"The Devil Wearing Prada" screenplay

Braxton 2022-03-24 09:01:13

"The Devil Wearing Prada" movie

text / (United States) Peter Hedges
translation / Zhao Xiangling

fade into the

interior, castle, France,
an elegant 17th century mansion not far from Paris during the day . A dinner for more than a hundred people is ready, everything is perfect: exquisite flowers, linen tablecloths, silver utensils.
There are a lot of people in the fashion industry. We saw Lagerfeldt, Valentino, Marc Jacobs...
Nigel Kipling, a well-dressed man in his 40s, standing in front of the podium on the side of the hall. .
This shot is from the perspective of another person on the podium, and what I see now is Nigel's back.
Nigel: ...her name has become a myth. Her magazine is a bible for all those who love style, taste and fine craftsmanship. There is no doubt that she is one of the most elegant ladies on our planet. Now please... Miranda Priestley.
There was warm applause. We watched Miranda Priestley walk towards the pulpit from behind, only vaguely seeing her peculiar haircut and the curvy curves of her long dress.
Miranda waited for a while, accepting everyone's applause.
The lens is reversed, and we see the perspective of the lens just now --- Andy Barnes, in his 20s, described as handsome and elegantly dressed, standing a few steps away from Miranda.
Andy smiled and applauded. Miranda's brilliance also partly reflected on her.
Miranda began to speak. We only heard her short answer. Fading...

flashing back to the

exterior scene, a street between the city’s commercial and residential areas, during the day
...a taxi made a piercing brake when it cornered.
6 months ago. Andy walked out of the subway station, holding a note with the address in his hand.
She was nothing like the elegant girl we saw in the castle. The hair and face wear are as simple as a college student. She is wearing her best clothes-white shirt, blue skirt, casual shoes.
Pedestrians hurried past during heavy traffic in the morning. Andy looked at the note.
Andy: Two blocks away is 57th Street.
She looked up at the house number. 125. Then walked in.
The guard quickly stopped her, motioned her to register on his book, and she signed her name.
Andy: On what floor is Elias Clark?
Pause. The guard just looked at her, and she was panicked by the look.
Andy: No, you didn't mean to say.
Doorman: My dear, you are going to West 57th Street.

Location, 57th Street. During the day,
Andy rushed out of the wrong building and ran. However, she was walking against the flow of people. Pulling behind the camera, Andy moves fast through the crowd like a salmon upstream.
She came to an intersection and started to cross the road... almost hit by a biker delivering a letter. She was taken aback and didn't stop there, and continued on her way.

Location, 57th Street,
Andy looks at the house number during the day .
She saw it, and a beautiful building appeared in front of her. Elias Clark. She quickened her pace and ran towards No. 125.

Interior, Elias Clark, and
Andy trot into the building during the day , a little breathless, and stopped. The scene in front of her surprised her.
Looking around, this is a hall, but it is so wide and so integrated... as if it has its own four seasons in it.

Interior view, human resources office, during the day
Andy sits down opposite a tired-faced lady. She is Sheri.
On the wall behind Sheri there are the covers of various Elias magazines, all set in the frame...One is a news magazine, one is a cooking magazine, one is a fitness magazine...and the "T-Taiwan" ".
Sheri is typing something on her computer.
Andy: Thank you for answering my cover letter. I'm very excited to have this opportunity...
Sheri: Do you like sports cars? Ok? !
Andy: Actually, I can't tell which is a sports car or a big wheel truck.
Xie Li: I have two vacancies... One is "Car World" and the other is "T-Taiwan".
Andy: That fashion magazine? But...
Sheri: Yes, it's ours.
Andy: How about I come back next week?
Sheri: Then there may be nothing left.

The interior view, the "T-Taiwan" reception area,
is stylishly decorated during the day , clean and elegant. Behind a large reception table, there is a beautiful sign that says "T-Taiwan".
Andy walked to the reception table.
Andy: I ​​came here to apply for that assistant position.
The receptionist pointed and asked her to sit there and wait. There are already several other ladies waiting there, all of them tall and thin, dressed in attire ready to fight the "female robot" at any time.
Andy tried to smile at one of them, but the other turned his head. Andy sat down and heard the other two girls talking softly.
Girl A: I can't believe it, I can come into this office.
Girl second: Isn't it? Even if I kill my best friend, I will get this position.

Location, reception, later
Andy is planning to settle down on that uncomfortable couch, suddenly, a higher than these girls, leaner, and, surprisingly, dress up more than they want to enter When the girl came in.
This is Emily, who seems to be a part of this clean and beautiful fashion kingdom, but it can be seen that there is an uncontrollable anxiety in her heart.
Emily: Hmm...Andrea Barnes?
When Emily looked up, the two eyes met. Here Emily is still looking at how this Andy is so different from other girls.
Here, Andy has stood up, and followed her toward the hallway.

Interior, "T-Taiwan",
Emily leads Andy through the hall during the day .
Emily: Who recommended you to seek this position?
Andy: The human resources department sent me here.
Emily: They really have a weird sense of humor.
There was a partition at the end of the long corridor... Two tables were placed outside a large main office.
Andy can only see a part of the main office, but the light inside is very attractive, the light shines all the way to the partition.
Andy and Emily sat down.
Emily: Miranda has two assistants-I am the first assistant. Now I have to interview a second assistant, a junior assistant. (Pause, dramatic) Miranda is an amazing lady, a myth.
Emily (continued): Follow her, it doesn't matter where you go to do publishing in the future. How many girls desperately want this job.
Andy: Awesome.
Emily: The important thing is, Andy, we are a fashion magazine, and attention to fashion is very important.
Andy: Why do you see that I don't care about fashion?
Emily glanced at her. Suddenly, Emily's BlackBerry rang, and she panicked.
Emily: Oh my goodness. Not good, not good, not good.
Andy: What's wrong?

Location, Elias Clark,
a black car stopped abruptly outside the building during the day .

scene , "T-Taiwan", Emily stood up suddenly during the day .
Emily: What is she doing here?
She began to dial the four-digit extension number like a machine gun.
Emily (continue, just barely shouting): She's here... tell everyone!
At this moment, the neatly groomed Nigel rushed to Emily.
Emily (continued): Her driver has sent a text message. Her color expert has a cold!
Nigel turned and called to the office.
Nigel: Everywhere!
He ran across the hall, yelling in his tenor, and brushing his body with a sticky roller.

Location, Elias Clark, the
car door opened during the day , and we saw Miranda's extraordinary brilliance-crocodile high heels worth $2,000, Chanel jacket, perfect haircut, Harry Winston's luxurious earrings ...

Interior view, Elias Clark,
everyone is on high alert during the day .
The assistants desperately pushed the hanger in the way aside.
Editors scrambled into their offices.
Andy looked inside and saw an editor was changing casual shoes to high heels... Another was curling eyelashes... Another was applying lipstick... And another was adjusting the corset she was wearing inside. …

Interior view, Elias Clark,
our eyes follow Miranda during the day— and only part of her—the 4-inch heel Gdengarden quickly traverses the floor of the corridor.
I have also seen people respond in a hurry.
The guards, assistants, and secretaries flinched, and the well-known department heads respectfully nodded and saluted her.
Miranda kept a quick pace and walked to the elevator.
When she was about to walk into the elevator, she saw a new assistant editor standing inside. The latter jumped out immediately after seeing her.
Editorial assistant: Excuse me, Mrs. Priestley.
Seeing no one, she pressed the elevator button with her delicately cared fingers.

Interior view, "T-Taiwan", daytime
Emily looked around to see if everything was ready. She noticed Andy.
Emily: Oh, you're still here, go away.
Andy stood up.
Emily (continued): No, stay. I just don't want her to pass by you. Just sit still and expect her not to notice the flaws you brought to this place.
Andy sat down.
Andy (talking to herself): Wow, it's like a kingdom of pretentious people.

Interior scene, "T-Taiwan",
Miranda walks out of the elevator during the day , and we see her positive image for the first time.
Miranda Priestley is radiant, stunningly beautiful, impeccable all over her body, and a white Hermes silk scarf around her neck.
Miranda's image is so different, you can recognize her from a mile away.
She is different from any beautiful woman, Miranda is Miranda.

Interior scene, "T-Taiwan", during the day
Emily ran across the hall towards Miranda and walked her into her office with her.
Miranda: Why don't you ask clearly?
Emily: I asked. He must have been sick at night. I'm so sorry, Miranda.
Miranda: Sorry is just an excuse to repeat the mistake.
We saw Andy witnessing this, but Miranda didn't seem to notice her.
Emily (talking about): The current general situation is as follows. At 7 o'clock, Simone called from the Paris office. She calculated the date to go to Rio with Testino for filming, and she had finalized it with Giselle. At a quarter past seven, Michael Koss called to talk about the annual model selection party. He was at his home in the Cayman Islands. I have his phone number. At 7:30, Natalie from Bright Foods calls and asks if you like strawberry candies or cakes with hot syrup. At a quarter past eight, Mrs. Samuels called and asked you not to forget to go to Dalton to hold a parent-teacher meeting tonight-after the meeting, you and your husband reserved seats in Bernardine. At 8:30, Donatella Fersas called on her recent trip to Miami. She wanted to know whether other than the driver, chef, fitness instructor, personal assistant, three maids and a yacht driver, Need staff. She said that since good drivers are very popular, please reply to her as soon as possible.
Miranda: Okay. I will answer them one by one in two minutes. First, Donatella, then Michael, Simone, and then Jay-Z. Tell Nigel, I want him to answer about the swimsuit.
Miranda stopped at Emily's table, she took off her coat, flung Emily's chair, and walked past Andy. Emily breathed a sigh of relief, but...
Miranda (continued): Who is that?
Oops. She noticed her.
Emily: No one. I mean, I'm interviewing the assistant for you. She is the last one, but...
Miranda: I'll do this. You obviously can't do anything well.
Miranda entered her office. Emily looked at Andy.
Emily: Oh my goodness. Isn't this something coming.

Interior view, Miranda's office,
Andy walked in during the day , hesitantly. Emily was behind her, looking nervously.
Miranda's bright office is now all in front of Andy.
There was a solitary flower in a Steuben vase.
Some photographs by Verton, Payne, Testino and Meisel. A huge picture taken by a very good photographer: Miranda playing with her husband Stephen and twin daughters Cassidy and Caroline on Hampton Beach.
The iced Periglino was placed on the coaster of the tabletop. The latest issues of all relevant magazines are neatly spread out on the table.
Andy walked in, Miranda was busy writing something without looking up.
Miranda: Who are you?
Andy: My name is Andy Barnes. Not long ago, I graduated from...
Andy handed Miranda her resume, but she didn't answer it.
Miranda finally raised her head, and quickly looked at Andy from head to toe in her own way, and thoroughly analyzed it.
The phone rang, and Miranda picked up the handset.
Miranda: Yes, I got all the swimsuits before 3 o'clock today. (Hangs up) What is your major in university?
Andy: English, the focus is news.
Miranda: Why are you here?
Andy: Because I think I can be your assistant, and...
Miranda (impatient): Why are you here?
Andy was confused by her single-handed approach, and casually told the truth.
Andy: When the Human Resources Department saw my job resume, they asked me to meet. They said they would either come here or go to "Car World".
Miranda understood and liked her honesty.
Miranda: You haven't watched "The Catwalk", have you?
Andy: No.
Miranda: You have never heard of me before today, have you?
Andy: No.
Miranda: You are neither fashionable nor fashionable.
Andy: It depends...
Miranda: I'm not asking you questions.
She finally picked up Andy's job application resume and glanced at it roughly.
Miranda (continued): Editor-in-chief of Northwestern University Daily News, not bad.
Andy: My series of reports on the gatekeepers' association won the National College News Contest Award...
Miranda raised a hand.
Miranda: Alright.
Andy was baffled by this abrupt end, and continued talking.
Andy: (Continued)... The report revealed...
Miranda gave her a look, and Andy immediately stopped talking. She walked towards the door, but stopped again and turned around.
Andy: Well, listen to me. I may not know much about fashion, but I am smart and capable, and I will work very hard —
Miranda did not say anything.
Andy (continued): That's it. That's all I want to say. Now I will...bye.

Interior view, McSorley Bar,
a dimly lit and noisy bar at night , the kind that people in their 20s will frequent.
Andy is with her boyfriend Nat and their college classmates Doug and Lily. Nat is a friendly, handsome, and smiling man.
Doug has a physique like a football guard and is very cute. Lily is arty and always wants to be different.
Andy showed a humble look.
Andy: I ​​am basically a newcomer to society and have no experience. I told her that I really didn't know that she was one of the most important figures in the publishing industry in New York. Ouch, I continued to talk like crazy.
Lily: When will you know if you are admitted or not?
Andy: Didn't you hear what I just said? I am a fool. It's out of play.
Doug: How do you know, it's hard to say. Miranda Priestley is notoriously hard to guess.
Andy: Oh my god, how can you even know her and I don't?
Doug: That means I am actually a girl.
Lily: That's the only way to explain it.
Doug: Seriously, Miranda is a big winner. I dare say millions of girls are desperately trying to get this position.
Andy: Alright, you have scared me.
Doug shrugged. Andy thought for a moment.
Andy (continued): Maybe I shouldn't worry about this. That's a fashion magazine, isn't it just about cleavage and lipstick? I didn't even go to law school to be a reporter. "T-Tail" is not for me.
Her friends exchanged glances.
Nat: How to say, you have to start somewhere.
Lily: Yes, look at Nat. He is picking up chicken in O'Neill's shop now, so that he can become a chef step by step. As for me, I will accept any position in the art world, even if it is not exactly what I want.
Andy: What do you mean is that I just missed my great opportunity to create a situation in the press. There really are you.
Pause. Andy held his head in both hands, in a daze.
Doug: Fortunately, I already have my dream job.
Lily (huh?): You are the company's research analyst and...
Doug:...That's all money. The best part is that there are free bagels on Thursdays and prostitutes.
Everyone stared at him.
Doug (continued): Okay, then there is no bagel. (Pauses) There are only a few prostitutes.

Interior view, Nat's apartment, the dawn
room is very small, with windows facing the ventilation patio. A mattress was placed on the floor, and Andy and Nat were sleeping.
Faint light began to slowly enter the room. Nat woke up, hugged Andy towards him, and soon the two of them kissed, kissing and kissing, the day was light, and gradually the kiss became more intense, at this moment...
Andy's cell phone rang ,Very loud sound. The ringtone seemed to be deliberately teasing: "Hey, I'm bothering again."
Andy reached out and touched the phone.
Andy: Hello... now?
She glanced at the alarm clock, it was 6:45 in the morning.

Interior view, Andy's apartment. In the morning
Andy panicked trying on all of his clothes, and there was a pile of clothes that he wanted to be eliminated on the bed. The closet was empty.
She looked at her suit in the mirror, and suddenly felt resentful towards herself.
She tried to take off the pullover, but the neckline was too tight, and she saw her twirling and tugging vigorously.

Interior, reception, during the day,
Andy walked out of the elevator with a group of girls who came to the "T-Tailway", all of them dressed up very exquisitely, only she looked so horrible.

Interior, reception,
Andy sat down on that soft sofa during the day , and Emily walked in.
Emily: I hope you understand that this is a very difficult job, and you are not the one at all. If you mess things up, it's me who is unlucky.
She said and turned and walked, Andy followed behind her.
Andy (talking to himself): Well, I'm not stressed anymore.
Emily: We still have 7 minutes before Milan arrives, so hurry up.

Interior scene, "T-Taiwan", during the day,
Emily led Andy through the offices along the corridor, introducing her to people as she walked, without slowing down.
Emily: This is Jocelyn from the accessories department, Jocelyn, this is Andy, my newbie to succeed me. Andy, this is Steve, assistant art director... The ladies we saw are all in their 25s, about 6 feet tall, and weighing about 100 pounds. Male employees, whether heterosexual or homosexual, are also good at dressing up neatly and stylishly.
Suddenly Emily saw a tall, beautiful African American woman.
Emily: What brings you here, Banshee! ?
Lisa: I just came over to say hello to Nigel.
Emily hugged Lisa, then turned to Andy.
Emily: This is Lisa, and I am her successor. Miranda liked her very much and arranged a particularly enviable job for her.
Andy looked at Lisa, very curious.
Lisa: Nothing, (pretending to be casual) Assistant Editor of The New Yorker.
Andy: "The New Yorker"? Just kidding.
Emily: Yes, she can be a joke. Especially people who don't know or care about her.
Emily glanced at Lisa. Meaning, can you trust these newcomers?
Lisa: Here, here comes.
She raised her hand to greet the neatly dressed tenor Andy had seen yesterday.
He stretched out his hand to Andy.
Nigel: Nigel Kipling. Fashion guide. Are you the new Emily?
He looked at her up and down, but his eyes were much gentler than Miranda. Finally he stared at her feet.
Nigel (continued): What is that?
Andy: My shoes. My mother bought it for me in Nordstrom when I was in my second year of college.
Nigel: So it looks like an antique.
Andy smiled, not knowing what to say. He took her by the hand and made her turn around.
Nigel: (Continuing) Oh, I really like your appearance, like a child born in the love of Oklahoma and New Jersey.
Andy: Actually, I am from Cincinnati.
Nigel: No, it's impossible. you are not.
He kissed her on the cheek.
Nigel (continued): Welcome to the doll's house, child.
He took Lisa's arm and led her away like a wind. Emily turned to Andy.
Emily: I have 3 minutes left to tell you all the work you have to do.

Interior scene, "T-Taiwan",
Emily showed Andy during the day that her desk was the one next to her in the partition in front of Miranda's office.
Emily: You and I are in charge of the phone... One of us must always answer the phone here. She hates that incoming calls are turned into messages. In addition, we have a completely different division of labor. I am responsible for her schedule, expenses and appointments. And most importantly... (dense drums, she is full of energy) I will go to Paris with her to attend Fashion Week in the fall.
Emily pointed to the screen guard on her computer monitor: the Eiffel Tower.
Andy: That's great.
Emily: Paris is very beautiful. Put on specially designed costumes and attend all exhibitions. That is the most beautiful thing a person can encounter in his life. (Laughs) And this time, this person is me.
Andy looked at Emily, surprised by her excitement.
At this moment, Nigel came over. Holding a pair of black slingback leather shoes designed by Zhou Yangjie, that style is very eye-catching.
Nigel: Eight and one-half yards, right.
Andy: Yeah, but I don't think...
Nigel : Okay, you can use it when it's tight.
He left the shoes behind.
Emily: Now let's talk about your duties. The first is what she eats.

Interior scene, "T-Taiwan", during the day
Emily showed Andy how to welcome Miranda's arrival. They walked back and forth between the kitchen, outside the office, and Miranda's office.
Emily: It must be Periglino brand mineral water, iced, and placed on her right hand at two o'clock. This is the only coaster we use, made of zebra wood.
Andy: It's great, I don't know what it is, but it sounds very cool.
Emily: Her breakfast and lunch are always the same. Breakfast is fried egg and ham, lunch is steak, tender enough to speak. We are going to Starbucks once a day, and she wants mocha coffee piled high with white chocolate, which is terribly hot. Plus two slices of blueberry English muffins and a cranberry loaf.
Andy: I ​​can't believe how she eats like this. She is so slim.
Emily: Yes, I have always envied her...metabolic system.
Emily picked up a stack of magazines.
Emily: One last thing, the journal.
The two walked into Miranda's office. Emily spread the magazine on a table.
Emily: Spread out like a fan, so that each book is 3/4 inch apart.
They went back to the office outside, and Emily looked at the clock.
Emily: Then... the
clock goes to 7:30.
Emily: ...
At this moment, Miranda appeared. While she was talking on her mobile phone, she threw off the people hurriedly following her.
Miranda (to the phone):...I told him that we would never use plaid or taffeta anymore...
She walked past Andy and Emily without saying hello to them, nor Did not stop the call. She put her coat on Andy's desk and walked into her office.
Emily: The second assistant also has to take care of the coat.
Andy: The coat?
Emily opened a closet, and Andy picked up the coat and hung it up.
Andy: Overcoat, got it.
Emily: Also, slowly you have to take care of that book.
Andy: That book? (Reaction) Look, I have to repeat everything you say. Stupid enough, isn't it?
Emily picked up a loose-leaf book the size of a phone book and showed it to Andy. She opened the book and turned it page by page.
Emily: This thing is the Bible. The final sample of the magazine. Miranda had to finalize every detail of the magazine and edit it overnight. This book is the most important thing you can come into contact with in your life, the face of your newborn baby, and finally, the face of God.
Andy glanced at the book. It was awe-inspiring and cool.
Emily (continued): We deliver this book and her dry-cleaned clothes to her house every night.
Andy: Delivered to her home? (Realize) Oops, I'm stupid again.
Emily: Only when Miranda trusts you and feels you are worthy, will you be called to deliver the book. Before that, my escort was to stay late until the work in all departments was finished.
At this time, Emily's phone rang, and she picked up the phone.
Emily (continued): She wants to see you.
Emily held up those pair of Zhou Yangjie's slingback leather shoes.
Emily: I beg you.
Andy: Thank you, but I really don't think it is necessary. She will definitely not be in trouble with my dress, she hired me, remember?

Interior view, Miranda's office, during the day
Andy smiled and eagerly hoped when he came in. Miranda's seat was facing her back.
Andy: Good morning, Miranda. What can I do for you?
Miranda turned around, her eyes fixed on Andy's shoes first, then moved up to her face. This process seems to have taken a long time. Then, of all the horrible moves she could take, Miranda chose the most horrible: she laughed.

Interior scene, "T-Taiwan", during the day
Andy quickly ran out of Miranda's office and walked quickly past Emily. He picked up the pair of Zhou Yangjie leather shoes, put them on his feet, and walked back to Miranda's office.
Emily immediately drew a tissue from the table, pinched Andy's replaced shoes, and threw them into the trash can.
Andy backed out again.
Andy: She said she needs to choose a dress from Ralph Lauren, which she will use when she goes to Miesel with Naomi next week.
Emily: Did she say which dress?
(Andy shook his head, no)
Which one did you say?
Color? shape? Material?
(No. No. No.)
My God, I'm most afraid of her doing this.

Interior scene, "T-Taiwan",
what Emily will take notes later . Andy is looking at the subway map in his hand.
Andy: To go to the Ralph Lauren store, I'll take line 6 first, and then...
Emily: You don't need to go to the store.
Andy: Of course. Then I'll go... (thinking)... his home?
Emily (Gosh!): You have to go to the showroom. Issey Miyake just across from Madison.
Andy: Issey Miyake, great. Is it a restaurant?
Emily had a very disdainful look in her eyes.
Andy (continued): It seems not.
Emily: You have to retrieve some other things.
She gave Andy a list.
Andy: Good.
Andy got up, holding her subway map.
Emily: To run errands for Elias Clark, you can't take the subway, don't take it.
Andy: Wait a minute, you're kidding. (Excited) What did I fight?
Emily handed her a list.
Emily: You have a full 45 minutes, during which you have to finish everything.

Exterior scene, Elias Clark Building.
Andy walked out of the building during the day and saw a black Lincoln extended luxury car. She walked to the car and couldn't help but smile happily.

Interior, Lincoln car during the day and
Andy looked pleased looked and saw a small refrigerator, opened it.
Andy (excitedly): Oh, my goodness! Diet Coke!
She saw the driver Roy looking at her in the mirror.
Andy (trying to hide): I, uh, I'm a bit thirsty.
Roy smiled, it was quite Coke.

Interior view, Ralph Lauren showroom, daytime
Andy watched the sales agent pull out dress after dress.
Sales Agent: New here, congratulations. Everyone desperately wants your seat.
Andy: I ​​heard.
Sales agent: Of course, she can keep these skirts as long as she needs to stay. In addition...
She took out a bag and started stacking things on Andy's arm.
Sales agent (continued): This is for Miranda's twin daughters, who like rugby. This is for her husband. I added two new suits.

Interior view, Chanel.
Andy walked into Chanel during the day . This is a three-story noble building on 57th Street. The saleswoman gave her a small white tennis shorts.
Andy: Which girl is this for her?
Salesperson (chuckling): It's made for Miranda, silly.
Andy looked at the shorts, which were really small and unkind.

Interior view, Hermes. During the day
, the female salesperson of Hermes piled 25 boxes of silk scarves on Andy's outstretched arm.
Saleswoman: Would you like to call the driver to help you?
Andy: It's too late, it's too late.

Interior view, in the lobby of Elias Clark,
the editor of the jewelry department during the day , Jocelyn, was waiting for the elevator, and Andy, who finally hurried back, rushed forward with a large stack of silk scarf boxes.
Andy (satisfied): Finally came back on time. (Avoiding Jocelyn's gaze) Do you mind?
Jocelyn: Miranda is really good at picking capable girls.
Andy (referring to the silk scarf box): She must like these things very much.
Jocelyn: Hermes white silk scarf, that is her personal mark. I have never seen her not wearing it before. She uses a silk scarf like a paper towel.
Andy: Oh. (Pause for a moment) Hey, when do you need to find someone to write something, I have been an editor of the school newspaper.
Jocelyn glanced at her.
Andy (continued): I didn't say anything, don't mind.
They heard the bell of the elevator coming and walked into the elevator. Suddenly, Jocelyn saw Miranda walking towards the elevator, and she immediately walked out of the elevator.
Miranda stood in front of the elevator, looking at Andy.
Andy stayed in the elevator without moving, looking confused; Miranda waited there.
In the end, Jocelyn walked into the elevator and pulled Andy out. Miranda entered the elevator alone. After the door is closed...
Andy: Can't we take the elevator with her? why?
Jocelyn: You have been in office for a long time, and you are still asking why, which is really worrying.

Interior scene, "T-Taiwan", during the day
Andy came in with a lot of things, and Emily stood up immediately.
Emily: Thank goodness, you are back, I have to go and make it easier.
Andy: It was not convenient for you after I left?
Emily: Didn't I tell you? The phone call here is inseparable from people. Not even a second. I'm going to have lunch. Let's go for 14 minutes. I'll go first.
Andy watched Emily walk towards the corridor with her pencil-sharp butt.
Andy: Do you have lunch?

Interior view, restaurant,
noodle food table during the day , no one.
There is no one in the pizza cabinet.
The salad table and the lettuce area were crowded with girls, but they were far away from the salad.
Andy walked to the empty soup counter and filled a bowl with a little corn soup. Nigel also came.
Nigel: Hi, from Cincinnati.
With a smile on her face, he saw what she put on the tray.
Nigel: Corn chowder soup, interesting.
Andy looked at her, a little confused.
Nigel: Nothing, a good choice. I just think there is an ingredient in corn chowder, which makes it easy to get fat.
Andy: Isn't corn a vegetable?
Nigel: You are so fresh.
They sat down to eat.
Andy: So, the girls here don't eat anything?
Nigel: Since No. 2 became the new No. 4, and No. 0 became the new No. 2.
Andy: I ​​am number 6.
Nigel, who was eating the salad, choked.
Andy, she ate a piece of bread with corn chowder soup.
On the other side of the restaurant
... Seeing this, two fashion assistants opened their mouths wide in fright, as if Andy's fork was poking her own eyeballs.
Andy noticed that a short, expensively dressed man walked in surrounded by a group of seemingly identifiable figures.
Andy: Who is that?
Nigel: Erf Lavitz, he's...
Andy:... the boss of Elias Clark, wow.
Nigel: That's him. Small, but big fist.
Andy watched Erf pick up a tray and walk forward in line.
Andy: He also served corn offal soup, so clever.
Andy watched Erf go away, accidentally dripping soup on his pullover.
Andy (continued): Oops, bad.
Looking at Nigel again, he smiled. She looked at him.
Andy (continued): I said, don't laugh.
He looked at her, what?
Andy (continued): Can you lend me a pullover?
Nigel: I got it right. I borrowed clothes so badly.
Andy: I ​​have put on the shoes, what's next, it's a dress, and then they are all together! I was like a "beautiful woman", going in and out of the revolving door like a whirlwind, and the sparrow turned into a phoenix.
Nigel: That...isn't it?
Andy: Nigel, I have scruples. I'm a journalist and I don't always work in the fashion industry. I will not change myself for this job.
Nigel (laughs): Who told you?
The alarm on Andy's watch rang.
Andy: I ​​have 45 seconds left and I must return to my desk immediately.
She smiled and stood up.
Nigel: Add a digital watch to a bunch of scruples, alas, it's terrible.

Interior view, Miranda's office.
The employees of Daytime Magazine gather in Miranda's office. Miranda looked at the dresses hanging on the shelf one by one.
Miranda: It's too 80's. It's too loose. The 80s didn't stop there. It's terrible, I can't believe it.
She scanned everyone with her eyes, obviously she was extremely disappointed.
Miranda (continued): The design style was meant to be called new dresses, but these are the most old-fashioned and obsolete dresses in the world.
At this moment, Andy walked in. She quietly put Miranda's coffee in front of her.
Miranda (continued): We have to start from scratch.
She glanced at Andy.
Miranda: Sit down, Emily, I want you to write down all the changes. First of all...
Andy (directly): Actually, I am Andy.
Miranda: What?
Andy noticed that she had frozen the air in the whole room.
Andy: My name is Andy, which is Andrea, but people call me Andy.
Miranda: What an interesting story, so interesting, so full of useful information.
Everyone stared at Andy, and Andy took out his notebook.
Miranda: Skirts are important, but they are actually crucial. Women need to separate different sides in order to cope with various occasions throughout the day.
She grabbed a dress from the hanger. Andy looked at her.
Miranda: Although this piece has glitter, it is a work cloth, and no one can use it. We want to give the ladies a clear choice. (To Andy) What are you looking at?
Andy: Me? Nothing, I...
Miranda: You think you are amazing, don't you? We are talking about skirts, and you are smiling secretly.
Andy: I ​​don't have one.
Miranda: Inwardly, you are smiling secretly.
There was silence in the room at this time. All the people present have experienced this kind of teasing on different occasions, but this time they are very fortunate that it is not them who suffer.
Andy: No, no, no, I don't. I didn't look down on anything. This is my creed, I swear.
Miranda: Did you see the loose pullover you are wearing? Cameron Diaz was wearing this color of clothes on the cover of "T-Tail", the thin chiffon dress designed by James Holt. It is this blue that quickly appeared in the works of eight other fashion designers, and spread to second-rate designers, department store brands, and then to some cute wholesale markets for price differences. You must buy it from there. of. This blue is worth tens of millions of dollars, and there are many more job opportunities.
She smiled at Andy, and Andy trembled.
Miranda: Your detached attitude is not allowed. This is true for this magazine. This is true for this industry. Including in front of me, the same is true.

Interior view, apartment. At night,
Andy tried to relax after a day's work. She took off her work clothes and changed into a sweatshirt while yelling to vent. Nat looked at her and felt amused.
Andy: It can be said that she is the scariest person I have ever met or heard of. Without making everyone around her scared, nervous or even suicidal, she will not be happy.
She put on an old Northwestern University sweatshirt on her head.
Andy (continued): And everyone pretended to be treating cancer. (Learning from Miranda's voice) Skirts are important, but they are actually crucial. (Returning to my own voice) Actually check, madam, "skirts" are nothing more than things you wear because your "denim clothes" were washed.
Nat: If you don't go tomorrow, you can get it, or you can just quit.
Andy: I ​​can't give up, Nat. She may be a devil, but this position is a great opportunity. Although I swear to God, what I have to do is face him and tell my true thoughts.
Quickly switch to:

interior scene, "T-Taiwan",
Miranda walks in during the day .
Andy: Good morning, Miranda! Nice to meet you.
Miranda slapped her coat in front of Andy, and walked into her office without even looking at her.
Andy (quietly):...Me? I'm fine, thanks for your regards.

Interior scene, "T-Taiwan", during the day
Andy brought the fried eggs for Miranda on a porcelain plate. She glanced.
Miranda: It's so cold.
Andy almost said "You haven't tasted it yet", but stopped again.
Andy: I'll change it for you right away.
She picked up the tray and walked outside. When she carried Miranda on her back, she made an extremely dissatisfied expression.

Interior scene, "T-Taiwan". Later,
Andy called at her desk during the day .
Andy: I'll tell Miranda, that's good.
She hung up the phone and Emily glanced at her in disgust.
Andy (continued): You are saying that I shouldn't say "good".
Emily handed her a page.
Emily: This is Miranda's schedule to spend the weekend with Donatella in Miami. If she needs anything, she will call you. This is an extra job as a second assistant. Remember that, seven days a week, your phone is always on. (One glance at a glance) Don-poke-lou-zi.
The camera shot on Andy's face, looking worried.

Location, West Village Street, during the day
we saw Andy's father Richard, a tall man, although a little overweight, but well-dressed and stylish. He is ringing the doorbell of Andy's dormitory.
Andy appeared in the window.
Andy: Dad, I will come down here.

Interior view, stairs,
Andy helped Richard up the stairs during the day , he was already out of breath.
Richard: I usually don't attend the Constitutional Law Conference, but when I think about it, what a good opportunity to see my Andy.

Interior view, Andy's dormitory. During the day,
Andy's father looked around and saw that the house was very small and had a kitchen/bathtub layout. He tried not to show his surprise and disappointment.
Andy: You can still see the outside scenery.
She led him to a position, from where she stretched her neck vigorously and looked to the side, and she could see a small part of the side of the building.

Interior, blue ribbon,
Andy and his father are eating at a restaurant on Sullivan Avenue during the day .
Richard: Let me talk about your job. Your mother and I are anxiously waiting to see your first newspaper clipping.
Andy: To be honest, I don't know how to write for a while, I'm more about doing things. Do some administrative affairs for Miranda. If I do well, I will be promoted to first assistant, and Miranda may promote me to a better position.
Richard: Oh, I see. perhaps.
Andy: Yes, I know. It seems to be a kind of gambling. However, I have seen someone go to a good place after working here in Miranda. "The New Yorker"...
Father was silent for a while while eating, and said nothing.
Andy: Hey, how is it? speak.
Richard: Andy, it's a bit hard to say. When you left home, you really had the spirit to change things, but now, you can't even do what you want to do.
Andy: I ​​have to do it step by step, I have to start somewhere. Of course, I know you don't understand, because this is not your world, but it is very promising to follow Miranda.
Richard: I think you have a great future when you go to Stanford Law School.
Andy: Dad...
Richard: That school was so difficult to enter, but you just gave up...
Andy: Dad, you are a lawyer, your father is also a lawyer, and your younger brother, we have too many lawyers Up.
Richard: Then why are you still signing up?
Andy: Because you told me to report it. Only once in this life... do what you think I should do. However, this is what I want to do. Finally it's the turn.
Richard: So, this is your dream, serving coffee to fashion editors?
Andy: Would you feel better if I were to serve coffee to the senior partner?
Richard: Yes, really. Because the law is based on ingenuity, it is real, it...
At this time, the phone rang, and Andy looked down.
Andy: It's Miranda.
She picked up the phone.

Interior view, Miami International Airport,
Miranda was surrounded by people returning home on the weekend at night .
Miranda: My flight was cancelled.
She began to walk around the airport.
Miranda (continued): I must rush home tonight. The twins will have a recital at school tomorrow morning, and I can't help but go.

Interior view, blue ribbon,
Andy tried his best to answer amidst the noise of the hotel at night .
Andy: Wait. I can not hear clearly. (To Richard) Come in a while.
She walked outside the restaurant.

Exterior scene, blue ribbon,
through the window at night , we saw Richard eating alone. Andy makes a quick switch shot of the phone.
Andy: It must have happened...
(Jump cut) I asked which airline. Let me talk to your manager.
(Jump cut) Give me a reply if you have a refund.
(Jump cut) Sorry, Miranda. I am doing my best. Obviously, many large conferences are held in the city, so...Of course, I will continue to fight for it.

Exterior view, on the street. At night,
Andy and Richard are standing outside the door of the Minskoff Theater, with someone playing a violin on the roof.
The audience filed in, and Andy was still on the phone. Richard held the ticket in his hand and waited there.
Andy: Sir, the important thing is that this flight has to have her seat... Wait a minute...
(She dials the number)
Miranda, the thing is that all charter companies are off work... Wait a minute...
(She dials again (Transfer call)
I'll call you later, please talk to your boss.
(She dials again)
Miranda? Hey? Damn it.
She redialed the number frantically.
Richard: Andy, that's all right. This is Sunday night. It depends on God. Do whatever you want. The show has started, let's go.
He tried to drag her into the theater.
Andy: Dad, no.
Richard: Yes, you can. You have tried your best. You can't do what she asks, she can't do what she asks.
She glanced at him.
Richard (continued): Let's go in, okay? I haven't seen you for so long.
Andy hesitated.
Andy: Okay, let's go.
She put her phone in her bag compellingly, and walked into the theater with her father.
Richard: Andy, you see, it's not your fault anyway. How can this woman be angry with you?

Interior view, Miranda's office, daytime
In the bright office background, Miranda was standing by the window, and Andy was also standing there, panicking.
Miranda: The girls played very well. They played Rachmaninoff and everyone liked it very much. Only me...I was not there.
Andy: I'm sorry, Miranda. You don't know.
Miranda turned her head from the window to look at Andy.
Miranda: Do you know why I hired you?
Andy shook his head, and Miranda turned to face her.
Miranda (continued): I always hire the same kind of girl, with demeanor and admiration for this magazine. But they proved to be disappointing and stupid.
She smiled, and this smile pierced Andy's heart.
Miranda (continued): But what about you, such a good resume... I thought you were different. I thought, well, that smart fat girl.
Andy's eyes widened (of course, she is far from fat).
Miranda (continued): I thought I was wise, but you turned out to be just as disappointing as them. You don't know how to do things, and the only person who should be blamed is myself, because I hired you.
Andy stood there motionless.
Miranda (continued): You left me there when my kids needed me.
Andy: As long as there is a little way, any way, I will compensate
you—— Miranda: Forget it.
After that, she went to work. Andy stood there for a while, and left. We saw tears rolling in Andy's eyes.

Interior scene, "T-Taiwan", during the day
Andy held back tears and ran along the corridor. It happened to meet Nigel, he saw the expression on her face, and he pulled her into his office.

Interior view, Nigel's office,
Nigel closed the door during the day , she looked at him, her lips trembling.
Nigel: I guess what, you have been holding back crying with her?
Tears welled up from her eyes, and he put an arm around her.
Nigel: Oh, that's it.
Andy: She is not happy no matter what I do. What I did hardly did not do well, but this time it was too difficult. She is too scary, too terrible. It's scary.
She sipped her nose a few times and blew her nose. He looked at her.
Nigel: Is it over?
Andy: What?
Nigel: Do you want to hear me say, oops, poor little, Miranda is so deceiving? Be realistic, little Cincinnati girl. Miranda Priestley is like that, always like that. Your job is not to please her, but to hang around with her.
He looked at her.
Nigel: Andy, I saw with my own eyes many assistants coming and going. And you are very talented...smart and hardworking. But you are not really involved in it. I dare say you don't even read this magazine.
After a while. He looked at her.
Nigel: Andy, if you want this job, go all out. Be the kind of person Miranda needs. Or just... leave.
Andy: I ​​don't want to give up, Nigel. Don't want to give up.
Nigel: So... what do you say? Do it or retreat?
Andy: I ​​do. You can call me anything, I swear.
He looked at her.
Nigel: Well, if that's the case...
Andy: Well, or...
Nigel: Andy...
Andy: Is there no other way?
He shook his head. She realized he was right and sighed.
Nigel: Come, speak up. Speak out.
Andy: No, you can spare me.
Nigel: Come on, say those small words, I really want to hear you when I see you.
Andy (Gosh): Okay, I said. change yourself.

Interior view, storage room,
Nigel made an elegant gesture during the day and opened the door of the library.
This is a big room, like a treasure hole, with shoes, bags, clothing, fur, jewelry, etc. piled high in it.
Nigel: Here are the best fashion products, let's see what they have first.
Andy opened his eyes wide and scanned the entire warehouse.
Andy: What shall we do? I have 11 minutes left for lunch.
Nigel: Don't worry, my record is that you can dress a person from head to toe in four minutes.
She saw a beautiful and noble beaded dress in the corner.
Andy: Look at that one.
She walked over, her eyes full of surprise.
Andy (continued): It's James Holt's. James Holt, even I have heard of him.
Nigel: He is a genius. He owes everything to Miranda. That was Emily's dress for the charity exhibition at the museum in September.
Andy: Will I... also attend the charity exhibition?
Nigel (laughing): You didn't need shoes before, but now you want a ball gown. (Shook his head) The first assistant was only attending the charity exhibition.
Nigel began to choose clothes.
Nigel: (Continue) Alright, it's all here.
He began tossing her each piece of clothing.
Nigel (continued): Cristian Dior tight jacket...Tracy Rees skirt...Chip Piper denim miniskirt...Clement Liviero cardigan...
1 Pieces, one piece, another piece... Andy caught them one by one.

Interior, "T-Taiwan" during the day
Andy holding a big hug clothing ran across the corridor ......

Interior, Department of beauty ...... later
Andy sitting in front of a mirror, so many busy hands busy feet to give her hair done , Make-up, we almost can't even see her.

Interior view, "T-Taiwan", daytime
Emily is on the phone.
Emily: I don't understand why Miranda hired her. (She sighs) At first glance, I saw that she was pure---
Suddenly, Andy appeared in front of her in brightly dressed, with impeccable face makeup, soft, fluffy, and beautiful hair.
She looks mature, sexy, and charming.
Emily (voice changed): --- disaster.
At this moment, Miranda's voice came.
Miranda: Andrea.
Andy smiled at Emily and walked into Miranda's office.

In the interior, Miranda's office
Miranda turned around and was looking at some photos on the light box.
Miranda: I want to enlarge these three pictures and print them---
At this time, she looked at Andy, and Andy seemed to be a different person.
She gave Andy an almost invisible approval.
Then she quickly turned around and continued with the work at hand, with her back to Andy.
Miranda: ---Tell him that the yellow color is too heavy, and we need to lift up the pink.
Andy, standing behind her, smiled.

Interior view, cafeteria restaurant.
Andy stepped into the restaurant during the day , everyone turned their heads: Is this still the girl?
Andy walked confidently in full view. She walked to... the soup table, and drew a bowl of corn chowder soup on a tray.

Interior scene, "T-Taiwan",
Andy answers the phone during the day .
Andy: Miranda Priestley's office.
Pulling behind the camera, we saw Andy organizing files while making calls, remembering something on a piece of paper, and unpacking gifts.
She held the microphone and held a box to Emily.
Andy: Charlie Ruth’s birthday gift to Miranda was a mobile phone.
She held up an expensive and fancy Ben Olufsen cell phone.
Emily: Cell phone. What a shit. Throw it away before she sees it.
Andy: How can it be?

Interior view, McSorley Hotel. In the evening,
Andy came to Nat and his friends. She slapped her phone on the desktop.
But everyone was busy looking at her and didn't look at the phone much.
Nat: Wow.
Andy: How about this phone, isn't it? Ben Olufsen's. Emily said I could keep it for use.
She was very happy to talk casually.
Andy: Hillary Clinton gave a birthday present, Nelson Mandela also gave it, and also Lear King.
While everyone was still staring at Andy.
Lily: I can't believe it was you, the girl who wore a pullover for three years in college.
Lily looked at Andy's jacket.
Lily: Chanel's?
Andy: Don't be silly. (Lower voice) This is Balenciaga's. How should I say, a few clothes for work. It's not that I'm going to do it.
Doug: Wait a minute, so the girls there are like this?
Andy: No, they have to be beautiful and slim.
Doug: Damn, I like your job.
Andy reached into his bag.
Andy: There is more.
She took out perfumes, cosmetics, and belts to share with them. Doug picked up a bottle of perfume and wanted to spray it on his hand, when Andy stopped him.
Andy: This thing is called "pink" and it is used by women.
Doug: Men can also be pink, and I have a pink side.
Lily: Thank you, I'm eating.
Andy: Do you know who is coming to the office on Friday? John Updike.
Nat: Why, he needs pants?
Andy: No, clever fool. Our magazine also publishes articles by some great writers.
Lily: Oh, yes. Their article on denim miniskirts changed my life.
Everyone laughed.
Andy (a bit angry): It's not because it's a fashion magazine is not credible. Miranda has reported some real things, such as AIDS in Africa, domestic violence, and drug abuse among young people.
Nat shook his head.
Nat: I think you are a bit confusing.
At this time Andy's cell phone rang, and Nat grabbed it.
Nat: Let me guess.
Andy: Give me the phone.
Nat looked at the telegraph: Miranda.
Nat: The banshee called in person.
Andy: Give me the phone.
Andy reached out to grab it, and Nat threw the phone to Doug.
Doug: I'll tell her, tell her that she has to fry her own eggs.
Andy almost hugged him, snatching the phone from him.
Andy: Come on, ghost, give me that damn phone!
Everyone was stunned by her ruthlessness, and Andy himself was too.
Andy (to the phone): Hello, Miranda.

Interior view, Lincoln extended the luxury car, and the
car was sending Miranda home at night .
Miranda: I need someone to get some pictures from James Holt.

Interior view, restaurant,
Andy continues to call in the evening .
Andy: I'll do it myself, don't worry. I'm leaving now.
She hung up the phone.
Andy: You guys shouldn't be so stupid.
She said and left, all the friends exchanged glances.

Location, Elias Clark, night
Andy ran into the Elias Clark Building.

Exterior view, Tribeca Avenue.
Andy's luxury car stopped in front of a building on Tribeca Avenue at night .

Interior view, lobby,
Andy rang the doorbell at night , no one agreed. But she heard a voice in the door, and when she pushed the door, it opened. After entering, she saw the fashion-style lobby of the industry, and a party was being held in it.
Andy looked around for a moment - this is the kind of New York social party that you might not be invited to in your entire life, but she actually came to it. Andy walked towards a super pretty girl who decorated the party.
Andy: Is James Holt here?
The lady pointed to a handsome man by the window. He was James Holt, one of the top fashion designers, in his 40s, with strong muscles, dark complexion and impeccable clothes.
Andy walked towards him.
Andy (continued): Hi, this is Andy. Come to draw a picture for Miranda Priestley.
James: You are the new Emily. let me see.
He believed it was her.
James (continued): Tight-fitting jacket and long-sleeved spun cardigan. Your outfit is full of Nigel Kipling's name.
He handed her a folio with a handle.
James: You are working for Miranda, and you must really want to have a drink at the Lit Bar.
Andy: No, I...
James: You can't drink it, come on.
He led her to the bar. Andy tried his best not to stare at the VIPs at the party...Is that Rennie Kravitz? Is that Julian Schnabel?
James (continued): Don't get me wrong, I admire Miranda very much. She almost made me. (To the bartender) Give her a punch. (Hands Punch to Andy) This wine is very powerful, I wish you a good time!
After he said and walked away, Andy took the punch.
Christian: He’s right. I drank punch at James’ last party. I woke up in Hoboken with my pants tied to a telephone pole.
Andy looked up, and saw a sophisticated man in his 30s with a dignified look in front of him. He was a bit mischievous.
His name is Christian Harper.
Andy: I ​​don't want to offend him, but I want to go away.
Christian: No, you didn't want to leave. You are looking around. This arouses your curiosity, and even makes you a little itchy.
Andy: Oh my goodness, it's interesting, a complete stranger actually told me what I thought.
He laughed.
Christian: Christian Harper. I'm very sorry for such a spam. (Raising his cup) I also think Punch is not a good thing.
Andy: Christian Harper? writer? (He nods) Your article is in all the magazines I like. Your article on Al Sharpton in The New Yorker won the National Magazine Award. I also wrote a paper about it when I was in my senior year.
Christian: Did you mention that I'm handsome and depressing?
Andy: No, but I mentioned a few factual mistakes and your improper insistence on using second-person plurals.
Christian (laughs): What do you do?
Andy: I ​​work under Miranda Priestley.
He shook his head.
Christian: You can't do it well.
Andy: What did you say?
Christian: You are very smart, nice, and you have your own opinions. You can't do this job.
Andy: You know nothing about me, how do you know what I can do.
Andy gave him her punch.
Andy: Please forgive me, I have to go.
She left.
Christian: Let me guess, your boyfriend is waiting for you. He...is not in high school, but from the university? The guy is pretty good-looking, very emotional, and plans to ask you to live with him, but you haven't made up your mind yet.
She stared at him, it was incredible. But, I think it's very interesting.
Andy: You are not a good person.
Christian: Good meeting, Miranda girl.
He walked away. She almost exploded.
Andy: By the way, he is really handsome!
This sentence didn't make him look back, but it caused some other people to look at her. Andy left awkwardly.

Exterior view, apartment building.
Andy is walking back to Nat's apartment building at night , carrying the big clip in his hand. I happened to run into Nat on the road.
Nat: You really got the nuclear suitcase from a secret place. I'm very proud of you.
Andy (a bit surprised): Where are you going?
Nat: Doug and some of his Yahoo friends are playing "Texas Poker" at his house. I'll get some Wall Street currency.
Andy: I'm back, we can go out and play together.
NAT (softly): Oh, I'm sorry, but after you scolded me for the stupid, you huffed and ran out without making it clear.
Andy: So, well, I apologize to you...
He gave her a kiss.
Nat: See you later, okay?
Andy: Wait a minute, Nat.
At this moment, Nat's cell phone rang, and he picked up the cell phone.
Nat: Hello? (Like Andy talking to Miranda) No problem, Doug. I got it as soon as possible! Six bottles? no problem. Dutch or German?
Andy pinched his waist and looked at him there.
Andy: It's funny.
Nat (to the phone): What temperature do you want?
He waved to Andy and left.

Interior view, apartment building, early morning
It was dark outside, and Nat was still sleeping soundly.
But Andy has woken up and is about to freshen up. Nowadays, the procedure is much more complicated. It is necessary to choose the right suit and apply grease and powder.

Interior, office. Later in the
day we saw Miranda, she was reviewing a stack of pictures in the big clip that Andy had picked up last night.

Interior scene, "T-Taiwan"
, Miranda appeared while Andy was putting the dishes back in the kitchen during the day .
Miranda: Where is Emily?
Andy: She went down to the production department. But if you need anything, there is me.
Miranda: You didn't feel happy, huh?
Andy shook his head: I didn't.
Miranda sighed: I thought you might be happy.
She gave Andy a note.
Miranda (continued): I want you to find these outdated magazines.

Interior view, luxury extension car,
Miranda and Andy drove through the heavy traffic during the day . Miranda was hitting the floor of the car with one foot, a little anxious. She finally leaned forward and said to the driver Roy.
Miranda: Just put us here.
She got out of the car, and Andy hurriedly picked up her things, and got out of the car afterwards.

Location, urban street,
Miranda was walking down the street during the day , she walked very fast, dashing around on the sidewalk, like a sports car driving on the highway.
Andy hugged a heavy bundle of magazines, and it was not easy to keep up with her.
Suddenly, Miranda disappeared from Andy's sight.
Andy: That's awful, awful, awful.
She finally saw Miranda again, she was crossing the road.
Andy tried to keep up, stepped into the driveway without looking either way, and a car nearly ran into her. The driver leaned out of the car and scolded her. She really didn't have time to deal with this, and continued to chase Miranda.

Location, Tribeca Street, during the day
Andy realizes that they have come to James Holt’s street. She finally caught up with Miranda when she entered the building.

Interior view, the roof hall of the building. During the day,
Miranda slammed open the heavy doors leading to the elevator in the roof hall like a seaman. Andy hesitated. She sighed if she didn't know if Miranda was allowed to take the elevator with her.
Miranda: Okay, come on. Let's hurry up.

Interior view, elevator,
pause during the day . Miranda rides the elevator with Andy.
Andy: This building is very interesting. Last time I came here, James was holding a party, this...
Miranda looked at her.
Andy (continued): ...that's why you don't like to take the elevator with others.
Miranda smiled slightly. Exactly.

Interior view, ceiling,
Miranda walked in like a gust of wind during the day , which was completely unexpected. James Holt ran over to greet her. His assistants stopped their work and tried not to look straight.
Miranda hugs James.
James: Uninvited guest, you are always sudden...
Miranda put a big envelope on his desk.
Miranda: Those pictures you sent, for autumn.
Miranda walked around, looking at the cut materials on the man-made models, they were all unformed and jumbled things.
James: I want to grasp where the East and the West meet. Fashionable women like Gayisa let her mix with rock stars and some desperate and struggling housewives.
Miranda stopped in front of a red dress with too many ruffles and trims---looked at it suspiciously.
James (continued): But obviously, the exhibits here are still works in production.
Miranda: Actually no, it's not, dear.
He looked at her: What did you say?
Miranda (continued): You don't want to produce this variety. If it is produced, I will not publish the magazine for you, and you will not get any department store orders.
James: Miranda, I know this batch of things is a little overhanging...
Miranda: I looked through the pictures one by one, looking for kimonos, motorcycle jackets, and gingham. (Shook his head) Most of them can't see it. And I don't like what I see. To me, to you, I can't let you do this anymore. My reputation is also tied to the variety of colors here.
Andy watched James, the whole room was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop.
Miranda (continued): I first gave you a special report to draw people's attention to you. When you held your first exhibition in the dock warehouse, I was the only magazine editor standing in the front row, and I stood in the front row applauding for you.
Miranda approached James and put a hand on his shoulder.
Miranda (continued): I still remember every exhibit in the first exhibition, the elegant silk and bright embroidery.
She walked up to Andy and picked up the stack of magazines. While talking, he threw one by one on the table in front of James.
Miranda (continued): In September 1997, you completely changed the bottom of the female skirt; in March 1998, you recovered women from the terrible monk status; in June 2000, you took the lead in making watercolor Flower; In February 2002, you reconsidered the waist of the fashion kingdom.
She leaned towards him.
Miranda (continued): You don't just dress up a woman with clothes, but hug her and give her a kind of love that you can never get from an ordinary man.
The whole room was deadly silent, and everyone was dumbfounded.
At this time Miranda is no longer indifferent and detached. She is talking about something she has a soft spot. You can tell from her expression.
Miranda (continued): You can make a woman feel powerful, different, and beautiful, even though she is not at all like that. She went to work on her first day, her wedding, her first date, all these important moments in a woman's life, you are with her. This is what you should do to put you on this planet. But what about this...
She pointed to the exhibits.
Miranda (continued): ...It's terrible. Burn them. Think of something else. I know there will be excellent works.
After speaking, she kissed him again and hurried to the elevator. Andy put away the catwalk magazines and followed.
James: Miranda.
She turned bac

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Extended Reading
  • Dana 2022-03-23 09:01:12

    The heroine Daguai upgrades the fashion movie.

  • Tara 2021-10-20 19:00:59

    The so-called awakening is because I did a job that my boyfriend didn't like, and then got into bed with the prodigal son and guiltily left the job and ran away? If this is called awakening, then she will not do any work

The Devil Wears Prada quotes

  • Emily: This is her, the new me.

    Serena: I thought you were kidding.

  • Miranda Priestly: [to Andy] There you are, Emily. How many times do I have to scream your name?