The final curtain

Lexie 2022-03-19 09:01:03

Yesterday after I went to Hong Kong and watched the big yellow duck, I went to watch hangover.
Although there are not as many as the first two, the overall logic and plot are very complete. Everyone in the Wolf Pack has their own ending scene. One piece of Las Vegas also added the clues buried by the exotic in the second piece ((Does someone like me think chow is cute?
See the first two scenes flashed at the end) Anyway, I was moved.
Not just to watch it with the mood of having fun, it will feel a lot better for you.
Three stars give it too many endings than other series
. A burst point after subtitles
((( ((((Originally everyone had to leave, the whole cinema was laughing 233333333333333

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Extended Reading

The Hangover Part III quotes

  • [last lines]

    Alan: I'm ready.

  • Alan: Leslie, get down from there! Please, you're gonna hurt yourself!

    Mr. Chow: Nothing hurts Chow. I am invisible!

    Phil: It's invincible, and you're not, you're just out of your fucking mind!