Gender inversion plus homosexuality, a lot of information

Bonita 2022-08-19 04:53:01

I've seen a lot of gay-themed movies, many of which describe how difficult it is for gays to live and how much psychological pressure they have, but compared to people with the wrong gender, what is it?
The plot is set in Germany. On the one hand, unlike the old-fashioned America, Europe is more open to all kinds of things, which is one of the foundations of Europe's proud existence. On the other hand, perhaps because the Nazi regime also slaughtered homosexuals, it is now impossible to discriminate against homosexuals at the political or official level in Germany. In fact, the current German foreign minister, Guido Westerwelle, is gay (to be precise, a soon-to-be former foreign minister). The large environment will inevitably affect the small environment. You can see how comfortable Fabio is, and Ine lives like ordinary people. He is very, very tolerant towards homosexuality.
When it comes to gender inversion, Unique in Glee is also a typical example, except that Unique is physically male and psychologically female. It seems that people are easier to understand about male-to-female surgery, perhaps because it is easier for people to understand male-to-female surgery, and there is an ancient history of circumcision. But even in the cheerful and harmonious atmosphere of Glee, Unique suffers a lot of unfair treatment, such as the troubles "he" encounters when he wants to go to the women's toilet.
Gender inversion and sexual orientation are two different things. These two things are independent of each other. It does not mean that gender inversion is because of same-sex sexual orientation. Lukas in the play is first and foremost a gender inversion, biologically female and psychologically male. This is also not the same as a male sissy or a female tomboy, who may have a variety of personalities, and may be man or sissy, but only on the basis of identifying himself as a man.
I have seen news that a heterosexual couple, the male transgender becomes a woman, the woman transgender becomes a man, and then the two continue to love each other. Sure enough, the world is full of wonders. However, I still think that the gender inversion had an impact on the formation of Lukas' sexuality. Lukas has always wanted to be a man in her heart, and her desire for men naturally affects her sexuality. For whatever reason, Lukas is now physically female and mentally male, and likes men. Great amount of information.
But love has transcended gender, and what can't be transcended.
Fabio, is a normal gay. He is very manly and likes men. Compared to Lukas, Fabio is just an ordinary person. If there is a role like Fabio in any other movie, it must be an unusual type of person in the movie, but in this movie he can "get in" with the "mass". I think Fabio loves Lukas. After all, for a person like Fabio, whether it is a man or a woman, if he wants to date, he can always find one easily. If Lukas doesn't want to, then just give up and just look for it. But Fabio didn't just let it go, which shows that he has feelings in his heart. Then, naturally, when he found out that Lukas was biologically female, Fabio couldn't understand, digest, and accept this fact. So he chose to escape. I'm afraid that's the case with anyone else. Although comrades like the same sex, they are at least loyal to themselves, not to cover up themselves and show their false side to the world. Fabio must have thought, who am I? Is Lukas male or female, straight or curved.
If Fabio left in the end, it would be normal. Fortunately, the director gave a happy ending. In the end Fabio and Lukas had sex, though which hole was still a question, albeit trivial under the premise.
The gay films of Happy ending are not in the majority. Even if they filmed 83 episodes for five seasons like the American version of QAF, they still left regrets at the end.

Actor Rick Okon, who plays Lukas, is male and non-transgender. Therefore, Lukas' breasts in the play are so similar that no flaws can be seen at all. The way Lukas males dress and behave is a contrast to the pair of not-so-small breasts he reveals when he takes off his clothes. No matter how the appearance is decorated, there is still a pair of breasts under the clothes to remind myself that I am a female biologically.

The actor Maximilian Befort who plays Fabio is perfect. Befort was originally a British name. But looking at Fabio's hair color and face, it is clear that his ancestors are not Germanic, and the plot setting in the play also shows that he is the descendant of Italian or Spanish immigrants. Of course it doesn't matter.

Zivildienst: I wonder if anyone has seen subtitles that translate Zivildienst into community service? Zivildienst is equivalent to alternative service, and it is a distinct difference from any form of community service, whether compulsory or not. So Lukas, Ine, Fabio et al always meet. Because although they are relatively idle, they are serving after all. PS Even if they serve in military camps, in today's Europe, especially in western and northern Europe, soldiers still have weekends off and can go home. In short, the overall atmosphere has long been less tense than it was during the Cold War.

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