Everyone's a liar!

Anya 2022-12-06 16:12:39

It is rumored that this is a combination of GG and DH.
Finally finished watching the first season, my head is messy to death.

Can't say the plot is very reasonable.
That A is too magical.
Anyone who doubts will die, and I don't know how to play it in the end.
Spencer is a very smart and beautiful girl, but because she is too smart, people think she has paranoia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and a shadow in her heart. And the dialogue at the end of the dying struggle in the clock tower made it seem like she was hiding something. When I first watched it, I thought she had a habit of robbing her sister.
Hanna is an inspirational girl who has successfully lost weight. When she saw her, she thought of Caroline in VD, and now she likes the curly blond mushroom. She's a very comfortable girl, generous, self-conscious, mother-loving, and likable in every way.
Emily has a perfect figure, with long legs and big eyes, but her eyes are always frightened and timid, which may be related to another reason for her. I love her first girlfriend, Maya, who made Em dare to reveal her alter ego. By the way, Em's second girlfriend seems to be Rebecca, the vampire ancestor in VD.
Aria is what I hate the most. I hate her appearance. I hate that she loses her temper every time she doesn't understand things, and when she gets angry, she doesn't give others room and space to talk about a lot of things. In the end, she made Mr.fitz very bad. confused. Moreover, the relationship between teachers and students is so dangerous, and they always play small and don't care about each other's feelings.
As for A, there are always people wearing gloves in the film, but do people with such magical secrets really exist? A seems to be a group of people. How could one person make things so complicated.
Continue to pay attention to who A will end up being.

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