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four star
Clarabelle 2022-03-15 09:01:03
Fabian 2022-03-23 09:01:32
Two favorite sections: Mary stabs Stevens at the reception, and Stevens intimidates the wall-riders.
Cassandre 2022-03-22 09:01:27
It is magnificent and textbook-like. Not familiar with American history + two and a half hours of film length, so tired to watch. DDL is no longer DDL, supporting roles are also various acting skills. Political themes and biopics are still not my food.
[Giving a speech at a dedication, Lincoln stands beside the flagpole, and with great ceremony takes off his hat, removes a piece of paper from inside and unfolds it, then puts on his glasses]
Abraham Lincoln: [reading] The part assigned to me is to raise the flag which, if there be no fault in the machinery, I will do. And, when up, it shall be for the people to keep it up.
[takes off his glasses and re-folds the paper]
Abraham Lincoln: That's my speech.
Abraham Lincoln: [greeting a pair of visitors from Jefferson City] I heard tell once of a Jefferson City lawyer who had a parrot that would wake him each morning crying out 'today's the day the world shall end as scripture has foretold'. And one day, the lawyer shot him for the sake of peace and quiet I presume, thus fulfilling, for the bird at least, his prophecy.
[the guests don't laugh]