Hurry up and write a review after watching the movie, this is a good opportunity for zhuangbility

Chesley 2022-10-12 19:08:36

No problem, no movie reviews because few people understand it?

Those who engage in technology do not understand the soul, and those who engage in the soul do not understand technology.

Artificial intelligence and life, life and the universe.

Come on, Let us be zhuangbility ~

First of all, what is the difference between artificial intelligence and soul?

When an object has a soul, and under what circumstances does it have a


Second, what is the relationship between human existence and the universe?

How human beings should survive to have the universe

Can the soul of life think?

Furthermore, artificial intelligence is obviously more developed now, why use the documentary style of the 1980s?

This is really a proposition worth thinking about for young people. After thinking about it

from the morning to the afternoon, I suddenly found that there was nothing to think about. So I opened Baidu and searched for a few entries, but I still had no inspiration in the evening.

What is life, what is cinema, isn't life just what happens?

Finally, stop obsessing about form, is form art?

Like the action we eat every day, is that art?

I figured out a different behavior, is that art?

I found a unique act, is that art?

It's useless to write for a long time to prepare, right?

After reading this sentence, some people are decisively useless, right, and some people are thoughtful and prepared, right?

What's the point, what's important is that I wrote the first comment.

All our lives are ordinary, even if it appears not to ordinary life, it is life, ah, ordinary life are not exactly ordinary life ah

we want life to go find out what it

Why do you feel it is too boring

a People are doing great things, you don't understand, he's just boring

A person eats a piece of pork, and his meaning to each person is different.

Let's judge what it


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Computer Chess quotes

  • Cameraman: Do you think a human being will ever beat a person at chess?

    John: Oh... between a human being and a person? My money's on the computer.

  • Beuscher: Is there any possibility that this is uh... some kind of uh... very advanced... I mean, we just gave up a queen to get his queen and now we're basically just... um...