Not bad eh

Dane 2022-03-21 09:01:17

Today, I showed you "The Mummy" 1 and 2 in one go. If I felt a little horrified when I watched 3 yesterday, I am really used to it today. When a mummy with closed eyes appeared in the camera and slowly approached, I knew that the next moment he would open his eyes and shout. So, it's not scary at all.
One of the scenes that touched me the most was that O'Connor and Immortal wanted to climb up at the same time. In the face of danger, O'Connor let Eve go first, but she ran to him desperately to pull him, and was finally saved; Immortal called Ansuna to save him, but she ran away cruelly, so she was frustrated. Immortal gave up the struggle, let go with tears and fell into a bunch of monsters, over. In contrast, the love between Imerton and Ansuna seemed so vulnerable. But the plots of the first and second two are more or less centered around Immortal wanting Ansuna to stay together after the resurrection, which seems to be even more ironic.
Regarding the scene of Immortal's death, I was wondering, if he didn't love Ansuna, would he not be so desperate, and then he might be able to climb up if he tried harder. It can be seen that a monster with weakness can't be so strong. It happens to be true from the opposite side, and if there is no desire, then be strong.

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The Mummy Returns quotes

  • Rick: [to Scorpion King] Go to hell, and take your friends with you!

  • Ardeth Bay: [on seeing Rick's tattoo] If I were to say to you, "I am a stranger traveling from the East, seeking that which is lost"...

    Rick: Then I would reply that, "I am a stranger traveling from the West. It is I whom you seek." How...

    Ardeth Bay: Then it is true. You have the sacred mark.

    Rick: What, that? No, that got slapped on me when I was in an orphanage in Cairo.

    Ardeth Bay: That mark means you're a protector of man, a warrior for God, a Medjai.

    Rick: I'm sorry. You've got the wrong guy.