I'm so sorry

Virgie 2022-03-22 09:01:13

When Song Xuemi was watching this movie in his class at the time, she was confused and couldn't help lamenting for her IQ and being anxious, and feeling sincerely admiring Polanski.

Take it out again today.

When I was young, I always played EA's development games, represented by simulated cities.
In the simulated city, the game gave me a piece of land, some population, and started producing factories. When there are more and more factories, the population will be increased to build residential areas. In order to meet the needs of these sims, business circles, entertainment, medical care, education, and shops have been set up. These Sims are more diligent during workdays, so that they can spend more on rest days. The good citizens of our city have also returned the wages I gave them through consumption. With factory profits and economic consumption, I can build some new factories in the development zone, build some residential areas, and build some business districts. .
As the mayor of this city, my city has become more and more well-known. In real life, I will definitely attract a lot of capital to settle in! But there is a problem that has been bothering me. Some residential buildings built in the early stages of the game become more and more standing in the later stages. I am reluctant to demolish them. I hope there is a plug-in that allows me to regulate them well without spending money! If it is placed now, I will definitely want to contract to the developer, let them be responsible for the demolition and construction, I will only receive the benefits.

However, in "Chinatown", a more economical option is given. They open nursing homes and raise the elderly together in captivity. Their original houses are vacated and new land is bought in their name. The way to chase away nearby farmers, buy farmland, chase them away, such as poisoning in well water. Then, according to local conditions, the groundwater was drained into the desert.
Deserts with groundwater, golden land, as long as the land is sold, it is rich in the enemy's country. No need to build factories, medical care, education, shops and business districts! There is no need to share the income with the developer and only sell the land.

Although this method is not applicable in China, our land is not us at all, and the land belongs to the country, but this does not prevent us from enclosing land.
The university expanded its enrollment and planned several suburbs as university towns. Just find a well-known school, build a campus in the university city, and approve a piece of land. The part of the school was built, and the faculty apartment was left, which was sold to the faculty and staff at a low price but with a quota, and then sold to the Wenzhou real estate speculator at a normal price.
As for the inside of the school, the school financed the school's finances and sued the principal for corruption and drove him away. In the beginning, the person who cooperated with the principal to build the school has unlimited rights, to delineate a few business districts, get rebates, build subways, get rebates, build buildings and houses, and get rebates.

I live in a university town, and every time I come back from vacation, I can find new business districts, and house prices have risen incredible.
Each business district is a chain of restaurants, clothing, and even a chain of barber shops, and they are stable and quick to model.
The place where I live was inaccessible but unique in the past, with excellent greenery and a large area of ​​green grass. Now it is hard to escape the claws of enclosure movement, it is still a model enclosure.
I feel that I am like a sim in a simulated city, mechanically satisfied with material needs, and the leader has never asked me whether I was happy or not.
There used to be a rubber-paved runway with big trees on both sides of two kilometers, now there are only 500 meters left! ! Those large green grasses are circled, and golf tickets will be collected after a few holes are dug! !
And the instigators of the enclosure would have long been rich and inferior to the country.

What about after the country becomes rich?
People have endless desires.
In "Chinatown," Jack asks Claus.
You have everything, what else to buy!
Klaus bought the police to prevent Jack from telling the truth.
At the end of the story he wants to take away his granddaughter.
His daughter was also his wife and died. His granddaughter was also his daughter and was taken away by him.
Jack was dumbfounded, and a policeman comforted him and said, forget it, this is Chinatown.

Roman Polanski, he tells you the truth, and tells you there is no solution, and you are living in a game.

Klaus, the biggest player of the game, said this before
most people never have to face the fact that at the right time and the right place, they're capable of anything. To

avoid the truth, you can be unscrupulous.

I'm so sorry to be born a human being.

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Chinatown quotes

  • Jake Gittes: Look, I do matrimonial work, It's my metiay. When a wife tells me that she's happy her husband is cheating on her, it runs contrary to my experience.

    Evelyn Mulwray: Unless what?

    Jake Gittes: She was cheating on him.

  • Jake Gittes: Does my talking about your father upset you?

    Evelyn Mulwray: Why, no! Yes, a little. You see Hollis and my fa - my father had a falling out - finally.

    Jake Gittes: Over you or over the water department?

    Evelyn Mulwray: Not over me. Why should it - be over me?