Perfect ending

Adaline 2022-03-17 09:01:03

Obviously "The Hangover 3" marks the perfect ending of the R-rated comedy "The Hangover" series. Su 3 is not as wild as the previous two films. Alan's marriage was unexpected, just like no one would have thought that such a magical work would stop. It is a continuation, but this is exactly the style of the old beauty. It can be mad to no one when playing, and can return to the sanity in moderation. It will not get lost in sex, drugs or violence. It is much harder to wake up than to get drunk. Say goodbye to the craziest Alan and move towards the end of the wedding. This is a successful ending. In fact, every man has a Las Vegas in his heart, even the man living in Xishan, but the coolest man is not for fun. How crazy, but a man who can control his desires and take his own responsibilities

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The Hangover Part III quotes

  • [last lines]

    Alan: I'm ready.

  • Alan: Leslie, get down from there! Please, you're gonna hurt yourself!

    Mr. Chow: Nothing hurts Chow. I am invisible!

    Phil: It's invincible, and you're not, you're just out of your fucking mind!