Just write a few words about my beloved laugh ><

Jeanne 2022-05-13 23:00:16

First of all, I have to say that making a sports-themed work into such a warm overall atmosphere... I have never seen it before _(:з"∠)_ In fact, my heart is not very passionate, and I prefer friendship and love to dreams For me, this five-star rating is a must. . .

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Well, in fact, five stars also have a big factor is the face of arata.

After accepting the brainwashing of the animation style of the whole six episodes, I suddenly saw the live-action version, and the dazzling eyes are not enough to describe my feeling of being crazy! ! Arata is really a wife, wife, wife, handsome QAQ!!!!!! So I was stabbed by the character of Xiaoye and I fell deeply _(:з」∠)_

Aside from Yan, the character of Lord Xiao was originally my favorite. First of all, when the story came to an end, it seemed that many people were puzzled that Xiaoye finally took the road of oblivion, and felt that he was the cannon fodder for the protagonist. I don’t think it’s possible to think about things from the perspective of sports comics. From the very beginning, Mr. Xiao’s setting was a person who had no passion for table tennis. Originally, there are various choices in life, not one If a person has a certain talent, he must take a certain path, otherwise it would be a pity, and talent is really only a small aspect, mentality is probably a more important thing than talent, talent determines whether you can walk a certain way or not. Well, the mentality directly determines whether you can choose this path. It’s like I used to think that I have a more rigorous personality, and I should be suitable for doing scientific research, but I found out that it is completely impossible, because I am too timid, and the spirit of exploration and adventure is the premise. As for whether it is meticulous or not, it is completely another story . Pulling away, Xiaoye is almost in this state. This kind, soft and cute child with a little bit of autism probably lacks the most competitive spirit. Table tennis is not interesting to him, on the contrary, this kind of fierce competition is a terrible thing for introverts. For him, table tennis carries a friendship that pulls him out of his closed little world, and things like victory are far less precious than this. So in the early stage, he kept letting go, fearing that his most important friend would cry and be sad, so he subconsciously gave him the ball, and when he met Kong Wenge, who regarded winning and losing that he did not cherish as an important bargaining chip in life, he could not help but soften his hand. Concessions were made. This kind of taboo in competitive competition appears to be a bit of a violation of such a talented young sportsman, so as a sports movie, this is a decisive run too far. Ww is about the growth of Xiaoye in the later stage, and he gradually understands The thing is not the meaning of table tennis to me, but finally I understand that friendship is to support each other, to be each other's pillars, not to look up to him forever, to accommodate him, as for the "coach I want to play basketball" kind of In a middle-2-style plot, it is enough to have Peco alone. If the two protagonists are so enthusiastic, this will really become a story of a middle-2 sickness ==

So I think this is indeed a very rare story with two main characters. There is no feeling of being a cannon fodder for either side, each seeking benevolence and benevolence, whether it is dream maturity or emotional growth, it is an important harvest on the road of growth ><

Xiaoye, I really like you (¯﹃¯) I melted when I saw him pull up peco in the animation and said he would not cry and go home. By the time he asked Confucius, I had already ignored that face and brought him back. He has become a male god> View more about Pinpon reviews

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