
Desiree 2022-03-17 09:01:04

The new version of "Robocop" imprinted on my heart is not the cool action, nor the battle scene, but two sets of relatively static pictures. First, when the mechas on Murphy's body were removed one by one, only the transparent chest cavity and skull were left. Under the monotonous and cold light and shadow, the lingering life seemed so helpless; second, when Murphy returned to the experiment every time In the room, he lay silently back on the machine, the lights around him went out one by one, and Murphy's world fell into darkness and loneliness, especially when he returned from seeing his wife and children.

This is a movie that keeps my mind wandering. If that Murphy were me, looking at myself with only my brain and chest in the mirror, watching my lungs contract with nervous shortness of breath, I'm afraid I wouldn't have the courage to live anymore. This was Murphy's first reaction too, but he was eventually persuaded. As the saying goes, no one is perfect, but if there are only individual organs left to survive, no limbs, no movement, even the ability to commit suicide, and everything is in the hands of others, I really don’t know whether I should characterize myself as a person. Just like Colt, whose head is half-pulled in the airtight warehouse in "Source Code", when he has become so helpless to even ask for death, it is cruel to entangle the value and meaning of life, and only humanitarianism is worthwhile. carry. In contrast, Murphy is lucky, not only the mecha can dominate the remnant body, but also has superhuman abilities.

It's also a movie that I can't stop thinking about. Every breakthrough in life science and technology may lead to scientific and ethical discussions, such as test-tube babies and human clones, and small ones such as organ transplantation and mechanical limbs. "Robocop" can also be seen as the technological evolution of prosthetic limbs. Since the prosthetic leg trapeze was able to gallop in the Olympics yesterday, it is not surprising that tomorrow's more refined mechanical limbs will be born. On the 18th of this month, there was news from an American laboratory that for the first time, the brain of one monkey was used to control the alien body of another monkey. The technology of the body has been turned on. The new version of "Robocop" wrongly changes the time of the story from 2020, which is in sight, to 2028, which is a little further away. Obviously, there are practical considerations. The technology of man-machine integration may not appear in 2020, but 2028 Years are not necessarily science fiction. If there is a day when humans and machines combine like Murphy, I believe the ethical discussion will be more intense than the movie.

As technology advances, the natural evolution of Darwin's theoretical system will sooner or later face choices - selective or even implantable "evolution" is a possibility. On this basis, the development of human society is nothing more than the infinite convergence of two trends, namely the trend of mechanical intelligence and the "evolution" of human-machine integration (cyborg). The forbidden zone of life. Regarding the thinking and crisis brought about by mechanical intelligence, we have widely explored through various films, such as "Edward Scissorhands", "Artificial Intelligence", "Terminator", "I Am a Robot" and so on. There are also many film and television explorations on the "evolution" of human-machine integration. "Robocop" in 1987 is a representative of this field, in addition to "Wife Swap Club", "Brown Bump" and "The Matrix" series, etc. , Last year's "Elysium" also dabbled, and in reality the US military is also actively developing equipment similar to improving soldiers' combat capabilities. The new version of "Robocop" is not only an "evolution" of human-machine integration, but also an important part of the "act" about intelligent robots.

As a classic remake, the new version of "Robocop" can't escape the comparison between the old and the new, but such a comparison is meaningless in this film. Compared with the old works, the imagination that technology can provide us is not what it used to be. If it is only the upgrade of film technology and the upgrade of the scene, the remake is equivalent to digging one's own grave; In front of the "Iron Man" of the land, Murphy really doesn't have much capital to show off. José Padilla is a smart guy, following Paul Verhoeven's rituals, but instead of getting caught up in the action and spectacle, not getting lost in the cool and handsome skin, he will be more A lot of pen and ink fell into the hearts of the characters, finding a new foothold on the ethical level, and using this to cover up other shortcomings and deficiencies.

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RoboCop quotes

  • John Lake: You got something on us? Or is this personal?

    Alex Murphy: No, it's nothing personal. Although, I don't like you as a person.

  • David Murphy: I saved all the Red Wings games on my computer.

    Alex Murphy: You did? How'd they do?

    David Murphy: I don't know. I've been waiting to watch them with you.