A good story where stars get together

Aaliyah 2022-03-16 09:01:02

The story is strong. As soon as he came up, George Clooney smiled at the gentleman who showed his charming mouth and kept the audience, except that the suit jacket was crooked when he was finally caught... I think of it as Jacques Behan in "Paradise Cinema"---a lot of middle-aged people, and he has such a charming smile when he comes out.
In the later period, I was completely fascinated by various characters, and the image was very full. To Matt Damon's image of the depressed genius who has been stuck in "Mind Catcher", the short hair + lipstick Catherine Zeta-Jones looks super temperamental, and her confident and capable smile is overwhelming. Vincent Caso--Night Fox, as the first thief, is really elegant and handsome, with a natural aristocratic touch. The last stage of dancing, avoiding laser + background jazz, is completely impressed by the artistic bridge section, and it is so beautiful.
There is a bit of dissatisfaction, that is, the bridge section on the train feels too weak. Compared with the previous lifting of the whole house and stealing golden eggs in the museum, the technique is simply too inferior. Perhaps the high IQ crimes in our definition are elegant, quiet, and without unnecessary actions, so noisy and noisy fights on the train are too inelegant, quiet, and without unnecessary actions in our opinion.

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Ocean's Twelve quotes

  • Reuben Tishkoff: [after Linus complains about the freak] Are you hosting a telethon we don't know about?

  • Danny Ocean: [from the trailer] How are you feeling?

    Basher Tarr: Great... for a dead guy!

    Danny Ocean: [pauses] Good.