People --- all they need is the courage to face life

Lesly 2022-03-17 09:01:02

The beginning of the film shows a busy and prosperous city. The music is also quite warm, and all kinds of people are dreaming of their own. As the camera unfolds, you will see that everyone has their own worries and various ways to resolve (escape). For one of the protagonists, the black taxi driver Max, his way is to look at the pictures of the Maldives islands and imagine that he can live a carefree life in the resort.
When he met the beautiful female prosecutor he wanted and speculative, he could only pretend to be very chic and humorous. When she got out of the car and left, he shook his head and sighed: It is too much for him to leave this kind of beauty and the life of the upper class. Far. He has a low self-esteem in his bones, even when the woman gave him a business card, he didn't even have the courage to make a phone call.
Therefore, when he took the business card, he sighed again.
Destiny is when you inadvertently attack you unexpectedly.
——Tang brother is on the stage.
When Tang and the driver spoke for the first time, the black man was still thinking about what had just happened. He gave the picture to the woman and absently sorted out the things in the car, without hearing what Tang said.
Just as Brother Tom was about to turn around to find another taxi, he came back to his senses, greeted him, and carried this special customer that he didn't know whether he should hate or thank him. Sometimes, it's just a little bit worse, and people's lives are completely different.
The taxi routinely asks and answers and drives to the destination that the passenger wants.
The music at this time began to become a bit cold. The sound of the piano floats in the night city, although it is still brightly lit, but there is indescribable indifference. That's why Brother Tom said: "Every time I come to Los Angeles, I can't wait to leave."
In fact, his subtext is that when he comes to this world, he also feels very cold.
Brother Tom and the driver are both very observant people, and they can understand each other's meaning without any effort. This is also where Brother Tom appreciates the driver. Brother Atang also saw through at a glance. The driver's plan to prepare funds to start his own company was just an excuse for him to deceive himself and escape reality. This driver lived a mediocre life, but he refused to admit and face. This kind of person is timid and fearful, and should be well controlled, Brother Atang estimates.
Both of them are quite good at their own professions, so they reached an agreement: Brother Tom will rent his car tonight and pay him more.
Everything went well, if it wasn't for the fat man who fell downstairs.
Many people say that Tang is really good at it, and it's revealing the first person to kill. The director didn’t give us the shot. What happened upstairs. Maybe the fat man was by the window when he was shot. Maybe he instinctively fled to the window and wanted to draw a gun back and was shot. … Brother Atang is a killer, not a god. He can guarantee that the person who is going to kill will be dead, but he can't control what happened on the scene.
Besides, he was not afraid of being known about this by the driver. From the very beginning, he wanted to borrow a knife to kill people and use this driver as a dead man. He thinks he can take a driver like a person. (From the conversations of police detectives later, you can see that this approach has a precedent. There used to be a strange case of a driver who killed three people and then committed suicide. It is estimated that Tang did it.)
Anyway, five were killed in one night. , Will be known sooner or later. If you start to surprise him sooner, stop him earlier and let him submit.
This driver has a certain sense of justice, but as an ordinary person, he is very mediocre and afraid of death. If he wants to fight with Brother Tom bravely for justice, or if he has the courage to sneak away, he will soon die. Brother Atang is right about him, both in character and momentum.
The assassin Ah Tang cleaned up the scene professionally and immediately, which was also one of the keys to the development of the plot later. The police could not immediately determine what happened at the scene, so they could not immediately think that this was a serial assassination of a person involved in a certain case by a hired killer. The police could not even tell whether the missing fat man was killed, committed suicide, or ran away.
The driver is also a very kind person. He cares more about the lives of the two patrolmen than himself. When checking the vehicle, he had every chance to escape.
But he didn't have that courage. With such a good opportunity, he didn't even expect to run away.
He adapts only to the environment, and he has no courage to survive.
The next dialogue between him and the taxi dispatcher fully demonstrated this point. In the face of aggressive insults, he dared not even say a word of dissatisfaction. This made the next brother Atang very uncomfortable-Brother Atang is a solitary person who is not controlled by anyone, and is confident that he has the ability to master the environment and others. He can't even stand watching others succumb to the environment.
He forced the driver to be tough on his boss, just like he was instilling his own life philosophy and killing philosophy on him.
After Brother Tom went upstairs to do the work, the driver who had calmed down a bit thought it was time to run away. He has determined that Tang is not only a killer, but also a lunatic, and sooner or later he will threaten him.
He honked the horn for help, but two gangsters were brought in.
Many people questioned the ending of this film. In fact, if you want to question, this is also okay. Why did he invite gangsters instead of the police or good-hearted people? The development of the story can be rewritten immediately.
Many things in life are unexplained. If you want to explain, you can only say-this is destiny! Just like the beginning, if he didn't greet Brother Tom in the car, the whole story would have nothing to do with him.
Brother Atang cleaned up the two gangsters cleanly, and notice that he was shooting loudly. In the first murder, he controlled the scene without gunshots and used a silent pistol. No witnesses heard the gunshots when killing the fat man. The nature of the case and the investigation direction are completely different (killing the bar owner is also a silent pistol) . Killing these two gangsters is completely unplanned, life is just an accident! The bullets and methods of death on these two gangsters have also become one of the clues of the case. Let the capable policeman realize that this may have been done by a professional master.
Everything in life is inextricably linked. When you touch one of these mechanisms, all the connections will affect you.
But the driver still didn't know. The biggest difference between him and Brother Tom is here. Brother Tom has incorporated his beliefs into his lifestyle and everything he does. He knew what he was doing. He explained everything with his own philosophy: work, women, good or bad, life and death...
The owner of the bar didn't realize this either. Many people think that Brother Atang is not keeping his promises by killing him. The boss clearly answered the question correctly, why did he die?
In fact, Brother Tom asked the subtext: What kind of life do you want to choose? Are you continuing to work on your music here (meaning that he may appear as a witness in court like a normal person), or are you going back to the underworld?
If the boss wants to survive, he should immediately say to Tang: I want to go back to settle this matter and give me a chance-Tang does mean to give him a chance, otherwise he will shoot him directly. Of course, Tang will not. Will let him go in this way, let him go back and talk to the boss himself, this is the greatest possible concession. The boss chose to continue his current musical life, and he must die. It doesn't matter if he answered the question correctly or incorrectly.
This is very similar to Zen Buddhism. You can't just literally understand the big things about life and death.
The driver Max was shocked! He couldn't believe that Tang killed such a good person while talking and laughing. This also made his feelings for the assassin just getting up disappeared. Originally, he saw Ah Tang’s skill, demeanor, and keen observation ability, and he was quite admired (he lacked these qualities in his life), plus In the bar, the three people sat together and talked and laughed, bringing a lot of distance. His subconscious thought that Ah Tang might not be so bad in nature, and he might even become friends. Maybe Ah Tang is really walking the way for the sky, killing some bad guys, and cleaning up social garbage? This is what makes Ah Tang, a life-like killer, unique.
What happened in the bar completely shattered his thoughts: A Tang is just a ruthless and ruthless killer who regards work as the number one killer. He can use any high-sounding philosophy to explain that anyone he kills is justified.
I think Ah Tang’s acting skills are also played incisively and vividly here: in the bar, he constantly observes the surrounding environment, waiting for the best time to get hands-on, while chatting and laughing, really makes you feel that he is sorry for the boss’s musical talents. Sympathetic. These details can only be made by people who have studied the characters very carefully. There, he was really a killer, a killer who carried his philosophy and beliefs meticulously.
The driver has completely lost control, and he can't accept the facts before him, both intellectually and emotionally.
Tang must regain control of him.
It just so happened that the main station notified Max that his mother called one after another. Because he didn't visit her routinely.
So Tang seized this opportunity. On the one hand, he could let the driver adjust his emotions (driving with a cranky head is quite dangerous). On the other hand, he felt that he had found the driver’s weakness and his mother could use it to threaten him. He, let him continue to submit.
Things may not be the same as A Tang imagined, but he is a very confident man. In terms of his plan and environment at the time, this was also a pretty good move. Moreover, time has not allowed him to find another scapegoat.
Of course, he underestimated Max’s kindness, a man willing to sacrifice himself for others. Besides, it was his mother who was in danger now. Max had no choice but to grab Tang’s briefcase and ran out of the hospital. He was only trying to get him away. This characteristic of a driver is not in Tang's body, and it is also precious in human nature. The driver is not a worthless person. His talent, wit, and bravery were only obscured by the habit of succumbing to life and environment.
Max destroyed Tom’s laptop, which contained the list and addresses of the people to be killed. The whole plan was ruined by him!
Some people think that it is unreasonable for Ah Tang not to kill the driver like this.
In fact, killing the driver is truly unreasonable-things have been ruined, and killing the driver can only vent your anger, and it will not help. A Tang is a very calm and principled killer. What he thinks of is how to complete the task, and if he can't complete it, how can he hide his eyes and ears and retreat. On the other hand, if you kill the driver, it is equivalent to admitting that you have failed. He is a person who never admits that he has failed.
He wants to keep the driver.
On the one hand, it is to use the driver to throw stones and ask for directions, let him go to the gang to get information again, and test the customer's reaction. If the customer is angry and killed the driver, it means that the business is horrible and Tang has no need to continue; if the business continues, he still needs a scapegoat to perform the old routine of "killing with a knife" to cover up his identity. In either case, the driver who was killed would be regarded as Tang himself.
This is what he has distinguished over the years: calm, adaptable, and safety first. This incident made him furious, but he still resisted it, but this incident also strengthened his idea of ​​using Max as a substitute for the dead ghost. If the driver did not resist later, he would be dead.
The director arranged another fateful joke in the hospital. The killer and the police met unexpectedly in the elevator, and they also talked to each other-sometimes what you want is so close to you, but you don't know it. Looking at the 4 corpses, the police found that the killer’s marksmanship was very characteristic: always two shots in the chest and one shot in the forehead. (This is a detail, and it is also the habit of the killer, and later in the dance hall.)
In the gang boss's site, the driver encountered a critical moment of life and death. The boss was very dissatisfied that he had lost the list and almost killed him. Max's potential for adaptability has also been stimulated-when you are facing great dangers and still ignorant and timid, you are dead. This scene fully shows that the driver himself is not a benevolent person, and Tang did underestimate him a bit. (Did we also underestimate ourselves a bit, we thought we should be what we are now) After
experiencing this, the driver has begun to change a bit. In his deep sleep, there are signs of sobriety and self-confidence (this can be seen from the way he walks out of the boss's turf). However, when he re-entered the taxi, he still had to succumb to Tang's control. Because Tang said that he would kill his mother if he didn't obey.
When I went to the dance hall to kill another person, a wolf appeared on the road. Very strange and sudden, both Tang and the driver were speechless for a while, staring at the wolf. The wolf hurried across the street at night lonely. The wolf is a mirror that reflects the living conditions of the two in the car. They all have a similar characteristic: loneliness.
For Tang, he is too smart and capable. He has seen everything and feels that everything in this indifferent world is unreliable, and he cannot have friends; for the driver, he is busy at the bottom of the society to make a living, There is no time to meet other friends, and he is too timid to change everything in front of him. Both of them were plunged into contemplation... The
ballroom battle fully demonstrated the professional quality of Ah Tang as the killer. It was amazingly high-making full use of the environment, hitting more with less, breaking one by one, with agility and shooting skills... …In short, as many praise words as you can imagine can not be used too much. I would like to give the director the same appreciation. This is a classic of this battle, and similar films are rarely seen. The policeman did nothing because they chose the wrong target at the beginning.
I really like the part of killing people in the dance hall: how many people are dancing in the dim lights and the loud music, and they don’t know anything about Tom’s killing around him—how many people are sleepy in this world, right? Turn a blind eye to important life-and-death events that are close at hand? Brother Tom is as clean as he is in an uninhabited state, and he cleans up the bodyguards one by one. His confident eyes are like a leopard walking into a flock of sheep.
I have to mention the capable police detective here. From the clues at the beginning, he judged that what happened this evening was very strange. He was calm-headed and kind-hearted, believing that the driver was just an innocent scapegoat, and wanted to find out the real culprit and rescue the driver. However, he still died, so suddenly and silently, at the entrance of the ballroom, he was shot through the heart by Ah Tang with two shots.
Did he make any mistakes in his professional field? Based on the information he has, and his position (if he is the commander, the situation will be very different, but unfortunately he is just a little police detective), can you find out what loopholes in his actions have occurred? In the same situation, who can do better than him?
He is still dead. What did he lose?
All I can say is that he lost his luck.
Many people questioned the scene where Ah Tang was killed in the subway at the end. If you can accept the death of a police detective, why can't you accept it? So Tang is also in luck in the end?
In fact, there are many places in the film that can be questioned. This film can have many branches and many possible endings. The director and screenwriter showed us the most meaningful ending. If the film is made into a big cliché in ordinary people's thinking, why bother to watch this film specifically? Just look for the old police and criminal films and not see it?
Turn back to the plot.
Tang killed the policeman and started to make the driver angry. The people killed earlier can be said to have nothing to do with the driver Max-and the policeman Finning, who cared about Max, believed that he was innocent, was killed by Tang right in front of him. But Tang also felt that he saved the driver. Besides, death is not worth mentioning: "The universe is a nebula made up of hundreds of billions of stars, and a little dust in one of the moments-that It's us, submerged in space. Police, you, me...who cares?" Brother Atang said.
He can't even care about himself. This is also the sadness in A Tang's heart. Although he is very capable and rich, he is very lonely. He couldn't find anything to care about and trust in this world.
This is the different worldviews of these two types of people. People with different worldviews will never be able to truly communicate.
Max began to hate Ah Tang, including his philosophical theory of life.
The two naturally quarreled. Brother Tom unceremoniously pierced Max’s disguise: "Someday? One day my (your) dream will come true? One night you will wake up and find that you have done nothing-it will only wipe you away. It never happens, and suddenly your years are gone. That hasn’t happened yet, and it never will, because you were never ready to do it!"
"You will suppress it in your memory, and then get into your baby Taxi. In the second half of your life, you will be hypnotized by daydreams. Don't tell me about murder. Maybe you just paid the deposit for the Lincoln RV. Or that girl, you won't even call her. ! Why the fuck are you still driving a taxi?"
How many mediocre people live like this?
These words awakened Max like lightning!
He was silent for a long time and replied: "Because I have never tried to muster the courage-confronting myself, I tried, I tried to get out of the trough, but that was just an attempt doomed to fail."
At that moment, He has been forced to face the naked and bloody reality: he will never be successful in his entire life! Whether emotionally or morally, he hates this Tom, who has caused so much pain to himself and others, and he is determined to die with Brother Tom. When the speeding car accelerates, he has a sense of revenge: Are you better than me? Now everyone is holding to death together, you also have a moment of my destiny in my grasp!
In fact, the climax of the whole play appeared and completed here. The following things are irrelevant.
The moment the driver determined to die with Ah Tang, he was reborn. For this, he should also thank A Tang, who is a lightning bolt in his life, illuminating all the roads, allowing him to see exactly what kind of person he is and what state he is in.
Life is so strange that when it is close to death, it reveals its glory.
Do you live the same life? Without knowing what you are doing, you try your best to escape the truth of life and paralyze yourself with all kinds of excuses. You lament that life has not given you a chance, but when the opportunity appears in front of you, do you have the courage to face it? Are you willing to pay the price to become another brand new you? Can you really take risks for love?
Tom finally failed. I think it was the director's arrangement. The death of Ah Tang can reflect people's helplessness under fate. He died in the cold subway, just sitting like that. As Tang said in his mouth at the beginning: no one would know that the corpse traveled around the city with the subway. No one cares.
You can question whether this arrangement is unreasonable, or you can dislike the ending. As I have repeatedly said, you have to question this film, and you can find too many "unreasonable" places: if you were not looking for Max at the beginning, if the fat man did not fall, if Max escaped or was killed, if Then the police killed Brother Tang...There are too many possibilities, what is reasonable? When Max just hit the car and was dizzy, he was able to grab the policeman’s gun. Is it reasonable? It is entirely possible that he would be killed directly! Brother Tom played all his hair in the ballroom, but others didn't hit him at all. Is that reasonable?
The ending is not important, you and I are all passing by in a hurry. The important thing is that the director conveys what he wants to express well in the film-do you have the courage to face the truth and survive?

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Collateral quotes

  • Max: I picked up a tail.

    Felix: Federal?

    Max: I don't know. You tell me. But I know this, they were onto me. I tossed the workup lists to cover your hermes faconable ass.

  • Vincent: Limos, huh?

    Max: Don't start.

    Vincent: Hey, I'm not the one lying to my mother.

    Max: She hears what she wants to hear. I don't disillusion her.

    Vincent: Yeah, right. Maybe she hears what you tell her.

    Max: Whatever I tell her is never good enough anyway. It's always been that way. So whats at El Rodeo?

    Vincent: Just drive.

    Vincent: They project onto you their flaws. What they don't like about themselves, their lives, whatever. They rank on you instead.

    Max: How do you know?"