The soldiers dressed him in purple robes and crowns of thorns, and congratulated him; they struck him on the head with a reed, spat him, and bowed their knees to him; and when they had finished playing, they took off his purple robes and wore his own. clothing.
Behold, they beat him on the head, spit him, and worshipped him...
He would not drink the wine mingled with myrrh, but to ponder clearly what the Israelites did to their Son of God, and to pity their future more permanently, Yet hate their present.
Hostile, pitiful, accursed on all sides.
Tintin thought, the nails pierced through their palms, they were going to nail their Son of God; O merciful people, soften his pain. Tintin thought hard, the nails penetrated through the back of the foot, the nails shattered a bone, and the pain penetrated into the core of the heart, but they nailed their son of the gods, but cursed people, it made him feel comfortable.
The cross is erected; he hangs in the void.
He did not drink the wine mingled with myrrh, but wanted to ponder clearly how the Israelites dealt with their Son of God, and to pity their future more permanently, while hating their present.
The passersby insulted him, the chief priests and scribes mocked him, and the two robbers who were crucified with him mocked him.
Behold, those crucified with him...
are hostile, pitiful, accursed on every side.
In the pain of his brothers and feet, he pondered the sorrow of the pitiful people who had killed the Son of God and the joy of the cursed people who were going to nail the Son of God, and the Son of God was about to be nailed to death. Suddenly, the great pain of the broken bones penetrated to the core of his heart, and he was intoxicated with great joy and great compassion.
His belly wobbled, painful waves of pity and curse.
It was dark everywhere.
"Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabathani?!" ! ]
God forsaken him, and he was still a "son of man" at last; however, the Israelites even crucified the "son of man".
The people who nailed and killed the "Son of Man" were more bloody and bloody than those who nailed the "Son of God".
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