full of style

Oliver 2022-10-14 07:08:12

The film was almost ten years ago, and it is still full of fun and grooves to watch now~ Whoever said that saving the world has to be sanctimonious, a few rogue feel the American SWAT, who also blew up a lot of buildings when they rescued people and was accused of it, Still omnipotent to defeat terrorism, the plot is old-fashioned but fascinating, the music is also very good, the lyrics are often grooves, there are all kinds of fucks and actors and movies, and the screenwriter is really talented~
Puppet show is also It can be bloody and violent, and the dead will fly with flesh and blood. Several cats are regarded as beasts, and meat analogs are seen when biting people. Many details are really awesome, not only rolling sheets but also limited-level tests, haha ~The hot scene is even more handsome than the so-called stunt 3D blockbuster~ And it is true that the passers-by look different, the actors are also lifelike, but they all died miserably in the end~ I have to praise the meticulousness of the crew, and made a lot of puppets to act It's such a frequent drama~ It's a good way to save the cost of actors~ And the final speech is really good haha~ It's so much fun

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Extended Reading

Team America: World Police quotes

  • Kim Jong Il: You are worthress, Arec Barrwin!

  • Gary Johnston: I promise.

    Gary Johnston: I will never die.