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Monserrat 2022-01-27 08:02:45

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a well-paced, apocalyptic love story with a great director, as well as a great sense of humor, romance, and optimism.

——The Chicago Sun-Times mixes

horror popcorn and romance genres, bringing a fresh breath to both styles.

——The Los Angeles Times'

attempt to be the "Twilight " of zombie films is small, but it can be called a story between a zombie Romeo and a living Juliet.


Following "The Cancer-fighting Me", director Jonathan Levine once again refreshed people's expectations. By shaping the inner activities of the 'corpse', the film has both wisdom and emotion.


Behind the scenes at the Austin Chronicle Unusual

zombie films

After "Twilight", this kind of teen film with elements of traditional vampire films and zombie films has indeed risen and changed. But this is not a vampire or zombie movie in the general sense, in the view of the main creator of the film. As the most orthodox successor of the "Twilight" series, "Warm Corpse" is exactly the same as its predecessor in terms of story, subject matter, plot and starring. Like "Twilight," the director of "Warm Corpse" doesn't see it as a "zombie movie" in the traditional sense. Director Jonathan Levine said: "I don't want fans of zombie movies to put this movie in the category of zombie movies and think that stories like this are breaking new ground in zombie movies. I think this movie Giving the filmmakers a different and imaginative new direction. And that's not necessarily going to satisfy zombie movie diehards. We hope the audience of this movie will have an open mind, because this movie has a lot to do with Zombies, horror movies, even fantasy movies have changed. But at the same time, this movie has some scientific basis, the zombie element is just a springboard for an eternal love story. I may be a little selfish Talk to yourself, but if those zombie fans can open their hearts and watch this movie with good intentions, they will be moved, and I hope they will.”

In fact, when Isaac Marion wrote the novel, he did not write the story as a zombie story or a horror story. As he was writing, Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet was always on his mind. And this novel is also adapted from a short story called "I am a Zombie filled with love" (I am a Zombie filled with love). Jonathan Levine said: "Yes. It really is like a modern and contemporary fairy tale, full of all kinds of bizarre ideas. In my opinion, this is a modern society version of "Beauty and the Beast" ". On the one hand, I need a balance between the tension and that kind of fairy tale. In general, that balance is the most important and critical element in this film. I hope people get a good deal out of it. experience, because this kind of love story itself has a very warm feeling."

Idol starring

A key factor that attracts teenagers to teen movies is its starring. The main characters of this kind of movie are usually the most popular idol stars. Like Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in Twilight, Jennifer Lawrence in The Hunger Games. In this film, the producer Summit Entertainment, which has been acquired by Lionsgate, brought in British teenager Nicholas Hoult and young Australian actress Teresa Palmer. Of the two actors, Jonathan Levine said: "Young actors have always been the key to this kind of film, because in the hearts of young fans, the actors are the key to getting them into the cinema. I'm very grateful that I have this Two leading actors from foreign countries. Their temperament and feeling are very different from Hollywood actors, very different. Their different feeling gives this film a certain kind of vitality and emotion."

For their roles, the two young lead actors also have very trendy views. Nicholas Holt, who played Zombie R, said: "This role is actually a growing role, from the beginning of wanting to communicate with others, to being able to communicate, to finally falling in love with a girl and changing from a zombie to a living person, It should be said that this is an earth-shattering change. I like this kind of character setting very much, because this is actually the growth process of a person. When you play this character, you go through the same growth process.” The human who played the zombie Teresa Palmer of his girlfriend said: "I also like this kind of character very much, because it is very interesting to be able to fall in love with a zombie on the screen. How many people can have this opportunity? Always? To be honest, this movie is still a fairy tale, it tells the story of two people who can't be together who have to be together. After all, this is a love movie, but it adds a lot of sci-fi and horror to it. And zombie elements. Moreover, director Jonathan Levine also added a lot of comedy elements to the story. This kind of mix and match makes the whole film full of fun and fashionable charm."


· The film is based on Isaac Adapted from Marion's novel of the same name.

The names of the characters in the film come from Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet". Among them, R refers to Romeo, Julie refers to Juliet. And other characters, such as M and Nora, all have the prototype characters in "Romeo and Juliet".

The film was shot in Montreal and Quebec, Canada.

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Warm Bodies quotes

  • R: [voice-over] They call these guys Bonies. They don't bother us much, but they'll eat anything with a heartbeat. I mean, I will too, but at least I'm conflicted about it.

  • R: [voice-over] Don't be creepy. Don't be creepy. Don't be creepy.

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