Five-star movie deducts one star from brain-dead director

Nadia 2022-03-19 09:01:03

I like shocking plots, unexpected plot twists, screenwriters who write in standard English and actors who are full of tension and articulate clearly. This is almost a textbook five-star movie, but unfortunately it is cut off by the non-mainstream narrative sequence that the director deliberately shows off. Fragmented. In the rare case of technology ruining a movie, not all subjects are suitable for montage.
Summary: When a first-class story, a first-class screenwriter and a first-class actor meet a third-class director, you can only sigh.

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21 Grams quotes

  • [hitting his son upside the head to punish him for hitting his sister]

    Jack Jordan: There's no hitting in this house.

  • [holding a glass jar containing his surgically removed heart]

    Paul Rivers: Ah. The culprit.