A city of scorched earth - a place where people live, even if only ashes remain

Irma 2022-03-22 09:01:42

When Nava's two children handed the letter to Nava's first son, their father, I could feel them laughing. And Nihad, after surprise and remorse, stood at his mother's grave, alone but relieved. I think he was relieved.
Incest is the greatest fear of mankind from beginning to end. But love transcends everything, transcends religious prejudice, transcends the fear of death, transcends one's own beliefs and teachings, and transcends reason. Nihad, having lost his mother, doesn't even know if anyone in this world loves him. So the whole world has nothing to do with him, so he keeps away from them, he snips them. He wanted his photo to be posted all over the country, so that his mother could see him, what he looked like, and his extreme protest. He ignores all the principles of the world, and looks like a villain who can do all kinds of evil. He is not good, but at the same time he is not evil. Nihad just saw more suffering and lost his soul. All his actions are a struggle to find his soul.
Nava, is a true believer and has faith. Faith in the Bible means "firmness," pointing out the exact meaning of life experience, pointing out the characteristics of character. It does not mean trust in a goal. Nava has faith, and her faith is love for children, love for everyone, love for the world, and love for herself. She used to believe that loving everyone would make the world a better place, but it was never that simple. She chose to run away from her brother's prejudice, because her grandmother still loved her wholeheartedly, and she did not lose everything. However, when she embarked on the journey of finding a child and saw the cruelty of the world, she had to understand what she had to do, and she needed to do her best to change the world little by little. She never lost confidence in this world, even if she was in prison, even if she learned the truth, even if she died of fear, she chose to face it, she chose to let her children face everything calmly, she Choose to stand firm in your beliefs.
Nawa's two children, twins, have received their mother's love since childhood. No matter which one, their love for their mother comes from the bottom of their hearts, even if their mother sometimes rejects their love. "Sit and sit if you want." Nava loves them because they are her children, and Nava rejects their love because she shouldn't have them, and her love doesn't need anything in return. They don't know their mother, just as Nava's boss doesn't know her. Nava's love for her children is wholehearted, so the children love her so much. So when children learn something they don't know, one chooses to uncover the truth, and the other chooses to fear knowing the truth. But in the end, they all embarked on the road that their mother had traveled, and under her mother's arrangement, they felt her suffering without harm. They were desperate, they were the children of rapists, they were the children of their brother. But they saw the mother's choice, the mother did not choose to compromise, did not choose mercy. Even though her mother's heart was like a devastated city, she still did not choose to escape, she still insisted on staying in the scorched earth city, and never forgot her love from beginning to end.
Ultimately, what we see is a city rebuilt on top of the scorched earth.

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Incendies quotes

  • [subtitled version]

    Notary Jean Lebel: [after making a promise] To a notary, Mr. Marwan, a promise is a sacred thing.

  • Simon Marwan: One plus one, does it make one?