Beautiful girls have the right to do anything, the point is beauty and being a girl.

Reese 2022-09-20 11:56:52

I put it on the computer for two years, and I only watched one episode at first, so I left it in order to chase the les line of Emily.

1. The

most beautiful thing Emily looks is her, sunny, healthy and charming.
Standard big Aries beauty. Pure and crystal clear.
Whoever she laughs at must melt away.
I'm just so superficial, I can't help it╮(╯▽╰)╭ The
director is really willing to let her go the les line. What a great benefit to the audience!
But, please find a good-looking Gu Liang to form a couple with her in the next few seasons~ Thank you~

uh~ In fact, I didn't like Maya very much. She was not very polite to Em's mother. not good.

In other words, Em's emotional road is really bumpy.
First love Alison died, Maya was sent to a juvenile detention center, there was a run on her and a perverted swim captain who wanted to drown her and then kiss her, and then another earring giver.
Em, not everyone who is good to you and confesses to you, you have to accept it, it will inevitably appear a little promiscuous.
But you are a good girl, and the most important thing is that you are beautiful, uh~ Please keep going.
love u.


I really like Hanna the more I see it.
She cried the most in the whole drama, and it made me really sad to see her tears always falling in series.
She is a thoughtful, sensible and kind girl. Although she is a bit mean as Queen B, her nature is very good.
She supports Em's sexuality without embarrassing Em by pointing it out.
In order to subsidize the family, I sell my own things online.
Take in Caleb, who is homeless.
Also on Homecoming, I danced the night away with Lucas, who was no one cared about. (Okay she was forced to do it at the time, but she doesn't really hate Lucas.)
Lucas is the one who really loves her, but I still think he's a little unworthy of Hanna.
Caleb is not so good either~╮(╯▽╰)╭~ The episode where the two of them spent the night in the tent really made me tangled to death!
I'm soooo jealous~
In my heart Emily should be a pair with Hanna!
Hanna is so cute, I hope someone won't make you cry again.

3. Aria

really convinced this girl.
All day long, arguing, do you love me, do you love me, do you love me, do you love me, do you love me or not +N
a heart will die on the English teacher, why bother~
Look at your other three good friends, It's been a few rounds.
There is no grass in the end of the world~

4. Spencer

is also an unkind girl, and she has a fight with Alison.
Being her sister is really a kind of punishment, every male friend has to be meddled by her sister.
Fortunately, she is very loyal to her friends, smart and hard-working.
She and Toby are a good match, although it's surprising they are together.
It feels like it will last a long time.

5. Toby is a

weird but handsome boy.
He's in great shape, and Spencer sees him undress and drools.
It seems that Freak is actually an innocent person. He was taken advantage of by his sister Jenna.

Basically I just want to talk about these people.
I'm too lazy to study the plot or something, and there are quite a few flaws.
A mysterious and ill-conceived A can exist for a whole season without showing up.
How long will this kind of shit last.
In addition to looking at beauties, the reliable friendship of a few girls is also something to watch.
Their strong bond is based on mutual trust and understanding.
We can discuss things together, help anyone who is in difficulty, and keep our privacy while being honest. This kind of relationship is ideal.
I wish I had such friends. Liver and gallbladder. Haha~
Hanna betrayed Aria for the sake of her mother, and finally got Aria's forgiveness and reconciled, which really touched me.
Really consider the problem from the other side's standpoint, it can really resolve too many misunderstandings.

Little beauties, I really don't want you to grow up, the adult world is not beautiful at all.

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