The loneliness of genius

Diego 2022-03-21 09:01:43

The more you know, the less people know you. Is talent a talent or a burden? The movie pi addresses one such theme. Because he didn't know how to control such an ability, and because he was afraid to bear such loneliness, the protagonist finally gave up his extra brain (IQ), and he became mediocre and could finally play with the children.

We've all been through more or less a moment when it's darkness or tranquility, a moment of truth when we discover the patterns behind events, and we're scared. What I fear is being different from others, what I fear is the possibility of not being understood, what I fear is the great power that I do not know how to control. So we turned our heads and stopped moving forward. So one after another who could have been geniuses chose mediocrity and the sense of security and belonging behind mediocrity.

Are geniuses destined to be alone?

Maybe not.

I also have such geniuses around me. They understand the truth of being hidden in the city, and they have learned to enjoy simple happiness while pursuing the truth. Learn to communicate with people in a simple and easy-to-understand way, and explain what you have discovered in a guided way. They are no longer afraid of being different from others and calmly accept the possibility that others do not understand. As the strong they don't take advantage of the ignorance of the weak, they do what they can to protect their happiness.

Even though 'the less people understand you', the more people you can understand, and learning to protect them can give you a new sense of security and belonging. A genius is not necessarily lonely, because simple trust and companionship can also be a source of happiness.

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Extended Reading

Pi quotes

  • Lenny Meyer: The Torah is just a long string of numbers. Some say that it's a code sent to us from God.

  • Sol Robeson: That is the truth of our world, Max. It can't be easily summed up with math.

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