Actually it’s not a movie review, but just some thoughts after watching it

Tre 2022-01-25 08:04:02

In fact, when the movie came out earlier this year, I was really looking forward to it. 12 years! Richard Linklater and the male god Ethan Hawke! In short, everything seems to be saying, it must be super! But last week someone reminded me that it is not a good thing to expect too much of this kind of gimmick. I am a person who is particularly susceptible to other people's influence, so my expectations have quietly lowered. The results were unexpectedly good. The film is meticulous, restoring life, and a little bit of Linklater's TB style as always. Finally I want to talk about the movie. Although Mason and her sister Samantha grew up in a difficult environment, Lucky has a responsible mother and a dad who loves them. Mother wanted to give them a better life, so she chose to go back to university to get a degree. During this period, the second husband entered their lives, as if everything had begun to become better. Unfortunately, the second husband became a violent alcoholic. (This paragraph is very distressing...) Mother had to take them to move again, so the children were forced to cut off contact with the past again. After that, my mother had an ideal job and a new boyfriend. Dad also changed from a slacker to a relatively responsible adult, and remarried and had a baby. So my dad sold cool small sports cars at a low price and replaced them with family SUVs. Mason was very disappointed, saying that when he was in the third grade, his dad promised to give him a cool sports car when he was 16 years old. Dad denied that he had said this, and felt that the cool little sports car was his own, and he could handle it whatever he wanted. I think my father should really agree. Look, adults are like this. They always make promises to their children when they are on a whim, and then forget about them, but don’t know how important these promises are in the children’s hearts... Later, the mother’s boyfriend started to drink too much. , (Life is really an inextricable circle...) Mason has also entered a rebellious period. This passage doesn’t resonate much. I seem to have been careful and cautious, doing the “right thing” at the “right time”. I am a female classmate without a story. Let alone a wild horse, I feel like a sheep in captivity. , There is no such luxury as grassland. (Going off topic again... ) Later, Mason was going to leave home to go to college, and his mother planned to move to a small apartment. Here is a scene that touched me deeply. When packing up, Mason seemed to have only a longing for a new life, without showing nostalgia for her mother. At this time, her mother suddenly burst into tears: divorce, moving, and getting a degree. , Send you to college, and then? Is it my funeral? "I just thought there would be more." I seem to be able to feel the emptiness and despair of my mother at that moment. I remember that when I was packing my suitcases and heading to New York at the end of the winter vacation, my mother suddenly went crazy with me: You see, you really have no conscience! Are you so happy to leave home again? blah...blah... I was at a loss. Life is like this, rushing forward forever, we are growing, our parents are aging. Looking around and looking at the flowers is old, and the suspenseful personnel have been year after year. And then the same thing keeps looping back and forth in the next generation... There are many moving details in the film, such as father teaching his daughter how to contraception (when I put it here, an old lady who sat in a row with me smiled super exaggeratedly. ...), for example, on Mason’s birthday, three generations play and sing in the same room... These days, I think it’s such a great thing to have a literary father! Another mother said to the little brother who came to fix the plumbing at home, I think you are very smart and you should go to school. A few years later, they ran into a little brother who had become Winner in a restaurant. Brother said, you changed my life... After the movie, I was hesitant to get up. I didn't wait for the easter egg, but I really haven't gotten out of the movie. It's really hypocritical.. I saw a Russian review saying: There are the same problems, the same ways, the same love inside us. I just COULD NOT imagine how much we are all the same.. Yes, in fact, regardless of country and ethnicity, There are always similarities in our growth path. I have forgotten how many times I fell from the movie into my own growing memories. After watching the movie, I called my mother on the way home and described to her the scene of the boy leaving home and my mother crashing. I said it looks super like you. Obviously, my mother is not warm with me, but as always, she started to talk about how much parents in the world love their children, and how unconscionable children are in most cases... It instantly diminished my desire to talk after watching the movie... By the way, the little boy named Mason in the movie seems to get into the play as he grows longer, and the shadow of Ethan Hawke grows out of his last life! It’s just that walking is as uncomfortable as zombie, but Hawke doesn’t look good at walking...haha...

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Boyhood quotes

  • Mason: Do you still love dad?

    Mom: I still love your father, but that doesn't mean it was healthy for us to stay together.

    Mason: What if after we move he's trying to find us, and he can't?

  • Professor Bill Welbrock: I hate squash!