find sin

Yvonne 2022-03-22 09:01:39

As a kind of thing attracting attention with new things, the best way is undoubtedly to shoot something that could not happen before. A little girl kills a pedophile, just in terms of subject matter, it is enough to attract people's attention. If the whole process has not splattered a few drops of blood, let alone a description of sex, then this film must use brilliant to describe.
One is Haili, a fourteen-year-old girl, who exudes innocence, and the other is Jeff, a thirty-two-year-old photographer who is mature and bottomless. The two met on the Internet and made an appointment in a coffee shop. When they met, Hailey was quickly attracted to Jeff as soon as they met, and took the initiative to be brought to the house by Jeff, and asked Jeff to take artistic photos for her. Hailey was about to "get hit", but after the two of them drank their first glass of wine, the overall situation changed drastically. It was already tied up with five flowers. At this time, Hai Li was no longer pure and sweet as when they first met. Instead, she was gloomy like a ruthless judge. At this moment, everything about him is on the line. In this layout that seems to be Jeff taking the initiative, Hailey is the real leader. In the first round of the contest, Jeff underestimated the enemy and failed.
The trapped Jeff still tried to resist with words. First, he used soft words to soothe Hailey, saying that if he let go of him now, he would not be held accountable. Of course, the mature Haili would not eat this set, but began to search through the boxes. Jeff's criminal evidence. It's a pity that Jeff's cleanliness is a bit abnormal, and there is nothing related to pornography in the home of a man who lives alone. This instead made Hailey more sure that Jeff was the kind of person she thought. After further searching, she found the safe he was hiding. Until Haley was about to open it, Jeff still tried to persuade Haley with the gentle means of dealing with the little girl, but failed again in Haley's evil scorn. In the second round, Jeff's failure made the same mistake, and she underestimated Hailey.
Hailey opened the safe with ease, and there really was a picture of a girl in it, and it was her friend. Hailey also appeared on the trip. This was not a prank, she was seeking revenge for her friend. But this move of hers obviously entered the restricted area in Jeff's heart, which would inevitably lead to violent resistance. Just when Hailey was proudly questioning him, he suddenly attacked, knocked Hailey over, found his own gun, and was ready to use it. Using force to subdue this bad girl was originally the best method. As the party with the dominant force, the best tactic is to use force to overcome skill. However, because he was still the bound party, even if he tried his best to resist, he was still knocked unconscious by Hailey. In this third round, Jeff found the right way, but unfortunately it was too late to resist, the best time had passed, it was not surprising to fail, and he would definitely be severely punished by Hailey.
The punishment is to castrate him. Jeff, who has exhausted all soft and hard measures, is almost desperate. He tells a story about his childhood, a story about being raped, and it seems that this is the source of his dark psychology. But when Hailey really did it, she shamelessly begged for mercy and screamed in pain, although he could no longer feel the ice. After the operation, Hailey left to take a shower, and he also broke free, only to find himself unscathed. Jeff, who was so angry, rushed into the bathroom, but still missed a move and was stunned by Hailey again. In the fourth round, Jeff was completely defeated, both mentally and physically.
Haley arranged the house so that Jeff committed suicide because of his uneasy conscience, and the reason for his suicide was child molestation. At this time, Jeff was not dead, he was just tied up as if he was hanging. She wanted others to save Jeff and at the same time ruin his reputation. And Hailey informed Jeff's unforgettable first love girlfriend, to extinguish his last hope for a better world. Jeff fought back again, broke free from the shackles, and really started a decisive battle with Hailey. At this time, he said to himself, evil and fierce, this is the real him, and sincerely said thank you. It's a pity that this is only for a moment, when his first love girlfriend appeared, he immediately wanted to change back to the Jeff in the eyes of people. And the only way to do it is to obey Haley's arrangement - suicide. In the fifth round, Jeff finally died in Haley's conspiracy.
The movie is narrated in a purely dramatic way. Every time a paragraph, when the emotion brews to an explosive climax, it transitions with a black scene, similar to the scene transition of a drama. The majority of shots are close-ups, and the requirements for actors and directors are almost harsh. Fortunately, the film is well completed and the actors' superb acting skills. In countless close-up shots, not only did they not have too much impact, but they became too much. It's boring, but it makes the whole film full of tension, and the whole viewing process is tense.
The conflict progressed layer by layer, and the psychological analysis was deepened step by step. In the end, Jeff's death also proved the hypocrisy of the real world. People admit their sins, but they refuse to accept them. It is better to die than to be a good person. This idea has been used by countless "great men" to create countless martyrs, and this is exactly the absurdity that the film aims to expose.

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Hard Candy quotes

  • Jeff Kohlver: Ah, so you and your mom are both wacked?

    Hayley Stark: I dunno. There's that whole nature versus nurture question, isn't it? Was I born a cute, vindictive little bitch or... did society make me that way? I go back and forth on that...

  • Hayley Stark: I guess they, uh, weren't brass.