The Lego Movie

Cameron 2022-11-15 18:49:54

Like Legos put together, Robin looks like he has a crush on Batman and is cold and sad. The Joker and Krys went to find kryptonite, and Batman took away the useless waste they made, and their destination was the Batcave, because they knew that Batman kept a lot of kryptonite in the cave to prevent Superman from going bad. he. Batman and Superman swap clothes, Superman can't fly so take the bus with Batman haha. Finally defeated the bad guys with Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, etc., but Green Lantern shot green light and was seen by aliens, which may indicate that there will be a sequel

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Extended Reading

Lego Batman: The Movie - DC Super Heroes Unite quotes

  • Green Lantern: Why is a giant robot climbing up Wayne Tower?

    Cyborg: Giant robot? Let's get it!

    Batman: Follow me. I, uh, know my way around this place.

  • Lex Luthor: [he and Joker are being arrested] There is a little good news. At least you're not going to be president.