The sky is reflected in the human affairs

Cleora 2022-11-26 13:15:47

In addition to showing that the greed of human nature is a real black hole, the black hole image throughout the film is a black Japanese flag, and Lenovo's 8.8 magnitude earthquake in Japan just happened. !

PS: black, the color of dying and dying; the national flag turns black, the whole nation is mourning and mourning

modern office: the symbol of the earth dominated by capitalism
Staff: the symbol of Western material civilization represented by the United States
Copy of black hole: the symbol of Japan
Safe : China's symbol

staff kicked the copier and spat out copies, symbolizing the earthquake that caused heavy casualties in Japan.
Staff holding black hole copy: the United States controls Japanese
staff to take cups through the black hole, chocolate: the West gets ill-gotten wealth through Japan, energy from the Middle East, chocolate: the source of energy for the body, the symbol of oil

Staff stick the black hole copy on the insurance On the cabinet: Western material civilization has smeared China, causing people to lose their morals. The form of Western material civilization was mainly passed on from Japan to China.

Staff keep taking cash from safes: Western society has borrowed Japan to steal wealth from China, and now it owes China a huge debt. The cash is tied with a red rope, the red is the color of China, and the cash tied with the red rope: the wealth of China. Safe: self-contained, closed and stubborn, difficult to break, a symbol of eastern civilization and China's ZHENJU; the meaning of insurance also indicates that China is the guardian and successor of human civilization on earth. The

black hole fax dropped from the safe door: Japan was wiped from the earth, meaning its demise; Eastern civilization got rid of Western material civilization, and morality was re-established.

Staff are locked in safes: Western material civilization is imprisoned and controlled by Eastern Dao civilization, Westerners are integrated into Eastern civilization, and the world is unified.

PS: When Japan was wiped out by the Eastern Dao civilization, it was the moment when Western material civilization ended.

--March 2011

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