What is looking forward to is not a breakthrough, but an end to safety

Keyon 2022-03-20 09:01:19

I understand very well that if the third part is still like the first or two by drinking and eating psychedelic drugs to make trouble, the third part is like salvation, the first or two are young and crazy and vaguely pass, and the third The Ministry should start working together to do a good job in earnest. Just as I said about the fat man’s condition at the beginning, I started to ask questions. The subject line is good, but the director doesn't understand, the audience will like to go down with the vulgar when watching 2B movies. I don't like the clear plots that I can guess so well, just like Superman fights monsters.

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The Hangover Part III quotes

  • [last lines]

    Alan: I'm ready.

  • Alan: Leslie, get down from there! Please, you're gonna hurt yourself!

    Mr. Chow: Nothing hurts Chow. I am invisible!

    Phil: It's invincible, and you're not, you're just out of your fucking mind!