The Presidential Killing Bureau: The Democratic Chaos of Foreign Forces

Gideon 2022-03-21 09:01:34

In fact, the literal translation of the title "The Ides of March" means "March 15th", which can be "March Wangsun" in classical Chinese. The English word "ides" is the 15th day of March, May, July, and October in the ancient Roman calendar, and the 13th day of the rest of the months. March is March, and the title of the film is naturally "March 15th". Ides is the way of the ancient Roman calendar, which is equivalent to Chinese classical Chinese here. The fifteenth day of the month is named separately. In fact, China also has it. In classical Chinese, "wang" refers to the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, and "shuo" refers to the first day of the lunar calendar. Su Shi said at the beginning of "Qian Chibi Fu", "In the autumn of Renxu, as soon as July is seen, Su Zi and the guest are boating and swimming under the Chibi." , he and his guests went boating in Chibi on July 16th. Since it means to pass, it means to look forward to the day after the second day, which is the 16th day. On the fifteenth day of the sixteenth full moon, on the night of the full moon, Su Shi "raised the wine as a guest, recited the poem of the bright moon, and sang the chapter of graceful songs", and had a good night.

The fifteenth day of March in "The Ides of March" also has allusions in the West, because this day is the day of the assassination of Julius Caesar. On March 15, he was assassinated, and this day became a famous day. In Shakespeare's The Death of Caesar, a prophet tells Caesar to "beware of March 15." So "The Ides of March" as the title is a symbol, alluding to some kind of intrigue and intrigue in the dispute.

"March 15th" was paraphrased into the story of "Total Killing", which directly aimed at the behind-the-scenes behind the presidential election, and revealed human weaknesses such as betrayal, greed, and hypocrisy. Director and star George Clooney has always been very interested in politics, and has always been dissatisfied with the Republican Party. It was rumored that he would run for president around 2008. And "President Killing Bureau" also puts the story background on the 2004 US election. When it comes to George Clooney's political preferences, he is particularly concerned about the Sudan issue in Africa. On March 16, 2012, at 8:45 local time in the United States, George Clooney demonstrated in front of the Sudanese Embassy in Washington, D.C. and was arrested. This incident made him famous, and before he took the risk, took an AK27 straight to South Sudan, and voted for South Sudan's independence. He also co-founded charitable projects focused on resolving crises and military conflicts in Sudan and eastern Congo. Moreover, he also pays attention to China's political situation and expresses his dissatisfaction with China's current rulers. In 2008, he was also a leading figure in linking human rights issues to the Beijing Olympics, and he was a major sponsor of the Beijing Olympics. exerted pressure and once slandered China with vicious words.

In fact, it is not only China that he slandered. In "The Presidential Killing Bureau", his deconstruction of the US presidential election and his mockery of power are not small at all. The story first describes the image of a dazzling presidential candidate, and then analyzes the entire election through the perspective of the media spokesperson in the campaign team, and the filth and strife behind the presidential campaign team that looks hopeful to outsiders. Once it was revealed, in it, all the glorious images were hooked down one by one and became sinister.

The movie was broadcast in 2011, and the script had been prepared as early as 2007. Because of the election of Obama in 2008, George Clooney postponed the movie in order not to cause confusion for Obama and to avoid speculation. Then it moved to 2011, and it didn't mess with the 2012 election. Because after watching "The President's Killing Bureau", I am no longer interested in Western democracy, and I can no longer be full of expectations and admiration. These foreign forces, what they are playing, are no longer a political game, but a game of power.

However, I still say that, no matter how Americans criticize their own political system, how they deconstruct and ridicule the political operation of their own country, it is their own business, and it does not show the dark side of politics. On the contrary, the fact that they can freely criticize the politics of their own country is already a great progress, and their political life is not worthy of being portrayed like CCTV, lest others not know that we are unhappy. It is precisely because of their political clarity that deliberately provocative works are produced to create the opposite of political clarity, so as to create a sense of dramatic conflict. Just like the public security in Hong Kong, it is first-class in the world, but the "police and bandit films" in Hong Kong have always been very popular. If you only watch movies, you really think that Hong Kong is full of gun battles and security risks everywhere. The real situation is just the opposite. This can only be said to be the self-confidence of the local culture. It is not afraid of you to create conflicts at all. That kind of conflict on the screen can just remind everyone how to guard against it in life.

If George Clooney criticized the ugliness of democracy in foreign powers and became the banner of the left and the left, then that would be a real idiot. The enemy of the enemy is not necessarily our friend. Clooney's harshness towards China has proved this, and it can only prove that Clooney is a person who really cares about politics, and he can't stand all political darkness, whether it is us or the United States.

However, "Total Killing" is a pretty good film no matter what, the political conflict in it and the dramatic reversal of the plot are quite good. Moreover, even as a film criticizing Western democracy, it can also be used as a reference for the operation of democracy, so that the situation in the film occurs in the real democratic process.

Imagine the text I learned in middle school, "Running for Governor", the author is Mark Twain, the master of short stories. I remember that in class, the teacher gave a good analysis of the Western democratic system and led us to criticize the hypocrisy and filth of Western politics. dirty. But come to think of it, Mark Twain lived in a time when he was free to criticize the politics of his own country. And we still can't even now, so, are others really falling behind, or are we making false progress? Not to mention.

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The Ides of March quotes

  • [first lines]

    Stephen Meyers: I'm not a Christian. I'm not an Atheist. I'm not Jewish. I'm not Muslim. My religion, what I believe in is called the Constitution of United States of America.

  • Stephen Meyers: I can't find the goddamn polls!