It's not really a superhero story

Carter 2022-03-15 09:01:03

This is not a superhero movie, and the story line is also very simple. At first glance, it is only a 3-star rhythm. It is about a propositional demonstration of human nature between "people" and "machines" in the future not too far away from us. Under the main theme, it is natural for human nature to win, but at the end of the story, the director still allows the mechanical police to fully enter the society.

But this kind of tasteful approach just leads to a rhythm that makes people think. In recent years, driven by technology, developed countries have the basic conditions for machines to replace labor-intensive industries. In the near future, machines and intelligent technology will replace more occupations and even some law enforcement powers. Of course, new technology will also bring more new jobs, but don't imagine the three laws of robots, the wonderful future of robots serving the working masses, and we don't live in science fiction.

The development of technology is unstoppable, and we will finally reach the day when we need to live face-to-face with machines. In recent years, there have been many articles in the West discussing the coexistence of computers and humans. Among them, Michael Ignatyev's "Tame Technology with Democracy" "It's worth seeing.

Whether the future society is good or bad, how human beings will adjust and reposition themselves to adapt to the new era, human nature is the most important balance weight.

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RoboCop quotes

  • John Lake: You got something on us? Or is this personal?

    Alex Murphy: No, it's nothing personal. Although, I don't like you as a person.

  • David Murphy: I saved all the Red Wings games on my computer.

    Alex Murphy: You did? How'd they do?

    David Murphy: I don't know. I've been waiting to watch them with you.