Born along the river

Sherwood 2022-03-21 09:01:50

A movie I watched last summer, "Made on the Mississippi," stumbled across the computer, so I took it out and watched it again.
After calming down, watching such a movie feels just right.
The vast river surface shone with honey-colored luster in the sun, the wind from afar, the lush island in the middle of the river. In my heart, I wish I lived in a place like this when I was a child. I could drive a motorcycle with my best friend on the asphalt road under the scorching sun. Running and climbing among abandoned warehouses and trees, getting muddy.

To be such a child. There is a good brother who can visit his house at any time on weekdays. Trust each other, play together, blow the wind, and spend time together. Seeing a girl you like can stand up for her. Speak neatly. Good at heart. Have faith in beautiful things.
To live by the river. Depends on manual labor such as fishing to make a living. Understand the hardships and purity of labor. Although the heart is not like the boundless and bottomless sea, there is also a river that is wide and long, winding but not losing its direction.
Even if you leave the river, you can hear it flowing in your body at night.

Ellis came to the end of his childhood in the summer of 14, peeking into a more complex world. Experienced the divorce of parents, the sourness of first love and the disappointment of a stranger.
Still like a child's inner world, looking like a stream to the end, there are probably a lot of things that I don't understand.
I don't understand that my mother wanted to escape the monotonous small town life and live for herself after many years of marriage.
Do not understand that marriage is full of dangerous reefs everywhere, not simply love can solve everything.
I don't understand the difference between a girl's ambiguity and sincerity.
I don't understand why people who love each other end up being far away from each other.
Everyone has a different view of love. People who seem brave are filled with fear. People who sneered at love gave up everything for it. Everyone is an elusive paradox whose every word and deed are controlled by memories that belong to the past.
But very satisfied with the handling of the end of the whole story -
Mud looked at Juniper, who was leaning on the railing, from a distance, and waved goodbye to her. It turned out that he was not cowardly.
Ellis left the Mississippi River, promising his father to take care of his mother.
After the son of the gang boss was shot and killed, he gave a scene to let the father leader silently hang up the phone.
A super-happy ending that doesn't deliberately cater to the audience, but is comforting enough. Everyone chooses the best of the limited possibilities that reality offers. Ended a period of double entanglement between reality and heart, retaining faith in love and life, and can drive in a broader direction.
The only tangled point is what happened between Mud and Juniper. The movie never has a complete description. The right and wrong of the two are also very different in his mouth, which makes people sympathize with Mud for a while, and Juniper for a while. do not know what to do. However, there may be no right or wrong in the relationship, and hurting each other is inevitable. Fortunately, they did their best to be able to reluctantly part but say goodbye with no regrets.

Although the whole film is narrated from the perspective of a child, it has the quietness and simplicity of middle-aged people. Like a tough guy telling a story that belongs to a soft heart.
Ellis is lucky. Although the people around him quarrel with each other and hurt each other, they are all kind people after all, who bury their love in their hearts and act according to its instructions. Ellis's world is no longer as clear as a clear stream, but has the width of a river, gleaming in the sun, rushing, and will not lose its direction.

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Mud quotes

  • Galen: I know I'm just your uncle, not a parent, but uh, you can tell me things if need to.

    Neckbone: I can tell you this helmet smells like my duck butter.

  • [last lines]

    Tom: [to Mud] Come on, son. You gotta see this.