Hunting apostate

Tamara 2022-11-11 18:08:04

After watching the movie, I was anxious to say something, because recently I have been thinking about the torture of morality to our society on a person.
Please forgive that in the strict sense, this is not a film review at all, I just want to tell my story.
When I was young, my family lived in a small town, of course it was much larger than in the movies.
Probably because my grandmother died when my father was very young. In addition to being a young son, my father had a sloppy personality and had a good face, so his daily expenses were very high, because at the time he was a state-owned enterprise that was still very good at supply and marketing. In the society, invite people to eat and drink a little wine. The famous mountains and rivers of the motherland have become normal in his life. He doesn't care whether he has a balance. As early as more than 20 years ago, he was almost a fashionable moonlight clan. Up.
This continued until after marriage. From a young age, the parents quarreled over money, and later turned into a quarrel over a third party. After the layoffs in the early 1990s, the father who had been laid off in state-owned enterprises was forced to be helpless. After I left a restaurant, I set up a factory again. The more female employees turned out, my father was always busy till night, and even if he came back at night, it was always one or two in the morning. My mother always told him to speak softly. In fact, most of me Have heard. Later, my father was heard by his mother and accused him of cheating, but he never admitted that he had cheated, just as his father accused his mother of cheating, but his mother never admitted. They have been pinching each other for several years, in order to divorce. I was always doing my ideological work. My mother wanted me to talk to her, and my father wanted me to talk to my mother, because he knew that he didn't manage me well at the time, who loved Internet cafes.
Regardless of whether the derailment is true or not, the reason why public opinion is terrifying is that under the collective incitement, everyone who originally believed in him can be overthrown, so that even if you believe in him, you dare not say it out loud.
When the two of them got divorced, there was a big conflict due to the division of property. At that time, they were unwilling to talk to each other. I called each other to transmit the phone. After passing it, it became that I used the speakerphone to curse each other. Hang up the phone violently. Because my father was not from the town, and my mother's family was well-known in the town, his father quickly became discredited in the town under the propaganda of his aunt and grandparents, and the factory closed down due to poor management. So that after selling the money for the distribution of the house, and taking back the part of myself, I was scolded half to death. Now I returned to my home in the next town and broke up with my former friends.
电影里卢卡斯的儿子在卡拉家里被揍,看见父亲心爱的狗死掉有这么愤慨的时候,我想说我完全可以写出一个比之更压抑的剧本。Because the days I lived before were days completely suppressed by morality. I can't even say anything at home.
After the divorce, my father would visit me every two or three months. He still had no money and still looked down and out. When he was in junior high school, he always drove a Wuling van to wait for me at home in the morning because I was always late. He was smoking cigarettes and pacing next to the car, and then watching me hurriedly ran to school (my mother rented a house next to the school at that time, and it was only 5 minutes on foot to the school, I was still late), he always accused me: on the road A student is gone, you are late. Then give me a few red sheets of 100 yuan. I took the money to say goodbye to my father and ran away, and then happily went to the opposite bookstore to buy comics in the evening.
In addition to giving money, my father gave me a mobile phone when I was in the third year of junior high school, and told me to call him with the mobile phone, without worrying that my mother would go to the telecommunications bureau to get the call records and use the public phone outside to make calls. But in order to maintain his own image, his father would say to his friends after drinking and drinking three rounds: I, I just went to see my son.
They will ask, are you not raising him? It was spread all over the town. When you got divorced, you took your wife 150,000 and wrote that you paid 50,000 in a lump sum as alimony.
He was furious: nonsense! I give him money every time I go! How can it be called not raising! I bought him a cell phone just now!
They always sing nono, and then ran into my aunt who opened a tailor shop in the town and told her: Your brother-in-law, oh, ex-brother-in-law, said that he would give his children money and buy mobile phones. The aunt was angry and called my mother. So when I went home at night, I could see a mother who opened the door and said lightly and took out the phone. I don’t know if I have lied a lot since I was a child. I don’t blush. I said calmly that I didn't, and then asked inexplicably what was going on, while cursing my father at the same time, I really couldn't take it easy.
The reason why this kind of story is easier to ferment in small towns and villages has nothing to do with the family. The grandmother has 8 children, and each child has an average of 4 children. Sometimes I feel that the reason why the Chinese family is so large is impossible. There are stories like "blood feuds" like the United States in the 19th century, because our sense of moral mission tells us that even if we are relatives, we can also "righteously destroy relatives", and we should regard peace as the most important thing.
My high school life was even more horrible. Because of the pressure of schoolwork, my mother controlled me more tightly. Because of the financial pressure, my mother could not give me more pocket money except for food. In order to watch movies and go out to play, my father occasionally drove. The little money that came to give me became my happiest thing. Of course, it was much better for me to apply for the passbook, but it was a pity that the passbook was too big, and hiding the passbook became a very laborious task. Because my father's mouth couldn't help saying that he was raising me, I could still say in front of my mother: He gave a fart, it was because he spread rumors, he wanted to label himself as a qualified father! But after a long time, my mother didn't believe it. She began to secretly search through my diary, found my sim card in the bag, and asked me what happened to the universal charger. I put my phone in my crotch as soon as I got home for a while. Although it was disgusting, it was safe.
Later, the prevarication was over. My mother not only found in my diary that I was using a mobile phone to make a girlfriend, but also that I was complaining about spending more and more money on my own, and couldn't help crying, indicating that I was a person of no energy. , For money can betray his mother. After that emotional breakdown, it was probably my mother who asked the aunt and the second aunt to complain. They called me one after another and said how could I do this. They all said: If you take his penny again, we will not care about your family in the future. What happened to you has nothing to do with us.
I thought at that time that Lucas’s son was so indignant after the dog died and wanted to kill them. I thought the same way at the time. Why did your conflict bring me such a huge annoyance? The problems of the previous generation must be passed on to the next generation? But I always have a calm tone, always okay, I get it. Then hang up the phone,
At that time, I had a girlfriend who had a good relationship. I thought she could tolerate everything about me, including family and personality. The reason why I dropped out of school later was because I really felt helpless in life at that time. She was my only hope. , And suddenly broke up with me because there are better people. Afterwards, I never regarded anyone other than a psychologist as the only object of confession, because I knew that confiding such a thing as a confession would turn into bitterness, from the slight bitterness to the bitterness in the bitterness, and finally I got used to it. , I feel that the bitter water is as tasteless as the cool white boiled water. It is not so troublesome as the amount changes to the quality, but transient. So when sweet sugar water appears, people will naturally reject "bitterness". After all, there is no empathy in this world. This is purely wishful thinking.
When I broke up, I wrote an article angrily and counted all the things I have been together for more than two years. I felt that she had no conscience at all, and the scolding was terrible. The people who left the message below are all my friends and they are all comforting me. If I don’t want this girlfriend anymore, I can find a better one. I didn’t keep many mutual friends with her because they didn’t dare to offend her, because her family’s conditions are much better, and it might be useful in the future. At that time, I I can still get on her QQ. I found a lot of people sending words of comfort to her, because I soon felt that the cursing was too much and deleted them. Some people even took screenshots to show her the articles I wrote. I hated those people at first, but I don’t even think about it, because people can abandon their morality in the face of interests, especially in China. They are full of people who are desperate for their interests. "Hunting" took place on the earth. The Nordic countries have the best guarantee conditions, so there is excuse for people to take morality so seriously.
When a person has a moral advantage, he can "struggle with reason", and he can get everything he wants without even fighting, but does he really get anything? Is it reputation or integrity? All these senses of moral superiority are useless in the eyes of the current Chinese. Just like Zhu An's life, it's just a chastity memorial worthy of being erected.
There was an earthquake, and various marketing experts appeared again. If you forward it, you donate one yuan. Every time you buy this product, you donate one dime for the disaster-stricken area. The entire sales amount is donated to the disaster-stricken area. One Foundation also raised funds from the initial 5 million. Up to now 30 million will be raised. A few days ago, a shop in the disaster area sold a bowl of noodles for 20 yuan. It was smashed by angry people and posted a post. Everyone said that the smashing was good, and whether it was a disaster or not, this behavior is the same as smashing a Japanese car. What is the difference between people?
I also remembered that every time the neighborhood committee was elected, our aunt downstairs asked me to sign a name, and she could give you 5 yuan regardless of who voted for it.
I remembered that during the New Year, I saw my father not picking up the cigarettes handed over, and said he would not smoke, and then my aunt quietly told me that he was trying to save some money.
I remembered the scene when my mother choked and spread out my diary saying that I had no integrity. So I am saving paper now, and a diary can be written for 3 years.
I remembered the same table with a high school single parent who donated 20 people to the Wenchuan earthquake and was blinded by the party secretary. Because they all donated at least one red Chairman Mao.
I also thought of the classmates who were squeezed out by the class. I had a good relationship with her, but I didn't dare to say a word with her in front of others.
Business women do not know the hatred of subjugation, why do they not? How do you know she doesn't know? When you are sad, must the whole world be sad? Imposing our own values ​​on others is the stupidest thing in the world. We need the dead Tan Sitong and the living Kang Youwei.
Human beings yearn for a collective destination. No one can escape from society to survive. Everyone wants to live in a truly free society. I think it must be based on a benchmark without moral coercion.

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Extended Reading

The Hunt quotes

  • [subtitled version]

    Lucas: What are you saying? Have you got something to tell me?

    Agnes: Stop it, Lucas.

    Lucas: You want to tell me something?

    Theo: Relax, Lucas.

    Lucas: The whole town is listening. Tell me! What do you want to say?

    Agnes: Stop it, you fucking psychopath!

    Lucas: I want a word with Theo. Look into my eyes. Look me in the eyes. What do you see? Do you see anything? Nothing. There's nothing. There's nothing. You leave me alone now. You leave me alone now, Theo. Then I'll go. Thank you.

  • Marcus: Bunch of bastards! Bunch of fucking bastards!