of thing. Haha... That's the difference between the East, which lacks reflection, and the West, who keeps asking who I am and where I come from.

Master Jingkong has been talking about the arrival of the Dharma-ending era, people are not ancient, disasters are heavy, and the earth is losing its original balance. People are both evil and good, let nature decide where we go and where we stay. If there really is an almighty creator, what are the troubles of human beings? We exist just because we exist, with no meaning, no benefit, no difference to the earth and the universe. It's because we think too much about ourselves and think too much about ourselves.

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Noah quotes

  • Noah: We have been entrusted with a task much greater than our own desires.

  • Tubal-cain: [He moves face-to-face] Miracles of deluge you claim. Perhaps you're right. Perhaps he returns to finish us off. But if he does, my men and I will ride the storm in that stronghold of yours.

    Noah: Your time is done. There is no escape for you.

    [Noah walks away leading Ham with him]

    Tubal-cain: [Loud] I'm not afraid of miracles son of Lamech. If you are to refuse my dozens now, I shall return with legions!