Hate year after year pressing the gold thread to make wedding clothes for others

Reba 2022-03-21 09:01:47

From WeChat public account: [Thousand Cup Moon] Film Critic Collection By Shangguan Weiyang~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Outside of working hours, Jane's biggest hobby is to attend various weddings as a bridesmaid, helping those uneasy brides-to-be try wedding dresses, order cakes, arrange itineraries, and ease their emotions... So far, she has She has participated in 27 different weddings in total, and she has carefully stored the 27 sets of bridesmaid dresses in the wardrobe, so that the door of the wardrobe is too full to close.
A wedding is a very special day in life. The baptism at birth, the funeral after death, although the protagonist is also himself, the various rituals are not self-chosen. Weddings are different. This is the most solemn ceremony you can decide in your life. It is full of joy and celebration. Just look at Jane's 27 dresses and you can get a glimpse of the painstaking and whimsy of every wedding planning. See it.
If Santa Claus is the joyous symbol of Christmas, then there is no doubt that Jane must be the most reliable candidate for wedding preparations. Because she was always there, never refused, never made a mistake, and tried her best to arrange everything, even down to the Indian wedding, where the little auspicious mole was backed up.
Since the age of 8, Jane has shown her ingenuity, using her sister's purple hair ribbon to creatively mend the bride's wedding dress. She seems to have been doing similar jobs when she grew up - arranging meal orders, customizing cakes, shopping for wedding gifts... She doesn't mind what clothes she wears, what she cares about is that she has been involved in creating a Complete happiness. She firmly believes that one day, she will also have her own happy moments.
There are always some unbelievable people in this world, such as Tess, who don't even need to open their mouths, each smile is worth Jane's hard work for George over the years. If it wasn't for Tess's arrival, Jane would continue to immerse herself in her spinning top life, silently arranging everything big and small for her beloved boss, without complaining or expecting anything in return.
In George's view, Jane is like air. Because she is everywhere and always on call, she is used to turning a blind eye. He is habitual and dependent on Jane, and he regards Jane as a handy and good assistant; and love is an art, an existence isolated from practicality. For George, the greater the practicality of Jane, the less obvious the artistic value. Just like an axe, the user only cares about the sharpness of the axe blade, not the pattern engraved on the axe handle.
Out of admiration and love, Jane never refused George's request, and out of family affection and habit, she never refused Tess. She really really wanted both George and Tess to be happy, but hiding her true feelings for the sake of others' happiness would only make her hurt.
Jane saw with her own eyes that her beloved gave her sister an engagement ring, but she had nowhere to escape when she accidentally appeared at the scene;
Jane took care of Tess since she was a child, and now she wants to prepare her wedding with all her heart, even if she is unwilling, Things that can't be refused;
Jane saw that Tess easily took away George, whom she had a crush on, remodeled her long-favored mother's wedding dress, pre-booked the church she had dreamed of since childhood, and even ordered George's younger brother to clean up at will. ——Tess got all this without any hard work, just made up a few lies, she did not cherish all of it, but for Jane, who knew how hard it was to come , How not to be depressed?
Hate year after year pressing the gold thread, making wedding clothes for others. [1]
Jane finally turned her back on her "no rejection, no harm" style and revealed the truth to George in public. The wedding was canceled, and Jane let out a bad breath, but then what? She is not happy. Just like Kevin, who was promoted with her stories and photos, even if she got what she wanted, she wasn't happy.
How can this be considered a wish? Jane's original intention was just to hope that Tess could be honest with George, rather than intentionally hurt her; Kevin's original intention was to collect the stories behind the bridesmaids, but later found that Jane had more reasons for further exploration, but not enough. It takes time to rewrite the original manuscript...
She and he are doing things from an unfinished perspective, which will inevitably lead to results that even they are not satisfied with.
In fact, no one is completely unforgivable villain. All discords are nothing more than different angles.
Jane's never refused, which can be regarded as empathetic, or it may be regarded as being out of control and easy to bully;
Tess's refusal to tell the truth can be regarded as irresponsible to please, or it may be her shaping of a new image;
George's compliment to Jane can be seen as gratitude to Jane, or it may be understood as coordinating and taking advantage of subordinates;
Kevin's cynicism can be regarded as cynicism, or maybe it is a hidden self-protection...
All attitudes are only in the state of mind How broad, the misunderstanding of others is often the difference between a thought that is not deep enough to understand.
From Jane's point of view, Tess was naturally romantic, a liar, and never cared about the feelings of others; but the fact is that Tess just lost her job, lost her boyfriend, and when she was disappointed, she met a well-spoken, promising, mature Steady George, she wants to say goodbye to the past and work hard to create a new self. Although there are still remnants of past habits, but she has the heart to change it, who can say that she does not have such a chance? In the entanglement of this pair of sisters, who is the Lone Xingsha?
Kevin, who was originally sharp-spoken, thought that her 27 bridesmaids were nothing more than profiteering from the business before she got to know Jane. Later, she gradually understood that the kind Jane was really out of her blessings for the brides and her longing for the wedding. Because she was needed, she was there, no matter the cost, no effort was spared. It is a pity that people always understand and repent only after destruction and injury. Kevin didn't dare to ask for Jane's forgiveness, so he left a carefully prepared gift and left sadly.
Facing George's frankness, "I love you and never refuse", Jane finally woke up. She no longer concealed that she worked so hard, which was rooted in her crazy infatuation with George. Now she wakes up and chooses to leave.
What looks good may not be the best. Sometimes, what we are chasing after may be just an illusion, a phantom. It may not be because the other party is so ecstatic, but we hypnotize ourselves, because we have paid too much and are unwilling to let go. In fact, such a relationship has nothing to do with the other party, only if you have the opportunity to see it through and figure it out.
In fact, everyone can express their true self in an appropriate way, communicate and understand frankly, and there is no need to accumulate depression in their hearts. When appropriate, learn to say NO, only then can you show your worth.
See the movie: "27 Suitable for Marriage"
Characters: Jane
[1] Quote from poem: Tang Qin Taoyu's "Poor Girl"

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  • Jane's Aunt: Must be so hard to watch your younger sister get married before you.

    Jane: Yes. Then I remember that I still get to have hot hate sex with random strangers and I feel SO much better!

  • Jane: You would rather hang out with Italian models than come with me to my *awesome* work party?