Manuel (Bruno, the actor with curly hair): It was a challenge to represent the immaturity of Bruno's character. At first the two of them were in a similar situation and had similar ideas about life.
Lucas (Pablo): They chatted with each other and realized they had similar tastes. It is very natural to start interacting with each other, but it is a very normal kind of communication.
Mercedes (actor of Laura): Bruno and Pablo start getting to know each other, forming a relationship where Laura is not.
Manuel: The relationship between the two characters slowly comes, getting close to each other, wanting to be friends, Bruno starts seducing Pablo... Every time you come and I go further, until the central issue is no longer the girlfriend Laura, but the man in front of her, had a transformation.
Lucas: They were very simple, and out of that simplicity, out of everything they shared with each other, this friendship turned into love.
Marco (Director!!!): The movie is a little deceptive, at first you might feel like you're watching a movie where a guy tries to get his ex-girlfriend back, but that's not the real plot. What the movie shows is that Bruno goes into the "I'm going to seduce this man, he's going to fall in love with me, and he's going to leave her", and then it all happens, but at the same time: he's in love with Pablo too! When he realizes this, realizes that it's not a fool's errand, he finds that the relationship he's built with Pablo is stronger and deeper than the relationship he's trying to restore with Laura.
Lucas: They didn't realize that there was a deeper emotion in the friendship they formed.
Manuel: Bruno was a double standard throughout the entire process of manipulating the relationship, until he lost control of the relationship.
Lucas: Pablo realizes what happened to himself as the friendship develops.
Marco: (The plot of the movie is) How a man plays with his feelings and falls into his own trap.
Lucas: The director said something very important to me - the process of making this movie is better than the process of writing this book.
Marco: The story isn't autobiographical, it's just a situation I know of. Like the sexual tension between a gay and a straight, this is what happened to me. There are always some tempting moments...
Mercedes (Laura): I'm a good friend of marco, we worked on the short film blablabla...
Marco: There's nothing wrong with it, yes, it's a story between two men, But there's no need to go under the banner of comradeship. It was just two men who fell in love, and no one died because of it, and they didn't affect anyone else. Just that (two men fall in love). It's kind of weird as a grown man to decide to seduce another guy, "We're two adults, just pretend to be my boyfriends", doesn't it sound weird right? So Bruno's approach to Pablo is childish, like they went back to being 12, and when you're 12, you don't really have a sense of gender, everything is childish. People's friendships at 12 are more like love than friendship. At that time your friends were like your boyfriends and girlfriends.
Manuel: When you know where you are in a "game", you put a lot of your real stuff into it. The reality is that you actually want that, just disguised as a game. There's clearly something in the game that projects what Bruno's character lacks in reality. [Interestingly, this divine theory is also applicable to these two actors, refer to the following ways of knowing and acting]
Marco: Behaviors like making excuses to ask for kisses and exchange gifts are pure love! You could say it's an American romantic comedy. Starting from Shakespeare, the bad ending is tragedy, the good ending is comedy, so it can be called comedy. But with the depth and density of the development of the relationship between the two characters, you can't really say that you're watching a comedy movie from start to finish. The movie has some pretty dramatic scenes. My original idea was completely different, it was a love triangle story, and Laura's role was also very important. Originally, the movie started with a wedding, and the bride and groom were interrupted by a man blablabla. But I realized that the game would have been more intimate if Laura's character wasn't involved, a secret between two straight men. So I followed that path, with my personal experience of course, like they were coaxed and kissed at a party. Describing the completion of a script is difficult. When you sit down and start writing, all kinds of ideas come in. You know how you want to end, but naturally there are other ideas along the way.
The actors of PLAN B, Manuel and Lucas, I met them in '07 when they were doing a black and white short film called Una ultima voluntad. I was going to do this short with an actor friend, but he was busy and he recommended Lucas to me.
Lucas: They asked me again if I had any actor friends. I already knew Manuel - we met on a film in '04.
Manuel: Lucas and I, kind of like "work mates," always have to work together every once in a while.
Lucas: Marco likes the cooperation between Manuel and I in the short film very much [Considering the content of the short film and the two of them still have a kiss, the director will admit that you are their Xipi fan]
Marcos: They perform very well together. There is a strong chemical reaction between them. Then I made "The Conversation Watch", and then I planned to make "Plan B". The characters are of similar age to theirs. I decided to use Manuel from the beginning, and he is also one of the main characters in the short film. Then he suggested to me: "Why not let Lucas play Pablo? Since they are all friends, and the previous short film cooperation was very smooth." I said: "Yeah!!!"
Lucas: Marco called me and I said yes. I read the script and felt that the energy of the script was very positive.
Manuel: The film is built on an ongoing relationship, and there are a lot of situations -- I believe -- that if Lucas or someone else I've trusted to play it, we'd win a lot. Some of the rehearsals required for progression will be faster. [Do you just want to speed up the progress?] Because there are very important things involved.
Marco: At first I thought it was weird to have the actors repeating, it's a couple in the short film and another couple in the full movie, it's weird. But then I said to myself: No! Obviously this is better. The same two actors reunite in different novel settings. [It's not for nothing to say that you are the king of dog blood.] Then I found Lucas, and the progress was very good. I showed him the script, read the script together, and analyzed the script. Because it is an official movie, there are doubts and contents worth discussing. More. Both of them decided to star, and then we started filming. They turned out to be an amazing duo [duo: duo/two person always stay together], and the chemistry between them was peculiar, which luckily helped make the film a success.
Manuel: This movie is not just a movie, it's a project we all do together. The bond between us is more important than the movie itself. 【The bond between me and lucas is more important than the movie itself (。・∀・)ノ゙]
Marco: Indeed, it may involve their personal lives. Both of them are heterosexual. But they can also be GAY. I didn't deliberately find straight men to play. Personal life and novels are separate. If I'm making a movie tomorrow and an actor robs and kills ten people, that doesn't mean the actor would do it in real life. To me their personal lives are completely none of my business, whoever is married or has a boyfriend can do whatever they want.
Manuel: The first thing that came to my mind was that I actually received a proposal for a similar movie character before and turned it down. I don't feel like that idea. A really good idea, if I go along with it - I'd be inspired, you have to understand - actors build their careers, and what I realize from actors I respect and love is - it's not just about learning How to play, how to expand a role, how to find a seat, etc. The key is to plan your career well [This paragraph does not give questions, it is directly the answer to the above paragraph, the main guess is that the question is "the audience's React, don't worry about people questioning your sexuality" or something like that. Guess the meaning of Curly Hair's response is: Acting in a relatively unique movie is also a very important part of an actor's career]
Marco: If you want to find a comrade to play just because there is a kiss scene, others should say it's not mine. Don't make assumptions about what an actor can and cannot do.
Lucas: It's about the audience's reaction. . . Considering they are all used to seeing me on TV. . . The characters are also very different to be in such an independent film, eh, I don't know, I hope they'll take it happily. . . were able. . . I have no idea. . . I love that this movie proves that "you can let go and play such a different character". [I didn't add the punctuation marks randomly, but Lucas did stop and hesitate all the time. It can be seen that he was still a little scared by the audience's reaction... So it was natural to avoid suspicion later on.]
Marco: Acting as the opposite of himself, like Manuel And Lucas is straight and plays gay. Of course they have to be straight, because I haven't seen gay actors who have come out openly. You might get a chance to work on a romantic comedy with Sandra Bullock by hiding in the closet~ Divided into six to eight small segments, the different situations are divided by the buildings in Buenos Aires.
Photographer: They live in a very natural style with as few furniture and appliances as possible.
Marco: For modern audiences, to be precise, for audiences who can understand the love between two men, the appearance of buildings like this for 10 seconds in the film is very boring, and many people criticized it as dead times. Why not give the two more tension and describe their relationship for a longer time. But this is because the film is also intended for heterosexual audiences, not just gays, or even primarily gays. Because comrades already know what their relationship is like, how to know a person, and how hard it is. But heterosexuals don't know this "falling in love with another man" feeling.
Photographer: Having a lot of long takes is Marco's suggestion.
Marco: What is the purpose of the building shot. It's like cooking, simmering over low heat.
Cinematographer: Marco knows very well what the shining point of this film is - being in control of the actors and the timing between them. So when we shoot long takes without cuts, it's the actor's performance that controls everything. You don't even realize to call cut.
Manuel: It's a gift to work like this - to take these long shots without cuts. I have a lot of experience in the film industry, and making a film is usually not like making a Plan B. Usually it's a constant call to cut, and a lot of times there's no rival actor around, so I just act like that, and my rival actor does the same, and then all these things get edited together. That kind of work is hard because you don't know what you're doing either. [God Tucao] So there is this opportunity to be able to work like this - quietly, everyone is watching, the tension is not only growing in the script. I think this way of working, just for me, is very rewarding, and I love it. Truly a godsend.
Photographer: The tension between the characters is very strong, so we have to create an environment where they feel comfortable.
Marco: Yeah, nothing happened to the audience in those 10 seconds. But they can think about how things are going in those 10 seconds with the characters, so that when they see the end of the film, the audience can understand. That's why an 80-year-old man came to me after watching a movie and said, "The movie is so good, now I can understand the love of two men." I think I gave the audience enough time to digest the progress in their own way. all of these.
Photographer: I try to create the most natural environment possible. For example, the weather in the movie and the relationship between the two are linked. As the weather slowly gets colder, their relationship becomes deep, and they realize what's happening to them. In the movie, they go from outdoor to indoor [kiss1 Viktor Terrace Party→Indoor after kiss2 party→kiss3 Curly House→All kinds of co-sleep Hei Chang Naojia], the interior gives people a sense of privacy and intimacy. Let them live that way together without interruption. You don't even see any furniture in the movie. The interruption is even less visible, which I think does the trick.
Marco: The TV show in the movie is called "Blind". A lot of people who watched the movie looked for the series online and wanted to know where it was. Well, the series doesn't actually exist. It's a short short filmed by my friend and I, the scene of two men walking like that, and the one behind is me. Then he walked up the stairs and looked up, that was me! This is my little joke.
Cinematographer & Marco: This is a completely independent film. We didn't want to get money from the Motion Picture Association to do it. This movie really tells you what an independent film is like. . . For example, blind is actually a short video of my friend. . For example, all the crew and actors on the set are my personal friends. . . We made movies and drank beer.
Cinematographer: I met marco in college, and we studied film together, starting with his first short, Una ultima voluntad, and working with him on every film since.
Producer: The fact that we are all friends makes it very enjoyable for everyone, and the discussion of ideas for the film is very free. This made the whole shooting experience great.
Mercedes (Laura): The whole movie was made by a group of friends. Really great. We've had some experience working on short films together, and not just as an actor-director relationship. For example, I worked with Lucas on a short film, when Marco was the art director. . Well, we're like a big family anyway.
Marco: I filmed Plan B in 2008, and I met these people in the crew in 2005. The entire crew hardly changed, maybe one or two.
Mercedes (Laura): This is helpful. I feel like everyone speaks the same language.
Producer: In the end, I became friends with the entire show. Marco and I will go to each other's birthday parties.
Photographer: We trust each other. I will follow his vision. We have been working together for a long time, which is a good thing.
Producer: Money should never be the limiting factor in the path of artistic creation. Don't give up an artistic idea just because of lack of money.
Photographer: I think it's a good thing to work like that. When you have budget constraints, time constraints, you will come up with positive solutions that will surprise yourself. .
Marco: The filming started in October 2008 and finished in January or February.
Lucas: It's not like making a formal movie. It's like shooting 4 short films. We never feel tired.
Manuel: We finished the film, and the first goal was achieved.
Lucas: Our expectation is that the film will be released, at least in Argentina, in some independent theaters.
Manuel: I said to myself "don't expect too much, that's all, no more." I stopped thinking about the movie and let it go its own way, a fun and surprising way. It surprises me, but it has a life of its own and I have to let it go by itself.
Producer: Plan B shows that high-quality movies can be made on a low budget.
Manuel: One of the obvious contributions of this film, not to the film industry, but to -- the audience no longer feels that same-sex relationships are impossible for the average person, a person who never thought about the possibility It is also possible. [Really well said]
Lucas: Filmmaking is a courtesy to all Argentine actors. It would be great if I could continue on this path.
Manuel: Generally, the audience for a movie is targeted. For example, this film is aimed at gay audiences who may find empathy in the film. What we're trying to do is not to make these viewers feel empathy, but to try to make those viewers who are not gay think. From this perspective, I think the film has made a huge contribution.
Marco: It's impossible to know whether this movie will be a major work. We are still in the moment. Perhaps in another ten years, Plan B will be an important part of this new generation of films, with a face that is different from the past, more popular, discards the over-critical, and uses only small things - light changes, actors, emotions to see It's complicated to go up, and you can admit it's quite different. It's a love story between two men, and it's reinventing -- childhood toys and classics from 80s strangers. I think its contribution is a fresher state of being with friends, writing screenplays, finishing films. It's all going well for this movie alone.
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