The little devil in my heart was wiped out like this!

Antonina 2022-03-20 09:01:19

People who like to watch "The Hangover" have a little devil in their hearts!

If watching "The Hangover 1" is amazing, "The Hangover 3" makes me disappointed! The story is so plain that I can't make a splash, and I have wandered countless times in this one and a half hour. This is not my favorite "The Hangover"! ! !
Give me back my little fat Alan. He is 42 years old. No one can keep my innocence for such a long time. He expressed all my evil tastes. He is the little devil in my heart. He was so "normal" in the third part, and he also found "true love", and a dark heart was so broken!
Give me back the wild Stu dentist. Without our daunting dentist, life will lose much of its color. His important position in the play is no less than that of Xiaopang, and my dear screenwriter, How can you let him "pass by" so ordinary and boring in the third part, oh my tattooed brother, I will never see your wild temperament anymore, this kind of hangover is not the one I love Hangover. . .
Give me back my yuppie Bradley Cooper. I admit that I love him to death. His smiles and frowns make a group of stunt fans like me, but my big screenwriter, how can you abuse resources so unscrupulously, Don’t you know that if you use too much resources, you will be exhausted? Don’t you know that women are visual creatures, and if you watch too much, they will be aesthetically tired. . . I know that you also love our Bradley Cooper, but your love has ruined this elegant ruffian. He is no longer the slightly evil Huaxin teacher in the first part, and he is not the little fat in the second part. The male god, in the third part, you actually portrayed him as a "good sir", OMG, this man without ruffianity and blood, can no longer recall the hormones of aesthetic fatigue and complaining, male god halo It is about to fall in your magical pen. . . Please allow me to mourn for my male god for three seconds!
Take away Doug, who is often frustrated, his existence value can only be reflected in his disappearance! ! ! Let’s make another drama with Leslie Chow, who is so powerful. The title is "Chinese Men Who Exist as Gods." ~

I think I should be "normal" because of my illness. The devil's universe is just so fragile~

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The Hangover Part III quotes

  • [last lines]

    Alan: I'm ready.

  • Alan: Leslie, get down from there! Please, you're gonna hurt yourself!

    Mr. Chow: Nothing hurts Chow. I am invisible!

    Phil: It's invincible, and you're not, you're just out of your fucking mind!