To be fooled, still to be fooled

Mortimer 2022-10-17 11:07:33

A very thought-provoking film, very real, with a simple plot. A liar calls and directs a wretched farce.

At first, it was just an understatement, and it seemed absolutely harmless. It led you into the urn step by step, and by the last step, it had completely exceeded the bottom line, making it seem bizarre to others and completely incomprehensible, but the people in the game seemed to be normal and acceptable. This is a typical application of psychology to crime. Once a trust model and an exclusive model are established, it is difficult for people to change their inherent psychological situation and mindset, and people will subconsciously avoid all evidence that is detrimental to their inherent mindset.

Don't wonder why the store manager didn't call the police station directly to ask, why didn't she deny the request on the phone, is she really stupid? No, it's because she was convinced from the beginning, and through a series of reasons that she thought was consistent with the police behavior model and reasonable, confirming that the caller was the police, so she established the trust model, in her mind she did nothing wrong, she just In doing what a good citizen should do with the police, she also felt inappropriate, but since the girl can accept it, it shouldn't be a big problem, so the store manager just took it for granted. In the game, every step she takes is a step forward. She has no resistance, no doubts, no problems that need to be solved with brains. Everything is simply done according to the requirements on the phone. So she did things without thinking to make the girl naked. This is human psychology.

Don't wonder why the girl didn't resist, why the girl would let people do things that are absolutely humiliating to human rights, and why didn't the girl call the police? In the same way, she just followed the call step by step. She thought that she was clearing her suspicions and getting things done as soon as possible. For this, she was willing to pay a little price, but as the requirements increased, she began to hesitate, but every time The improvement of the requirements is just a little expansion of the front, and the front has agreed. If you refuse the latter request, the front is not in vain, and it seems that the further request is to increase the difficulty a little bit, and the patience will pass, so the girl also Just accepted. But suppose at the beginning if the girl was asked to be molested and spanked by a man on the phone, she would definitely jump up and refuse, but in the film it was carried out step by step, so she also gave in step by step, and finally became accepting this bizarre result , this is the boiled frog in warm water.

As for the rest of the people involved, out of a mindset of unwillingness to get in trouble or indirect trust, it's all being manipulated.

This movie is very meaningful. In fact, it is possible to make a movie in China. It is a movie about being deceived by telecommunication fraud. It is like in the news, an old man was scammed by telephone to the bank to transfer money. The counter staff reminded him that he insisted on remittance, and finally called When he got up, the police didn't trust him when he arrived at the scene, until the relative he wanted to save called.

Finally, I would like to add that even if you watch this movie, if you encounter a scam, the possibility of being deceived is still very high, because you are no match for a liar who is trying to deceive you with all kinds of means every day. As for you can clearly find the scammer's phone fraud methods now, it's just because the scammers use the lowest and most economical means to deceive the most gullible people, and the crime is also about the cost.

Personally, I think the best way to reduce this is not to advertise that there is this crime pattern because crime is constantly innovating and not everyone is aware of the latest crime patterns. Therefore, only when everyone knows that their rights and the rights of state organs are bounded, and if they know that the other party has overstepped their powers, will such incidents be prevented from happening again. For example, in this film, if the store manager and the girl knew that they were not allowed to search themselves without a policewoman, they were not allowed to search without legal procedures, and they were not punished without a judge's judgment... This thing would never happen. It happens, it's that simple...

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Compliance quotes

  • Officer Daniels: We really have two choices here.

    Sandra: Okay, what do you need?

    Officer Daniels: We need to find the money, but I want to make this as easy as possible for Becky, wouldn't you agree?

    Sandra: Yes, I would.

    Officer Daniels: So that's the first thing. And in this situation, either... and I don't like this... we drag her downtown, we book her, we process her, we put her in a holding cell, where she'll probably be all night.

    Sandra: That seems very extreme.

    Officer Daniels: Yeah, I mean, I think in order to keep this sort of contained, what we could do is just have you strip-search her right now. Would just be easier and quicker, I think.

  • Officer Daniels: Great. You're really helping us out here, Sandra. I was just telling Robert how lucky we all are you're there. You're almost like a real cop.

    Sandra: Ha! Well, I'm just trying to do my job.

    Officer Daniels: Well, you're doing perfect.

    Sandra: Thank you.

    Officer Daniels: Okay, so I'm gonna need you have her strip down now. Look through everything.