Horror is scary, and then what?

Timmy 2022-03-21 09:01:31

I have always liked to watch horror movies, but I don’t watch much, because many well-publicized horror movies have a kind of feeling that they are designed to make you feel terrified. For those who watch too much, they will no longer be frightened. Because the means are fixed, the music is similar, the plots are of different types, and movies are industrialized products, but if a horror movie is a product that people continue to pay for, I think it still needs to be emotional.
Someone wants to say that the protagonist Dou Xiaosan is not a relationship? Are the few actresses who screamed and roared all the way wood? However, what does this have to do with the plot...
As a gimmick of a horror movie, there is no doubt that humans are monsters. You can think of it this way. If the heroine does not go out in the end, then all the feelings between them will have an impact on the plot. What does it do? Juno accidentally killed a friend at first, but to be honest, should she stay there and die with her at this time? Juno said that he was looking for Sarah, but he and his two partners encountered a monster before they walked out of an intersection. It did not reflect the meaning of this sentence at all. It was to run away. In the end, Sarah remembered that Juno had seduced her husband, and then cut her off. Legs, let her be eaten by monsters, and then die in the cave. What is the connection between monsters, exploration, and caves?
Watching this movie is like two completely intersecting parallel lines. There is no connection between the emotions and the horror plot. It generally feels like this, chatting - exploring - chatting - exploring - monsters come and fight monsters - Chat - monsters come and fight monsters - chat - monsters come and fight monsters - no one chats and have a love scene in your head - over...
if you can't integrate the characters' feelings and cores The plot, no matter how high the skill and how skilled the technique is, will always make people play

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The Descent quotes

  • Juno: Sam's gonna be Doctor Van Ney in like a year's time.

    Beth: Please tell me it's longer than that.

  • Holly: Hey, there's something down here...